Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Anthony! Airport! Nana! Azalea Family! 4.4.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:26 pm  

Six years! Nearly three years straight!

Big day for Trump.

Interesting words.


Español! Giant competition this week.

Good talk with my buddy Anthony. He always makes me laugh.


Walked 1.25 miles.

Listened to La Ventana in Spanish.

Went to Hartsfield-Jackson Airport (ATL) today to pick up my Mom. She flew in on Southwest from Austin, TX.

Talked to the folks at the desk at Southwest. Got my gate pass to go through to security and on to Gate C6. I once walked the entire length of just the Domestic Terminal. Want to guess how far it was?
Over 6 MILES.

Picked up the wheelchair for my Mom. Only in Merica.

It’s the busiest airport in the world.

I used an app to track my Mom’s flight from Texas. Literally showed me where the plane was at all times.

Till it pulled up to the gate.

I got my Mom a praline from Savannah Sweets. They’re her favorite.

GREAT to have her back!

Happy Reunion!

We had the girls come spend the night with us. Stopped at my office to check the mail and water my tree.

Good hugs.


I hope Nana sleeps ok with the girls in the bed with her.

Reading this post you may have noticed that I started going with the L size pictures rather than the S size. I think I like the bigger ones better. See more detail. Interesting how my taste changes. The pictures may be too large on some monitors. Another detail to explore.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Everly! Bank! Goodwill! 4.3.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:30 pm  

Finished in the top three.



Cooler today.

I went to Azalea to watch the kids for Spring Break. Sadly, Everly was still running a temperature so I didn’t stay. I was afraid of getting sick and getting my
Mom sick. Sure did make me sad. I knew the girls would be terribly disappointed. Later I saw Everly had taken a nap. GREAT to see that. She’ll go into the doctor tomorrow morning at 8:45 am.

Listened to radio from Spain.

Went to my office to check the mail. Processed checks. Then went to the bank to deposit them.

I was waiting for this email from Southwest about Nana’s flight to the ATL tomorrow. I had to wait until 2:05 PM to print out the confirmation.

Jessi did a cleaning of our pantry cupboards. I packed everything up and took it to Goodwill this morning.

I need to get the oil changed in my car. Called T&G about it. It’ll have to wait. They’re packed out.

Called Ashley so I could talk to the girls about missing today. We were all super sad about it. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

I got this Van Gogh shirt yesterday. It was too big. I sent it back.

Got my Mom’s ticket printed out. Sent and email to my brother so she could print it for her.

Lots of people started out hard today. We’ll see if they last.

I’m watching a show from Colombia set in the 1850s called Las Villamizar on Netflix. It’s about three sisters who want revenge for Spanish soldiers killing their mother. I’m really enjoying it. In Spanish.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Walk! Bike! Plants! 4.2.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  

Passover starts this Wednesday.



Walked 1.64 miles.

Looks like my wisteria is hanging in there.

Cleaned the microwave.

Rode my bike 6.96 miles.

I liked this flag from Guatemala. I have one on my bike.

Listening to El Faro, a podcast from Cadena Ser in Spain.

Always learning new words.

Up close vulture.

Had Thai Sweet Basil for lunch.

Watered my plants.

Also watered my upstairs plants.

Cut my fingernails and K’s toenails.

Looks like I’ll come in #3 this week. Good competition.

Watched the movie Uncharted tonight.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Thunderstorms! Español! Bike! Podcast! 4.1.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:29 pm  


I will probably take my plants outside tomorrow. We’ll see. Maybe give it another week. We usually wait till Easter.

Walked 1.70 miles.

Research on Jessi’s hearing aid.

Powerful thunderstorms blew through. Sure made me glad I had those branches cut off.

Listening to podcasts in Spanish.


Cleared off enough to ride this afternoon. Very windy.

Released episode -1010- “No Downside.”

Should be in the Top 3. We’ll see.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Ear Doctor! John Wick! 3.31.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:29 pm  

First time I’ve seen deer at my feeders in the evening. Cool! Hope they come back.



Took Jessi to the ear doctor today. We thought Dr. Tirono was very good. We go back in three weeks to check on how well the bone conduction implant will work.

Here are the pictures of the ear drums.

Nice weather although it sprinkled on me coming home.

I really enjoyed John Wick 4. So good. Sad ending.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

El Faro! Walk! Cherry Blossom! Bike! 3.30.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:44 pm  

Last night I discovered the Cadena Ser app. It has a LOT of different podcasts on it. Makes it way better for listening practice than just on the live radio. Most to the time they’re covering a soccer game when I’m listening.



One of the big hills on my walk.

I trimmed the growing tip of my cherry blossom tree. I’m going to try and keep it below the height of the telephone wire.

