Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Español! Podcast! Azalea! 2.23.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:35 pm  

Last night I spent about an hour on Khan Academy figuring out slope intercept so I could teach it to my 8th graders. I helped both of them today. I still need to do more study on it, but it was an excellent start.



Walked 1.29 miles while I studied. It was cloudy and warm.

I contacted my tree guy this morning about cutting down the three branches over my roof. I sent him a series of pictures so he could remember the place and me.

I often check on Spanish Dictionary to make sure I’m getting the words right.

Swept the kitchen.

I saw two Pileated Woodpeckers in my yard today. One of my favorite birds. They’re almost as big as a crow!

Called my sister-in-law to see if I could help her with her TV problem. I haven’t gone over there recently because I haven’t been feeling well and didn’t want to get her sick. She told me the technician had come by yesterday to get it squared away. Turns out she had hardware problems.

Sent an email to the North American Mission Board about possible mission teams coming to our area. They used to send me teams regularly, now they have their own ministry centers that they try to fill during the Summer.

Had showers come through the area.

I need to update my iPhone this evening.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework. It was hard and they had a lot of it.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Just Be” this morning. Downloaded it onto my Mac this evening.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Every day. Keep going.

My ear is still bothering me. I’ve been trying to clear it today.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Blooming! Party Prep! Westside! Azalea! 2.22.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm  



Walked 1.42 miles while I studied.

Cleaned the bathtub.

I discovered a bill I had put in the mail box that had been shoved to the very back this morning! Dang! I took it directly to the Post Office.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Mild and cloudy.

I like lichen.

I can’t get over how it’s February and the plants are blooming. Crazy talk.

I stopped at the Walmart in Stone Mountain to look for a carabiner for my keys. They didn’t have any. Got a few other small things.

I went to Walmart in Chamblee to pick up some more supplies for the party on Sunday. Mainly cookies and candies. Essential!

I found a caribiner that works. The spring in my old one had gotten kind of worn out and wasn’t closing so well. That’s not good.

I met up with the team leaders for Westside BC for lunch. We had a good meeting at the Buford Highway Farmer’s Market.


I don’t really understand this slope stuff in 8th grade math. I need to figure it out so I can teach the kids at the mission. Obviously, their teacher has failed them.

Beautiful sunset.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Grandgirls! Azalea! Bank! 2.21.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:03 pm  

I’ve really been enjoying reading the River of Doubt book about Theodore Roosevelt’s exploration of this river. I lived on the Amazon for a week. I had some of the same experiences of being bitten by things that really hurt, but I never could find what did it!


Incredibly mild weather. Wetter.


Blew out the garage. I usually do the driveway and deck, but they were wet.

Dried out all the wet stuff and got the Pool Bag ready to go!

I got the word from the manager at Azalea that the party slated for Saturday will be changed to Sunday. That’s fine for me. I don’t really trust the forecast till it’s about two days from the date. Even then it’s not for sure. At least that’s my experience.

Alway great to see the girls!

Lots of people for homework. I stayed till nearly 7:30 PM. That’s usually not a big deal, but I’m still not feeling great and it takes more of a toll on me.

Two of the sixth grade girls had a hard time with the math problems. Honestly, most of the adults I know couldn’t have done it!

Listened to radio from Madrid on the way home. So fast!

Went to my office to pick up checks and process them. Then to the bank before I got home.

Keep pushing. I expect the guy under me to come back strong. The people who normally score a lot of points and work hard, usually keep doing that.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Grandgirls! Monkey Bar Park! Swim! Español! 2.20.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:35 pm  

Did great last week. Excellent effort.


Cool morning but gorgeous weather!

Got to the mission early and studied Spanish.

Grandgirls had boxes to open. They love that!

We enjoyed breakfast at Waffle House.

We went to Brook Run Park. Super good! We call it Monkey Bar Park. The girls love monkey bars. Today Everly did them for the first time successfully! Impressive!

Went to Chamblee City Hall to enjoy some gymnastic practice on their astroturf.

Good chat with Nana, Sadie and Harper in Georgetown, Texas.

Good walk with the girls while we chatted.

Loved the clouds today.

Took the girls swimming as an extra treat. It was such perfect weather! For February!! What?!

I got another pair of good goggles. Our other pair got ripped off at the Mountain Park Aquatic center. Bummer. I had a couple of others that I got from the Dollar Tree that suck but are better than nothing.

Getting ready for the next time!

Finished studying Español with another short walk. Adds up!

There are some excellent students this week, but I think I’ll be in the top three for sure. I’m just so consistent.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Bill! Español! River of Doubt! 2.19.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:58 pm  

Still not feeling well. My ear doesn’t hurt but stopped up. I’m congested and tired most of the day. I’ve been taking the decongestants regularly, but not much change. Been resting almost the whole day.

I’ve been reading about one of my favorite presidents, Theodore Roosevelt and his journey along the Amazon. Wild! I loved my trip to the Amazon in Peru.

