Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Español! Bank! AZ! Post Office! 3.15.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:00 pm  

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Processed the check.

Sent an email to Tim Deter my health insurance agent about Jessi.

Finished a quest on Duolingo with a partner.




Swept the kitchen.

Went to the Post Office to mail the package to the Social Security office in Norcross.

Went to Chamblee to walk and study Spanish.

I liked this little truck.

Crazy all the equipment this building needs.

Everly helped carry a bag of trash to the dumper.

Helped the kids at the mission. One of the new kids doesn’t have much English. GREAT practice for me! I’m glad his Dad was there as well. Good lesson for him. He had 5th grade reading homework. It was about the benefits of pigs as pets. I went through each sentence having him read. Then I would translate the sentence into Spanish so he and his Dad could understand all of it. It’s not easy, but I seemed to have done ok.

Didn’t get home till after 8:00 PM. I’m trying to leave earlier. Just doesn’t work out that way. I just feel like it have to help that one last kid. I guess that’s why the call it a “calling.”

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Shirts! Grandgirls! AZ! Goodwill! SSA! 3.14.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:12 pm  

Super cold. Dripped pipes and unhooked hose and put cover over the faucet.



Walked 1.13 mi this morning while studying.

Deposited checks.

Processed shirts to send back to Amazon. They were all XL. I need to get just L.

Had a good talk with Nana.

Told her about the fertilizer I use for my orchids and African violets.

Unbelievable how crowded the road in front of Azalea gets. It’s ridiculous.

Fed the girls.

Watched Everly play.

Helped the kids with their homework. One of the problems were about three different types of fish in a fish tank. Showed her the pictures.

We got almost all the homework done yesterday. It was really cold and windy doing homework this afternoon.

Spanish from Spain.

Checked the mail.

Went to Goodwill on the way home. Got another shirt for K.

I got some Dr. Scholl’s insoles. I put them in my new shoes. I think they’ll feel even more comfortable.

Sent a letter to the Social Security people to verify my full legal name with them for their website.

Added another donor to our May list.

Always learning new words.

Pulling ahead. We’ll see. This guy has an impressive track record.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Rob’s Book! SS! AZ! Plants! 3.13.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  

I found this interesting.

After such drought! It reminds me of the power of prayer. Sometimes it just takes time . . . and then those prayers for rain are granted in spades!

Looks like I’ll be #1 this week. We’ll see. Had a good effort last week.

Got on the phone with Tim Deter about the name change for the SSA web site. He reminded me that the website had my account under Tim A. Cummins. I needed to add the Timothy, which is what we did. It should jibe with what the SSA has as my legal name.

Left a voice mail for Ian. He started homeschooling his son today. That’s a big step. It was one he needed to do.

My friend Rob Chapman wrote a book. He asked me to read it and write a preface for him, which I did this morning.

The temperature is dropping. I brought my carnivorous plants in today till next Winter. They have been in dormant conditions for over four months which is just about right.



Walked 1.41 miles while I studied.

I sent an email to my tax guy today about the $0s under a few years for my SS account. He gave a reply I know wasn’t based on my true situation. I corrected him. I’m sure we’ll get it worked out.

Tried to log in onto the Medicare site. Tim Deter explained to me how to access it.

Gassed up my car. Checked and added oil. When I got home, I filled up my quart can of oil again. I have a 2 gallon jug I pour from.

Listened to radio from Spain.

Everly showed me some new climbing moves. The wind was really blowing and super cold.

Keeps going up!

Ordered a book for a girl at the mission.

Helped the kids at the mission. Really hard because of the wind and cold, plus the email I got about the SS right before they started showing up. I wasn’t in a good mood at all.

Fixed one of Penelope’s toys. I like that they want to take care of their stuff.

Got the carnivores back inside and under grow lights.

Watered the rest of my plants.

Just keep going . . .

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Pileated! Anthony! Shirts! 3.12.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:00 pm  

I like these quotes from the Dalai Lama’s children’s book.

Daylight SAVING Time. No S.

I thought this was an interesting article.

I’m getting some new shirts. These are the first five.



1.25 mile walk and studied Spanish.

It was the twelfth year of meeting my buddy Anthony Jacquin today. He was teaching a hypnosis conference. Super interesting. We’ve had lot of fun times together.

Cooler and sprinkly.

The Pileated Woodpecker came back to visit. One of my favorites.

Another below freezing week to come.

Listened to radio from Spain.

I’ll come in #2 this week. I’m competing with the best of the best.

