Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, March 25, 2023

UPS! Bike! Clouds! 3.25.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm  




Sharp-shinned Hawk watching me study.

The ATL is just so beautiful. Shots from my walk while I was studying.

Cleaned the comforter for the couch on the front porch. I wet it down completely, then sprayed the spots with PineSol and then scrubbed. Did that with both sides.

I repotted one of my Napenthese plants. She wasn’t happy.

I used sphagnum moss soaked in distilled water.

I’ll repot a few of my succulents tomorrow. I mixed up the soil and vermiculite and put a paper barrier so the soil won’t come out of the bottom of the pot.

Lovely weather!

I returned the pants I got for K. Still too big.

I enjoyed wearing my trigonometry shirt for the first time today.

I thought the reflections in the pool of water were beautiful.

My hose burst. Not a surprise. Went to Lowes to take it back. Got a new one. I also picked up some edge bricks and red mulch for the pink magnolia that I will plant on Monday.

Beautiful plants there.

While I was waiting to get my replacement, I watched an elderly guy try to get back money for a faucet that he’d had for over three months, had no box or receipt and wanted his money back. It was so crazy talk that I found him later, told him I was impressed by his restraint and wanted to send a note to corporate. He told me how to do it, which I did. Typical for me.

Dried off and folded up my tarp.

I spilled a wax melt in my room. Had to scrape the wax off the floor cover.

Got my new water hose hooked up.

Listened to radio from Spain.

Dried the comforter in the dryer. Then put it on the couch outside.

Cleaned my bike and aired up my tires.

Rode 6.06 miles. Hard ride. My legs were tired from all the yard work.

Such beauty this evening!

Just keep going.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Yardwork! Raking! 2.24.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:55 pm  

I’m glad mine is still pretty new.

Digging these guys.



Walked 1.08 miles.

There are a lot of leaves in my yard. I did something about a section of it today.



Put some seat covers in Kathy’s car.

I used my new ear buds today. They fit great and really don’t come out.

I use a big tarp to get the leaves on. I folded it in half.

I used a combination of rake/tarp and the blower for the fine stuff. Seemed to be a good strategy. The blowers are great for getting leaves out of shrubs.

I normally try and keep my yard work to a two hour maximum. I went over that by about an hour. Hope I’ll feel ok tomorrow!

Getting the tool and supplies together to plant the pink magnolia sapling at Azalea.

Had a good talk with my friend Piper.

I may go see this tomorrow morning.

Beautiful weather to be outside.

Listening to podcasts and live radio from Cadena Ser in Spain.

Push forward.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Repairs! Azalea! Pink Magnolia! 3.23.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  

I work with a lot of Muslim friends at the mission in Azalea.

Ordered groceries.



The garage clock stopped working properly. I put a new battery in it and taped it back together.

Seems to be working now.

Blew the garage and driveway.

Walked and studied for 1.41 miles.

Got really warm today. Short pants weather for sure.

Seven years ago I was invited to speak at this convention. I was super excited to do it and I think I did a great job there. I don’t like the format where there are five other speakers talking at the same time. Shrinks the crowd at presentations.

My earbuds haven’t been working properly lately. Left ear would have trouble staying powered up and the right ear last night wouldn’t pair with my iPhone. Ordered a pair of Tribits. They’re supposed to be really good, especially for sports use. I’m looking forward to wearing these while I’m biking. My other ones would want to fall out all the time.

Good some new expo markers. These were the best deal. They’re ultra fine which is kind of weird feeling but work just fine. Get it?

Worked on a shirt for K. It was a long sleeve shirt, which I cut the sleeves off of. Now I sewed up the arm hole some. It was kind of revealing. K tried it on and thinks I need to sew it up even more. Makes sense.

Went to the Buford Highway Farmers Market for lunch. Always something interesting to see there. I wondered if these were boxes of bras.

Don’t see me using these.

Been listening to this podcast. It’s from the station from Madrid I listen to all the time: Cadena Ser.

Today I went to Walmart and bought a pink magnolia tree to plant in the backyard of the mission. They are my favorite tree and I’m super excited about the spot I’m going to plant her in. LOTS of sun which I’m sure she’ll love. My three PMs at my house have been so beautiful and they hardly get a couple of hours of full sun a day. This one should really thrive.

The girls know how much I love plants. They were very excited about this tree!

Everly enjoyed reading a book about cats to me.

My Mom is coming to visit soon. Finally! We had some illnesses that have kept us from getting together. The grandgirls will be off for Spring Break so that will be double fun.

I find this interesting. I’ve watched it decompose over the last month or so. I actually watched it die.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Checked the mail at my office.


Picked up the groceries.

Just keep going!

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

JK! Grandgirls! Azalea! 3.22.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:24 pm  

Atlanta dominates the movie industry now.

I talked with the manager at Azalea about planting a Pink Magnolia tree in the area where the old tree was cut down. She told me to go for it. I think I might put a couple of benches in the area, too. Sad to see all the shade cut down.

Always learning words.

Brought some distilled water for K to use in her CPAP machine.

Changed a lightbulb for my plants. Just ordered some more.




Yesterday, I completed the entire Duolingo course in Spanish! There are eight units. Hundreds of lessons in these units. Now I’m doing the “Legendary” level through each of the units. I started with Unit 8 which is the hardest. I’ll work my way back through the beginning.

I’m still not sure how I’ll be rewarded with this new “Legendary” status.

Walked 2.19 miles while I spoke Spanish.

I studied how to get podcasts downloaded from the internet radio I listen to from Spain. I’m pretty excited about using this new resource.

I moved J’s old chair downstairs to my room. I used my cart and took it to my door downstairs. Way easier than trying to man-handle that thing down the stairs.