It does have some flowers!

Cleaned off my tools and lubricated them with WD 40 after using them to plant the pink magnolia at Azalea. Cleaned my shoes.

Swept the kitchen.


The azaleas look beautiful.

Rode 5.89 miles. My stomach was really cramping. Probably ate too much for lunch. Cut the ride short because it started getting dark.

Swept the kitchen.

I enjoy seeing the pileated woodpecker.

Lunch with K.

Spanish jokes.

Pizza for J.

Tight competition.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Español! Walk! PE! Bank! 3.29.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:42 pm  

Glad to have the Medicare stuff squared away.



Scrubbed my shoes.

Walked 2.05 miles. So beautiful outside.


I had a good talk with Pat today. She’s going through some challenging times.

Grandgirls helped me clean the opening into the kitchen. It’s basically their gym. There’s a pull up bar at the top and then they climb the opening with one leg on one side and one on the other.

We normally do drive through when we go to Chic-fil-a. Today, I said we could have a picnic there. Perfect weather for it.

Helped the kids at the mission. I’m teaching some of the 5th grader boys some 6th grader math.

Cooler day. I needed an extra jacket. I left it at the house. VERY unlike me. I usually have a back up for my back up.

Listened to the Faro podcast in Spanish from Madrid.

Picked up the groceries. I still don’t understand why people don’t use the pick up. Saves SO much time.

Deposited checks. Amen.

Challenging group this week.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Trey & David! Pink Magnolia! AZ! 3.28.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm  


Español! Walked 1.29 miles.

Got through to my SSA agent today. He was very helpful.

Told my insurance guy about the progress.

Chatted with my treasurer Jon Paul about when we started with Paychex.

Had a great lunch with my friends from NAMB Trey and David. We ate at the Buford Highway Farmers market.

Went to my office to finish labeling and stuffing the newsletter envelopes.

Checked the mail while I was there.

Got the letters in the mail.

Miles and the girls helped me plant the pink magnolia tree. It was a labor of love. Glad Miles was there to help me dig!

I enjoyed introducing the community to the new tree.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil.

Lovely evening.

Ordered more envelopes.

Real competition this week. We’ll see what happens . . . .

Monday, March 27, 2023

Thunderstorms! Newsletters! PE! AZ! Bank! 3.27.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:49 pm  

Studied hard last week.

Big thunderstorms rolled through all night long. Lots of lightning and thunder.


Looking forward to Nana coming into town!


Walked 1.26 miles while I studied Spanish.

Put more ant killer out.

Gorgeous afternoon.

Listened to radio from Spain.

Texted the church secretary about the newsletters.

Dropped the newsletter off at the church.

Lots happening soon.

Took the soil and the mulch to Azalea. I forgot to take old shoes to work in, plus the ground was really saturated after the rain last night, so I didn’t plant her today. I should be able to put her in the ground tomorrow.

Keeps changing.

Muscle girl. They are both super strong.

I fixed Everly’s squishy. Basically, just got all the stuff that had come out and shoved it back in.

I got this email the same day that I received a package from the Social Security Office in Norcross. It said that they had received all the documents that I had sent (registered mail) including copies of my W2 and the 2022 tax return as well as an original birth certificate. So everything should be in order.

She’s such a joy.

Helped the kids at the mission. It was wild. One of the girls is just so wired up. Wow. I had to put her in time out with her nose to a tree for a few minutes. I think tomorrow I’m going to make her do jumping jacks to burn off some energy.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletters.

Deposited checks.

Rained slightly over 1″ yesterday.

Definite competition this week. I’ll probably come in #2. We’ll see.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Plants! Repotting! Podcast! 3.26.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:24 pm  

I thought this was interesting.

I’m a big Van Gogh fan.

And this.

Español! I’ll win #1 again this week.


I liked this.


I will go see this exhibit. It’s by the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Filled out a revised version of Kathy’s W-4.

I love this pileated woodpecker!

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Split Personalities.” Excellent.

I wrote and produced my newsletter this afternoon. I already printed the labels.

I had to put a new HP61 Black ink cartridge in the printer. Also had to run a utility to clean the print heads. Then it worked fine.

I’ve really enjoyed listening to !!!. What a weird name for a band, right? It’s pronounced, “chk, chk, chk.”

I repotted twelve plants this afternoon. It was a pretty big mess. Even when I try and be careful it still involves a clean up.

I didn’t take many pictures because my hands were filthy.

Filled up water bottles.

Dried out my gloves.

Cleaning my outdoor rug.

Rained about .75″.

Transplanted these succulents.

Watered the rest of my plants.

Just keep going.

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