I’m enjoying playing Primal. Video game of survival in the year 2,000 BC. Super cool.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Goodwills! K’s Shirts! Tax Matters! 3.11.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:15 pm  

Yesterday, I had a Pileated Woodpecker at my suet feeder. It’s the largest N. American woodpecker, about the size of a crow! I had a tiny nuthatch (smaller than a sparrow) continue to dive bomb that big woodpecker the whole time it was eating the suet. Then chased him to the other tree!


Turns out my exemptions for my house were already set up. Sounds like something I’d do.

Emailed my health insurance guy about the name on my SSA account. He helped me set up the medicare account and the full legal name wouldn’t work. Now I’ll have to go down to their office and get it squared away. Shouldn’t be that big a deal. I have another issue with my SS that I’m trying to figure out with my tax guys before I go down there. I have about five years where the SSA doesn’t have me paying any taxes into SS which is ridiculous.



Watered my upstairs plants.

Put out ant poison.

Walked 1.26 miles while I studied Spanish.

Learned how to take screenshots on my Mac Air.

Ate lunch at Cicis. It was really good. I don’t go there very often. I noticed their location a few weeks ago.

After I ate, I went to Goodwill to try and find shirts for K’s work. No luck.

They had some beautiful wisteria, however!

Cloudy and cool day.

Listened to radio from Spain. The last few days I’ve really felt like I’m understanding a LOT. Makes me feel good.

Always learning new words that I hear.

I stopped at the Goodwill by my house. They had four shirts that K likes! That’s major success.

I cut K’s toenails. Also looked at a small cut under one of her toes. Cleaned it out and put antibiotic on it.

Picked up my groceries. Just had a few items I needed.

Sent my sister-in-law Ann a prayer.

Changed the clocks in my house in anticipation of the time change early tomorrow morning.

Ordered some pants for K.

Just keep going. Study works!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Virtual Day! Goodwill! Mall! Bike! Podcast! 3.10.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  


Colder and rainy today.

Got up around 6:00 AM. Got to Azalea at 7:00 AM. Studied Spanish.

The girls had a Virtual Day of school at home. We got everything accomplished in about 1.5 hours. They did great.

I taught Everly how to use the scissors properly. She’s a fast learner!

When we were finished with the school work, we went to Waffle House.

We had a good time at Good Will. Found some cool art stuff.

Perimeter Mall for cinnamon sugar pretzels. And a fountain!

Plaza Fiesta is always fun!

Diffraction attraction.

After Miles got home, I went to my office to check the mail and water my ficus tree.

Listened to radio from Spain on the way home. I did better at translating what everyone was saying into English.

Stopped at Walmart to pick up some distilled water. For some reason the Walmart by my house is always out!

Deposited checks.

Got a “new” umbrella at Goodwill. My old one was pretty beat up.

Aired up the tires of my Gorilla Cart when I got home. One of them instantly went flat again.

Used my cart to carry all the water.

Tied my little Wisteria trees to the trunks.

Got about 1/2″ of rain.

Cleaned my bike, refilled my water bottle, and pumped up my tires.

Rode my bike 5.87 miles. I cut my ride short because it was getting cold.

Wisteria is really blooming.

Got some new short pants.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Just Be.”

Good effort this week.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Español! Hummingbirds! Pollen! 3.9.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:37 pm  

I got the receipt for the tree cutting today.

I may have to send in more documents for the exemption, although I’ve lived in the house more than a year, so I don’t think it’s necessary.

I got some inserts for my shoes. Although later today, I decided to get some shoes because they were on sale. I can still wear the old ones for another few weeks and having the inserts will make them more comfortable. I’ll use them for bike riding and yard work. They last about a year before the soles start to get slick and they become a slipping hazard for me.


Cloudy, much cooler and rained some.

Set up a doctor appointment for Jessi to have her ear looked at for possible surgery.


Got some ant poison in. I’ll set that out soon. It’s a gel. I wasn’t sure where the problem was. Had to check with K.

I bleached all my hummingbird feeders yesterday. Cleaned them out and made fresh solution for them and put them in their spots. Looking forward to my little friends coming back soon. Who knows? They may already be around. They usually fly around my window looking for the feeder. The same birds come back every year!

Also cleaned out my rain gauge.

Reset my windmills.

I walked 2.52 miles today while I studied Spanish.

Kathy went with me to the mission today. Always fun to have her around.

Rainy and cold so no students today. We had pretty much all the work done yesterday, so it wasn’t unexpected.

