Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Grandgirls! Party/Conference Prep! Skating! 1.3.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:45 pm  

I liked these resolutions.

The grandgirls and I went to Waffle House this morning. We met a guy named Moussa from Senegal. Gave me a chance to speak French and show the girls were Senegal is.

Always learning or making my knowledge deeper.


Incredibly mild this morning.


Ashley and the girls had a play date yesterday with some friends. They gave the girls some bags of clothes. Everly and I worked on organizing some of them. We cleaned out one drawer so there was room to put stuff and separated those that could be given to Goodwill. Most of the families we work with are really not into used clothes. Occasionaly, the kids will go for jackets if the weather is really cold.

I let the president of our board know when we are going to have the Christmas Party. Too cold to do it earlier!

Dropped my newsletter off at FBC Doraville. The secretary has Tuesdays off. She’ll do it for me tomorrow.

I got this text late last night. It looked suspicious to me. The girls and I went to Bank of America to verify that indeed it was a scam!

The girls danced around while we waited.

We went to the Dollar Tree (now $1.25!) to get presents for the party on Thursday. One cart of toys was about $250!

The girls were a big help.

Then to the church for me to organize the things I’ll be taking to Birmingham for the missions conference there this coming weekend. I’ll also be speaking to the youth group and their parents to encourage them to come this Summer. It’s the only team we have for sure so far. Several others are on the fence.

The girls skated while I worked.

Then to Walmart to get cookies to decorate and plates for the party.

Grandgirls start back to school tomorrow!

Rainy afternoon.

Good weather for napping.

Radio from Spain on the way home.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Duolingo! Newsletters! Podcast! 1.2.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:29 pm  

Studied hard last week.



Walked 1.10 miles while I studied.

Incredibly warm today.

I got a $20 late charge because the USPS delivered this check nearly two weeks late! I’m contesting the charge.

Repaired a shirt for K.

Got a trace of rain. Most of this missed us.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletters. Last two times they’ve printed individual stamps instead of the sheets of ten. Takes a long time.

Listened to radio from Madrid.

Filled up my water jugs. I took the insulation off of the outside faucet I use. I have the proper type coming this week from Amazon. I hope.

Filled up my feeders. Cleaned the birdbaths and the St. Francis shrine.

Cleaned my outdoor carpet.

Printed the labels and got the envelopes ready for the newsletter once it’s printed. Hopefully tomorrow, but probably Wednesday.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Just Right.”

Paid bills.

Just keep going.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year! Family! Podcast! Newsletter! 1.1.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:34 pm  




I’ve been using the One Year Bible for nearly thirty five years! This is my second one. I’ve really enjoyed the NIV version better than the Living Bible.


I walked 1.08 miles while I was studying.

Foggy this morning in our neighborhood.

Had a fun lunch with our family including Donnie Duval, Bill and Deborah Doverspike, David Doverspike, Jr., Jason and Anne Sullivan, and Kathy.

Incredibly mild!

Radio from Spain.

Packages for Ashley.

Went to Stone Mountain to record Verbal Surgery “The Present.” Very good.

Released Verbal Surgery -995- “Habitual Discipline.”

Started a new folder for episodes released in 2023.

Produced and printed out the January edition of my newsletter. Also did all the labels. I’ll work on getting the envelopes ready tomorrow.

My goal is to break 10,000 points a day. That equates to about an hour and a half.

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