I put my cloth over it.

I took my old, broken chair to K’s room. It’s ok to sit on for a few minutes.

I packaged up a shirt that didn’t fit as well as making the labels to send the chair back as well. Took it to the UPS store after I picked up some meds at Walgreens for J.

I’m glad that J and K went with me to be with the grandgirls today! We had LT for lunch.

The girls showed them their climbing skills.

Everly illustrated how to make letters with her body. Super cute.

Penelope joined in the fun.

Good loving.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Checked the mail at my office.

Team committed to coming! That’s two weekend teams and a full week team.

Pulling ahead. Fairly typical.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Taxes! Grandgirls! Azalea! 3.21.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

I was talking to Anthony about the music I was listening to and he mentioned T Bone Walker’s jazz infused blues. I mentioned Crossroads as my favorite blues movie.

Continue to push.


I talked to the my tax guy Tom today. He told me yesterday I may have to owe about $1,000. Today we talked again and first he said “probably around $2,000” and later in the conversation, “Looks like you’ll owe $4,000.” I was like “Are you crazy? I’ve been getting back about $4,000 for 16 years. And now suddenly I OWE $4,000?!” So he reran the numbers and told me I’ll be getting back around $2,300. Sure is better than owing thousands!

Checked on the status of some pants I ordered.

I thought the roots pushing this asphalt up was cool.

I’ve been watching documentaries on ants building things. Then I come to the Mission and see this going on across the street.

Everly always likes to show me her new skill sets.

I liked this sticker.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Fantastic clouds.

Interesting quarter.


Monday, March 20, 2023

Español! Grandgirls! 3.20.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:19 pm  

I compete against 120 million other learners on Duolingo. There are 19 languages taught. The most popular is American English and Spanish. I am in the league with the best of the best learners. I feel like today was a big deal for me to come in 1st place in the main tournament, and also to have been in the top three 50 times. That’s amazing to me.


Just keep walking!


Cold! But warming trend coming.

Ordered a new chair. My other office chair is completely broken. The back is nearly horizontal. That’s not zesty.

I thought this was interesting.

Good talk with Mom. Always lively and loving.

Talked with my health insurance guy about some challenges we may be facing in the future. Who doesn’t have challenges?

I called to set up an appointment with Dr. Hoddeson. Jessi hasn’t been breathing as well as she had been.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil. I’ll probably need to add a little more oil on the next fill up.


Had an in depth chat with Tom Halsey, our new tax guy. He’s still trying to figure out our taxes. We had some curve balls thrown our way. Could make us end up paying money. I almost always get about $4000 back. That’s 4 with three 0s.

Hopefully, I won’t end up paying too much money.

Love my girls!

Taught the girls how to walk with a book on their heads.

Listened to radio from Spain.

Helped the kids at the mission. They are all super uptight about the Milestone test.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Little over .5″ of rain yesterday.

Interesting competition so far. It’s funny to think about these language nerds all over the world.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Español! Walk! K! 3.19.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:12 pm  



Love these thoughts on kindness.

Liked this too.

Didn’t know this.

Like the looks of this guy.


The darker, the more common your birthday.


Walked 1.07 and 1.67 Miles.

Vacuumed the house and cleaned out the vacuum.

Watered our Christmas tree.

COLD! Wind was killer.

K and I went to eat at Cicis.

Post St Patrick’s day joy.

My new shirts go into rotation tomorrow!

I think the pollen season is just about over.

I’ve been listening to this song a lot. So good.

I reckon I’ll come in #1 in the finals of the tournament tournament this week. It’s been a back and forth battle all week with Yefferson. Makes me work harder for sure.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Español! Pants! Podcast! 3.18.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:37 pm  

This will be really big. And he has SO MANY cases against him.


Walked 1.33 miles.


Made some PBJ for K&J.

K wanted to try some vitamins. I eventually got her some gummy kind.

Packaged up the shorts that I got K. I assumed they wouldn’t fit correctly. Gotta start somewhere! Shipping is free back to Amazon from UPS.

Beautiful, but cold and windy.

Listened to radio from Spain.

Picked up Thai food.

Swept the kitchen.

I love azaleas!

Picked up groceries and put them away.

Downloaded the episode of Verbal Surgery that I recorded today onto my Mac.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Stuffy Surgery! Walk! Sweep! Podcast! 3.17.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:44 pm  

I’ve really been enjoying listening to this album by Hot Chip called “The Warning.”


Drizzly, dark day.


Walked up and down my hill a few times.

Signs that the pollen season is ending.


Found out one of my favorite teachers died recently. I’m glad when I heard she wasn’t doing well I sent her a letter.

Recorded a new podcast called “No Downside.”

Looks like my Social Security package will be delivered this evening.

Listened to radio from Spain.

Surgery on two stuffies of Penelope and Everly.

New artwork on my wall buy Evelry.

Stuffies back in the ambulance.

Swept the garage.

Texted Ann.

Listened to this album by Hot Chip. Not as good as The Warning.

Downloaded the episode I recorded today onto my Mac.

Released “It’s All Up Here.”

Back and forth. I really only care about being in the Top 3. Which I will be for sure. It will be my 50th time!

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Anthony! Español! Everly! Office! 3.16.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:19 pm  

I have a friend who will be interviewing Darren. Groovy!

Hot Chip is one of my favorite bands. I hadn’t heard this album before. Super good.




Had a fun chat with Anthony.

Walked 1.25 miles.

Liked this old beetle.

Glad that’s done.

Everly enjoying a cookie with ice cream.

Glad K came with me today to Azalea. She and Penelope have a great relationship.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Rained almost 1″.

Keeps going back a forth. It’s kind of funny really.

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