Ordered a couple of fire extinguishers. Just in case!



Walked 1.25 miles while I studied.

Paid the gas bill. Over $250 this month. Ouch. It was mighty cold!

Loved Penelope’s check list. She’s so sweet.

I’ll come in second place again this week. The lady who beat me has the highest score in Duolingo I’ve ever seen, over 2,000,000 XP. Incredible. I should hit over 1,000,000 this year. About five months from now or so.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Ear! Español! Plants! 2.18.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:49 pm  

My left ear is still bothering me. Very stopped up. Slept a lot better last night. Doesn’t really hurt, it’s just uncomfortable and hard to ear from that side. Taking decongestants to help clear it.


Walked 1.25 miles. Beautiful weather.

Watered my plants.

K and I went to eat Indian food for lunch. Good.

Sent a text to one of my board members about a letter to be included in an upcoming edition of our Whilwind Missions newsletter.

Sent a text to our health insurance guy about how much K made last year. She made more than we thought she would. Need to find out how that affects what we may pay or not receive back from the government.

Played some of the Last of Us.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Ear! Español! Groceries! Podcast! 2.17.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:26 pm  

Woke up at about 3:00 AM with my ear hurting pretty badly and it felt completely stopped up. Took some acetaminophen and was able to fall back asleep a few hours later. Having extra pillows under my head seemed to help. Not zesty.

Received the oil I ordered for our cars.



Cold and windy this morning. Cut my walk short to just 1.00 mile.

The last time I had this situation with my ear, the doctor told me to get some sinus medicine and that would help clear the pressure. Went to Walmart to do that.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Picked up my groceries.

Temperatures continued to drop with a lot of wind.

It’s supposed to get below freezing tonight. Unhooked the hose and put the faucet protection back on.

Rained about 1.25″ over the last few days.

Refilled my bird seed/wildlife food bags.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery. After hitting the 1,000 mark, I decided just to put out one new show a week. PLENTY to listen to!

Check out Verbal Surgery -1004- “Does it Really Matter?” and feel good, NOW!

Rested most of the day in bed and played some of The Last of Us.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Español! Grandgirls! Bank! 2.16.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Wouldn’t this be great?




Walked 1.28 miles while I studied.

Listened to radio from Madrid.


Walked another 1.26 miles while I studied in Chamblee.

Went to Taco Veloz for lunch. Got the girls huevos rancheros, rice and beans. They ate great.

Everly helped me deliver a computer charger to one of the kids at the mission. It’s easy for me to use my Prime account on Amazon to help them from time to time.

The girls like to dance for me.

Unbelievably mild.

Always learning/reviewing words I hear on the radio.

Checked the mail at my office.

Ordered groceries.

Got gas and added oil.

Processed and deposited checks.

Checked the oil in K’s truck.

Keep pushing.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Azalea! Party Prep! 2.15.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:48 pm  



Walked 1.44 miles while I was studying.

I look forward to seeing these hedgehogs when I go to the Wildlife Sanctuary again.

Kathy came with me to the mission today.

We ate lunch at the Buford Highway Farmers Market. It’s the home of the world’s worst clock. Easy to read, right?

Cool and drizzly most of the day.

This little camera has been a real workhorse for me. It’s been to Peru, Israel and the UK.

Helped the kids at the mission. There were a lot.

The manager of Azalea told me about a block party they’re hosting on February the 25th from 1-4pm. Not much time to set things up. Hopefully, I can get a team to come help me. Started sending out texts. Getting supplies is a good first step.

Don’t stop.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Bank! Grandgirls! Azalea! Valentines! Bank! 2.14.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

So warm today!

Flowers definitely starting to bloom. This Friday it gets to freezing again. Never good for plants when they think it’s time to flower.

The Super Bowl ads have really caused a backlash to Christianity with my non-Christian friends.



Walked 1.27 miles.

This red car has been in the street for months. I watched the right rear tire slowly go flat. The owner finally got it off the road. I was shocked.

I let my carnivorous plants get some full sun.

I ate lunch at the German Bakery. It’s really good, but pretty slow.

Processed some checks and took them to the bank.

Went for a second walk and did some more studying.

The girls got a lot of candy from their classmates at school. The older kids don’t really do that too much, unless they have boyfriends.

I brought them some lemon squares and Miles also got them some candy and treats.

One of the kids fell off his bike and whacked his eye. I took a picture to show him it wasn’t really hurt. He looked at the picture and rode off.

I helped the kids at the mission. Got some news that Allison, one of my favorite kids, had suddenly moved back to Mexico. Some kind of family issue. She’s not expected to return. Hate that I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her. That, however, is typical. They usually just disappear with no warning.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Beautiful sky.

Checked the mail at my office on the way home.

Ashley had some packages delivered to my house.

My ears are really stopped up this evening. May get some decongestant tomorrow.

Had a very strong day today. Studied a lot.

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