We had some difficulty setting up the account for the Social Security website. I got a question about it today. I’ll probably send them a letter. I need to talk to my tax people about why the SS shows a $0 for some years. That’s not right!

I find the rain water and the pollen interaction interesting and beautiful. Reminds me of cloud patterns.

Got a response from the North American Mission Board today. I hope to re-establish relationships with them to generate teams working with us during the Summer. We’ll see.

Push to learn.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Doug! Azalea! PE & Holi! Squirrel! 3.8.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

I like the artistic style of my buddy Jim Pirtle in Houston.

I talked with a friend of mine who lives in Sacramento. Glad he’s ok!

I always thought this was one of the coolest holidays ever. Holi is the Hindu festival of color.



It was great to see my pal Doug Allison today! We go WAY back! Took him over to Masala in Decatur. Since today is Holi, I wanted to go do something Indian. I actually bought a set of color powders at the Patel Brothers grocery store.

We went to White Windmill for dessert. It was super good. Tiramisu and lemon pound cake.

Good to see my new checks are on the way. They are kind of expensive, but I get the ones with a carbon sheet attached so I always know what checks I write.

The girls were intrigued by the brilliantly colored powder.

I helped the kids with their homework while we waited for Ashley to get home. Miles and I figured we’d better let Mama get home before we did anything too crazy.

The girls had a lot of fun. Their friend Tasfia from Bangladesh also joined in the festivities.

The kids at the mission found a juvenile squirrel. I tried to let it got. Crazy squirrel kept coming back. Finally, put it up in a tree. Still don’t know for sure what happened to it.

Cleaned my shoes after the Holi fun.

Verified that my taxes got to my tax people. Amen.

Just. Keep. Going. Didn’t spend as much time today on Duolingo because of my lunch with Doug. Listened to radio from Madrid for about 45 minutes. It adds up!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Medicare! Grandgirls! Azalea! 3.7.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:09 pm  

Got a check cut to our neighborhood leader to help cover taking care of the front part of our subdivision.

Wednesday is the festival of color in Hinduism called Holi. They throw colored powder at each other. I always thought that was cool. I’m looking forward to doing lunch at Masala tomorrow to eat Indian food with my buddy Doug Allison.


Ordered groceries.

Another milestone accomplished.

While on a walk a couple of days ago, I met up with Mr. Miller. He was a long-term supporter of ours who dropped off years ago. I’m sending him a letter to hopefully get him back in the fold!

Walked 1.27 miles while I studied.

My friend Tim Deter is my insurance agent. He did a fantastic job getting me signed up for Medicare. MAN! Was it ever a challenge. The website is crazy talk. We had to set up the account multiple times and log in about five times to get it working. I sure was glad I had his help!

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Deposited checks.

Gassed up my car and added oil.

Picked up the grandgirls and fed them dinner.

I found out today that I’ll be watching them on Friday morning as well. They have a virtual learning day.

Everly is really climbing well!

They both are very athletic.

Helped the kids with their homework. They are all uptight about the Milestone Test.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Picked up my groceries.

Fantastic moon.

Keep moving forward.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Español! Ann! Grandgirls! Azalea! 3.6.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:06 pm  

I liked this take on the phrase, “I don’t know,” by Seth Godin.

Hard to believe that Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday!

Worked out more this February than most for sure.

Came in #1 last week in the Duolingo Leagues. It’s the largest community of language learners in the world. By far!

My sister-in-law Ann asked me to come help her today, which I did this afternoon.




Went to Lowes to get a new water hose nozzle. I usually use Jet, Full and Shower.

Gorgeous weather!

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Went to Ann’s house before going to Chamblee. Worked on her mailbox, took out all the trash, installed a new microwave, checked on some lights that weren’t working and took a look at her porch that got hit by a tree.

Ordered some ant poison.

Walked 1.41 miles this morning and 1.53 miles this afternoon while I studied Spanish.

Incredibly warm!

Beautiful Wisteria on my walk.

I liked this star.

Picked up the grandgirls. They enjoyed opening the boxes for their Mom.

Penelope’s toe is much better.

Construction keeps going up across from Azalea. It’s massive!

Took the girls to QT after feeding them supper from Taco Veloz.

Helped the kids at the mission. Big group.

Lovely sunset and full moon!

Went by my office to check the mail and process checks. I’ll deposit them tomorrow and gas up my car. I didn’t get home till after 8:00 PM, which is not that unusual.

The person I’m competing with this week has over a million points. Pretty sure I’ll come in #2 this week. As I’ve said before, Duolingo only really counts Top 3.

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