Whirlwind Missions

Monday, February 13, 2023

Español! Podcast! Azalea! 2.13.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 pm  

I thought this was interesting.

Did well last week. Most of the time whether I come in #1 depends on how studious the other people are. This week I’m against the strongest student I’ve ever seen in all my years on Duolingo. She has over 2,000,000 XP. Incredible!

Beautiful weather!



Walked 1.26 miles while I studied.

My brother asked me about our heritage. I sent him some information from my genetic testing called “23 and Me.”

Listened to radio from Madrid on my way into Chamblee.

Had lunch with K.

Always great to see the girls!

The new apartments continue to make progress. On the other side of these buildings they have started to lay brick.

I found this picture Penelope drew.

Went through my subscriptions and canceled a couple.

Helped the kids at the mission.


Went by my office to check the mail.

Dropped off a ream of paper for the newsletters.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “What I Am.”

I sincerely doubt I’ll outwork this lady.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Español! Sabor! Coins! 2.12.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:29 pm  

Feeling better but still not well yet.

I liked these pictures of hoopoes and hornbills! They are two of my favorite birds from Kenya.


Put in an order for a USB Hub for J’s new computer.


Walked 1.26 miles while I studied.

J’s new trackpad came in today. We have just about everything we need for her new setup.

K and I went to Marietta today. We enjoyed lunch at Sabor do Brazil.

We had a nice chat with her brother Bill on the way to lunch.

Went to the Hilton on Marietta to go to the coin show there. It was a good time.

Paid bills.

I’ll come in #2 this week.

K’s not feeling well. She has similar symptoms to J and me. Hopefully, she’ll feel better soon. Same for all of us!

Enjoyed playing the Last of Us.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Español! Rain! 2.11.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:26 pm  

Feeling better, but still not well. Resting a lot.

Nana and I set up her trip for April 4-12 to avoid her getting sick here now.

K and I ate breakfast at Golden Corral this morning. It was super packed out.

Studied Español hard this week.

Drizzly weather pretty much all day long. Everyone in my family is feeling under the weather. We all rested.



Playing the Last of Us while I’m resting in bed.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Español! Clean Up! Flight Change! 2.10.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:44 pm  

Feeling better today. Throat doesn’t hurt. Still tired.

Did some banking.



Walked 1.29 miles.

Added Paperless enrollment to my auto insurance. Helps save money.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Cleaned and refilled bird supplies.

Refilled distilled water for my carnivorous plants.

Rained slightly over 2.5″ the last few days.

Refilled my tap water gallon jugs.

Cleaned my outdoor carpet.

Straightened up my St. Francis shrine.

Checked with our glasses company about Kathy’s sunglasses not getting here.

Blew the driveway and deck.

Vacuumed the house and cleaned the vacuum.

Swept the kitchen.

Picked up the groceries.

Called my Mom and changed the flight from this coming Sunday to April 4-12. J and I are both still sick. Didn’t want to chance getting my Mom sick!

Just keep going.

Looking forward to watching the Bad Batch in a moment. Great show!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Anthony! PKE! Azalea! Podcast! 2.9.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:39 pm  

I always appreciate hearing from fans of my podcast!


Español! Walked 1.21 miles.

Had a fun talk with my buddy, Anthony.

K and I enjoyed our time with the girls!

Helped the kids with their homework. We discussed why there is day and night and the North Pole.

We set the table up under the shelter. Rained a lot. One of the kids wanted to get his head in the water.

Went by my office to check the mail and water my ficus. I was thinking that she’s over 25 years old now!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Stardust.” So good.

Just keep going.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Bank! Azalea! Sunset! 2.8.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:17 pm  

Woke up feeling a bit better. Throat still hurts.


I’ve enjoyed watching this show. He’s one of my favorites.


Walked 1.27 miles while I studied.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Tried to deposit checks at the ATM near my house. This was the third day in a row for that! Today, the whole machine was off.

Went to the ATM near the mission in Chamblee. That one worked and got the checks deposited.

Enjoyed watching the girls play.

Got a text from a youth director. We’ll see if they come.

Even though I’m still not feeling well, I was good enough to get the girls and help the kids at the mission.

Liked this ice rainbow.

Beautiful sunset.

