Whirlwind Missions

Friday, April 14, 2023

Podcast! Red Thread! Team Prep! 4.14.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm  

Crazy talk.

These guys are nuts.

Walked 1.27 miles.

Listened to podcasts in Spanish.

Tried to cancel this. Not sure what to do now. Apparently, they’re having a hard time getting it here even though it’s marked as shipped.



I worked on the cookbook project today. Got the address. Labeled the package and got it into the mail.

Went to Al Madina to confirm they were open and make an order for my team of 12 people. Glad I did. Even though I talked with one of the workers this week and he assured me they would be open, the sign clearly said otherwise.

The place was shut up tight. We will go to Indian food at Masala instead. I preferred that anyway!

Recorded and release a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Childlike.”

Rained hard today. Remnants of the storm that clobbered Florida.

Rare plate here.

Several months ago, Everly tore the red thread off my arm. Seeing that this is a holy time for Christianity, Judaism and Islam I thought it was a good time to put on a new one. I got it from Jerusalem when I was there.

I brought my projector home with me yesterday. Today, I hooked it up to my computer and made sure everything was working perfectly, which it was.

I’ll achieve my goal of going over 10,000 points this week, but doubt I’ll make it in the top three. NBD.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Rain! Anthony! Azalea! Team Prep! 4.13.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:55 pm  

This interests me, but I doubt I’ll go all the way to NY just to see it.



Rained pretty hard while we were at Azalea.

Walked 1.27 miles.

I took my bag of dog food down my hill and put it in my storage can along with the bird seed.

Left a message with the arthritis doctor’s staff. Couldn’t get the information that I needed. I’ll call again tomorrow.

Worked on the clock again. It fell off the wall when Everly shut/slammed the door.

Made some sandwiches for J.

Had a fun chat with Anthony.

Listened to a podcast from Spain.

Had a good talk with my Mom.

I made photocopies of a lot of my Mom’s favorite recipes. I’ll send them to my Aunt Barbara soon.

(Nana, these were the only two I did not make a copy of due to the page not being completely flat and wouldn’t go through the machine properly. I’m not even sure if they were needed.)

Too rainy to do the after school program today. I had finished almost all of the kid’s homework with them earlier this week. I had two parties for the kids this week. PLUS we’ll have a team on Saturday!

Everly went with me to get the rest of the equipment I needed in my office in preparation for the team coming on Saturday. I’ll set up the projector with my laptop at home to make sure everything is ready to go and then put it together on Saturday before the team gets to the church. I wouldn’t leave all that stuff set up without it being securely locked up.

I was glad that K got to come with me to the mission today. She had fun playing with Penelope.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Nana to Airport! Pizza Party @ Azalea! Bank! 4.12.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:07 pm  

Got up at 6:15 AM this morning to get ready to take Nana to the airport.


Cool this morning.

Got to the airport with perfect timing.

Wheelchair access is fast.

I liked this.

You can track everything on the web.

I’ll miss my Mama!

Good flying weather back to Austin.

In all I probably walked around three miles today, most of it pushing a wheelchair.

Headed to the mission after the airport.

Got to Chamblee and walked about 2.05 miles while I studied Spanish.

Took a shower and rested for a couple of hours. Didn’t feel like I ever went to sleep, but still helped. Amen.

Listened to some podcasts from Spain.

Dig this.


Got some McDonalds for the kids. They didn’t eat too much. I thought the fries sucked.

I did the candy throw for the little kids yesterday. I had a pizza party for the middle school today. Went to the Dollar Tree to get supplies and Lil Caesars for pizza. Picked up three cheese and three pepperoni pizzas. I let the big kids go first then let everyone else have some.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Ajmain and Adit came to help again.

Looking forward to wearing these.

Went to my office to get the mail, process checks, and bring supplies up from my storage area to the conference room next to my office. I have a team on Saturday. Looking forward to that.

Got gas and added some oil. I’m hoping to get it changed on Friday. We’ll see. A lot of times T and G gets super busy and can’t work it in for hours.

Went to pick up my groceries. Unfortunately, when I got my replacement phone it put the wrong Walmart from where I usually go. Had to drive an extra fifteen minutes each way to get my stuff. Bahd luck.

Deposited checks.

I haven’t had this much competition in a long time. Several hard workers.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Azalea Easter Party! Penelope & Nana! 4.11.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:48 pm  



Nana and I drove over to the Mission this morning to be with Penelope. She’s still on antibiotics and wasn’t supposed to be out much. We enjoyed Waffle House.

Love these girls SO MUCH!

Penelope’s art work is fantastic.

Good times.

I went to Walmart to get candy for the Easter candy throw.

Deposited checks.

Walked 1.25 miles in Chamblee.

Got Nana checked in with her flight.

Nana, Penelope and I went to Taco Veloz. Delicious. While we were there I thought about my good friend Rollin Hooper. He’s another MK from Nairobi. I immediately gave him a call. We had such a good visit. My Mom and Rollin really do love each other.

I welcomed the kids off the bus and told them we were having the Easter egg hunt and candy throw asap. Great fun.

Everyone got a ton of candy. One of the kids told me he to 97 pieces. So funny he counted it. Of course my girls got a lot.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework.

I had a couple of the kids from the old days come to visit.

Got in touch with another buddy of mine who’s like a brother to me.

Cleaned and put more superglue on K’s glasses. They still work. I used super glue, super glue fixer (makes the glue harden immediately) and super glue remover to do the job.

Ordered groceries.

We are testing out depositing money directly.

I found this sentence interesting.

Today while I was waiting for the bus, I had a long conversation with three of the construction guys working on the new apartments across the street from Azalea. They were all from Agua Calientes in Mexico. They asked me if I was a gringo. When I said no, they started naming cities in Mexico where they thought I might be from. I only realized this evening how wild that is! I told them that I was from Nairobi, Kenya.