Went by the church to check the mail.

Looks like my Mom’s trip is all set to go!

Got gas and checked the levels in my car.

We dripped the pipes pretty much non-stop for days during the frozen weather. Didn’t seem to make a difference at all in the water bill.

Keep pushing.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Español! Sick! LOU! 2.7.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:14 pm  

Woke up with a bad sore throat and feeling weak.



Managed to walk 1.22 miles.

I’ve been part of a law suit that happened over four years ago with a friend of mine at a conference we went to. The hotel finally settled the case.

Beautiful day, even if I’ve been inside most of the time.

Radio from Madrid.

Spent most of the day in bed resting.

Played some Last of Us.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Español! Scan! Azalea! Mustak! 2.6.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm  

Wasn’t feeling great today. Scratchy throat, head ache and tired. Felt better by the end of the day.

Got some more solution for Jessi to take care of her nose.

Teaching Nana how Live Photos work.

Came in #2 last week.

J’s trackpad is on the way.

Had a talk with another tree guy this morning. Looks like he’s going to give us the best deal: $400 to take those three branches over the house down. He said he’d take the whole tree down for $1500. That seems really reasonable from what I’ve been quoted so far.



I’ve never seen anything like this Anna girl. By the end of the day she had earned 8,000 XP! That’s crazy!

Walked 1.26 miles while I studied.

Talked with my Mom. She’ll be coming into the ATL on Sunday. Amen! I sent her a screenshot of the schedule.

Gorgeous weather.

I’ve been walking consistently. Looking forward to the Spring when I can start biking again.

I went to my dentist to get a scan to see if my implant graft is doing well. So far so good! I’ll get the implant the end of February after my Mom leaves.

The object under my jaw is my necklace.

I showed the kids at the mission my scan. I told them that they had teeth inside their heads, which seems to me completely obvious. Many of the kids didn’t believe me! What?!

Had fun watching the girls dance.

I got Ashley and the girls a big Kit Kat for Valentines.

The construction across the street keeps moving on.

A couple of my kids from the old days came by to see me. Mustak and Niecy were doing great!

Listened to Spanish from Madrid.

Beautiful sunset.

Went by my office to check the mail and process checks. Went to the bank on the way home, but the ATM wasn’t accepting deposits at the time. I’ll do it tomorrow.

I don’t see me beating Anna this week. My goal is really to be in the top 3 or at least make 10,000XP a week.

Full moon through the trees.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Español! Bill, Debora and K! 2.5.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:44 pm  

Felt a little bit under the weather today. Kind of headachey and tired. Little bit stopped up this evening.

Jessi is having to use a nasal solution to keep her surgical site clean. Ordered more of the solution.

I read a super interesting article on the Dawn Redwood. It was a plant that they thought was extinct but was found in China! Seeds were shipped around the world to regrow the plant. I know I’ve seen the one at the Atlanta Botanical Garden, but I didn’t know what I was actually seeing!


Studied Español!

Beautiful weather today.

Paid bills.

Kathy and I had a fun four-hour lunch with her brother Bill and wife Debora.

Bill talked about Bosco chocolate syrup that his brother David likes.

I saw an Avanti car today. Cool looking. I wondered what the word meant.

We also discussed what “normal” body temperature is. Turns out to be more complicated than what I was taught.

Walked 1.29 miles while I studied.

Worked hard this week. Great competition.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Podcast! Stone Mountain! Calligraphy! 2.4.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:33 pm  

Glad I’m not on that mountain!

Good work this week.



Walked 1.29 miles while I studied.

Saw this card. I’m in the market for a tree guy. I just took a break from writing my blog and contacted them.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Ate Mexican food with K and J.

I got my new Stone Mountain annual pass for the Annual Lunar Festival. I used it today to go up the sky rail.


Cool clouds.

Went to the Stone Mountain exhibit in the Confederate Hall at the base of the Walk Up trail.

Walked about half way up the mountain to take some pictures of some very old calligraphy I’m interested in. Plus this icon which is at the base of the mountain.

Went into the city of Stone Mountain. Apparently, there is a man who works at the Art Station who is Cherokee who might know something about the calligraphy.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Lead From the Front.” Downloaded it onto my Mac Air.

This has been back and forth all week.

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