Competition always starts out strong. It’s interesting for me to see how it shakes out.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Nana to Patel Brothers! BHFM! Azalea! 4.10.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:56 pm  

Came in #3 this week. I’ve actually been in the Top 3 fifty-three times.

Listened to a podcast in Spanish and looked up some words.


Cloudy and cool.


Interesting clouds while I walked 1.25 miles.

Took my Mom on Safari to Clarkston, Decatur and the BHFM! Fantastic Indian food at Masala at the Patel Brothers shopping center.

Her sweet favorite Vietnamese coffee.

I sent my phone back to ATT today. Had to get a receipt of shipping at the Post Office. It was so weird, I went into the lobby and no customers were there. I thought that was awesome. Then I realized there were also no Post Office Employees either! What?! I rang the bell. Buzzer. Yelled. Finally, someone came up from around the back. Super bizarre.

The buildings across from Azalea continue to evolve.

Nana and I took Everly to Chic-Fil-A. Penelope had to stay in with her Dad. They’re still both contagious.

We took a tour of the Huntley Hills are where Everly goes to school.

Then back to Azalea.

The little Pink Magnolia seems to be doing well after her transplant.

I helped the kids with their homework. Nana stayed outside with me.

My house went up in value by $25,000 last year. It increased my taxes by about $100/month.

The grass was getting high because of the birdseed and the rain. Had to hoe that stuff down.

Over 2.25″ of rain last couple of days.

Seems like the week always starts with a lot of effort by people. I just make about the same amount every day.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter! Ashley, Nana & Everly! 4.9.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:12 pm  

Happy EASTER! He’s not dead! He is risen!

Keep working.

A couple of my favorite Spanish podcasts.

Always new words.


Walked 1.28 miles.

Put new batteries into Everly’s camera.

Miles and Penelope went to the doctor. They both got on medicine and have to stay home for at least one day.

Egg hunt for Everly.

Great to have Ashley and Nana here!

Beautiful weather. Little on the cool side for me.

Got my Medicare card in. Amen.

Added windshield wiper fluid to my car.

Picked up Thai food for lunch.

My new raccoon shirt came in. Everly helped me pick it out.

Should come in #3 on Duolingo this week.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Penelope! NKE! Podcast! Iphone! 4.8.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:53 pm  

I got my replacement iPhone for my 11 Pro Max yesterday. Spent a couple of hours loading everything on my old phone onto my new one. Apple makes it easy.

Everything is backed up and then put on the new phone.

I’m enjoying listening to these podcasts in Spanish.



I went for a walk and got caught in the rain. K came to get me.

Penelope had a 102 degree temperature this morning. I helped set up an appointment for Miles to take her to the doctor. Unfortunately, they didn’t take his insurance. They’ll go in tomorrow instead.

Nana, K, Everly, and I went to M&J for lunch.

Sewed a hole up in my map jacket.

Set up an appointment with my buddy Matt Johns for April 20th.

I used my new phone a whole day to verify everything is ok. I zeroed my old one out to factory settings. Boxed it up and got it ready to take to the Post Office on Monday.

I’ll have to get a shipping and tracking receipt to prove to them I sent it in.

Released Verbal Surgery “Splash Damage.” today.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Grandgirls! ENT! Replacement iPhone! 4.7.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  


Most of the rain was north of us.


Everly and Penelope being Nana’s doctor.


Walked 1.27 miles.

Packages for Ashley!

Miles came by today to see the girls and bring Everly more of her antibiotic.

Everly took a nap a little later.

Took Jessi to the ENT doctor. He thinks that she is having allergy problems. Gave us some ideas what to do to help.

Nana and I went to Goodwill with the girls. We got a few other little things. Then went to Brewsters for ice cream.

I got my replacement phone in today.

It’s pretty straightforward to get the information transferred. Weirdly, Duolingo is taking the longest to get in place.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Nana! PE! Walmart! Birthdays! 4.6.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  

Good to see my new phone on the way. Tired of this dimming problem.

Good medicine for K.

Radio from Spain.


I back up my iPhone every day. When I get my new one in, it should be almost identical.

The girls have enjoyed playing with their new toys.


Cloudy and warm.



Good 1.73 mile walk.

My nemesis.

Vacuumed the house.

Blew the driveway.

LT for lunch.

Birthday party!


My water hose burst. They’re so crappy now. This was the fifth time to replace this hose.

Called the doctor’s office to doublecheck that we were scheduled for tomorrow at the ENT appointment.

Penelope’s eyes were stinging. She’s been fighting a fever for the last several days.

Two of my little rose bushes are blooming.

Ordered some new sunglasses. Not sure where I lost my other pair. Weird.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Nana! Grandgirls! Dollar Tree! 4.5.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:47 pm  


I got in touch with my buddy Dan yesterday. He just got back from Antarctica.

Listened to a podcast from Spain.

Glad to hear the girls all slept well!

Nana had gifts for them!


Penelope drew some pictures for Nana while we were waiting for our food at Waffle House.

Went to the Dollar Tree to buy art supplies and toys.

Getting hot!

Got my tax return signed and sent back in.

Just keep going!

Gassed up my car and checked the oil.

Penelope was running a fever. Went to Walmart to get her some ibuprofen. She also has a sore throat.

She seemed better after the medicine kicked in.

My phone has been having a problem where it dims when I get outside. It’s almost unusable! I called the insurance and I’m having the phone replaced with another one the same model. I may upgrade my phone to another eventually, but this way I’ll give the newer one to Kathy.

The girls have fun playing with Nana.

K and Penelope are quite the pair.


Fun day. Glad Penelope was feeling better.

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