Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Español! Walk! Ditchy! Labels! 10.29.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:26 pm  

I got Zelle squared away on my iPhone.



Walked 1.32 miles. Seven hills.

Printed out the labels for the donors. Put the labels on the envelopes. I still need to get stamps tomorrow.

I should come in third this week.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Spanish! Anthony! Penelope Soccer! Newsletter! 10.28.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:02 pm  

Studied hard this week.

Hopefully, I’ll get a similar message every evening.


Funny chat with Anthony.


Walked 1.70 miles. I didn’t just go up and down my hill. I walked an old route. Man, was it ever easy.

I always enjoy watching Penelope play soccer.

Perfect weather.

Blew the leaves off the driveway.

Wrote and produced my newsletter for November.

Tight competition this week.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Spanish! Jon! Rest! 10.27.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:31 pm  

Studied Spanish. Pushed to the front. Barely.

Had lunch with Jon Paul. Always a blessing.

Every so often Walmart has to send me things rather than me just pick them up. Not sure why.


About the time to get the insurance squared away. I hope we can figure out something for Ashley and Jessi.

I tweaked my back and had a headache all morning long. Not sure what was going on. Took a nap after I ate with Jon. Felt better after that. Still didn’t get to go out an enjoy the great weather.

I have potential jury duty next week. I signed up for text information from the jury web site last time. I reckon it’s still in effect because it sent me information.

Just keep going.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Walk! Spanish! Anthony! AZ! PE! Bank! 10.26.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:39 pm  

Just keep going!

Changed our Mint Mobile amount to just 5GB per month. Should be enough.


Had a great talk with my old friend Rollin Hooper! He’s like a brother to me.

I called his little brother who is also one of my favorite people and left a VM.

I always enjoy talking with my buddy, Anthony in the UK. He’s hilarious.


Walked 3.58 miles. That’s 20 hills.

I saw this weird root like thing on this tree. It was about three feet up. The tree is dying.

Listened to Don Cheto while I drove.

Took the grandgirls to Pho 24. It’s one of our favorite places, but it’s gotten quite expensive especially to what it used to cost.

Helped the kids at the mission. She drew me the picture.

Deposited checks. Amen. It’s amazing how much better I feel when the bank account has more money.

Beautiful moon.

I’ve been ordering my groceries on line and picking them up for over three years now. BUT I still have to go inside to get bananas. For some reason the app doesn’t have that item.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Spanish! Walk! Anthony! K! AZ! 10.25.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:08 pm  

Still working hard!



Jessi’s birthday card came in from Nana.

Had a good walk, 2.97 miles. 17 hills.

Ordered groceries.

Ordered new shirts and shoes for K.

I watched this car back into a car at Azalea. Just drove off like no big deal. I left a note on the car he hit.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Ordered more melatonin for Kathy. Seems to help her sleep.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Walk! J’s Birthday! Anthony! AZ! Bank! 10.24.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  



Good chat with Anthony about his teacher training course.

Worked on a video for Peachtree Corners BC to use for fund raising.

Went to the bank to deposit checks.

Azalea apartments are putting in some new hedges.

Picked up the girls and took them to Waffle House.

They like to pretend they’re riding the Waffle House Horse.

Helped the kids with their homework. I had a shorter day because of Jessi’s party this evening. We still got a lot of it done.

Listened to Don Cheto while driving.

K and I took Jessi to Provinos. It’s our favorite Italian restaurant and has free birthday meals!

The Speedway gas station had a price drop to 2.79. I stopped in to fill up, check fluids and clean my windows.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Walk! Roof! AZ! 10.23.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:00 pm  



Worked on cleaning off the glue residue from tape I had put there.

Cleaned the glass front door.

Walked 2.91 miles.

Sixteen hills.

Cleaned the leaves off the room and blowing the gutters. Solidly in the work category.

I like the way I stacked these limbs.

Many leaves landed on the deck.

Worked out with the blower .55 miles.

Driveway was next.

Listened to Don Cheto.

House sure looks better with the roof and driveway blown. The gutters were completely blocked by tree debris

I didn’t have enough time to take a shower before I went to the mission. Bahd luck. It was cool enough so luckily I didn’t sweat much.

I listened to Guatevision TV. They are now in the third week of protests. It started October 2nd while I was in Panajachel, Guatemala. I know the people are having a hard time. I saw video of the stores. Looked like almost all the shelves were empty.

The girls enjoyed singing and acting out this dance.

Watered the Pink Magnolia sapling. She sure has had a rough go. That white powder mildew really did a number on her. I think she’ll survive.

Helped the kids a the mission. Had a long talk with one of the girls about truancy.

Cleared out the trash can in my office. Picked up checks. Amen. Depositing those will be a tomorrow job.

Worked hard today on Spanish.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Spanish! PEM! Bojangles! Ditchy! Rest! 10.22.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:12 pm  

Blake is one of my very favorite artists/authors.



We ate breakfast at Bojangles.

We had a lot of fun with the girls!

Gorgeous weather!

We took the girls over to Miles’ folks house. Then came on home. Unfortunately, my stomach started acting up. Had some diarrhea. My guess is was from all the junk food I ate last night.

Played games. Nice nap.

Studied Spanish. I’ll come in the top ten. Can’t believe how much competition there was in the league this week.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

PE! Soccer! Stone Mountain! Pumpkin Festival! 10.21.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:44 pm  

I worked on getting my Mint Mobile accounts downgraded to just 5GB a month. I think that should be enough for us.

Beautiful weather.


Got my new socks on line today!


Walked .53 miles.

Enjoyed watching Penelope’s soccer match.

After the game, we went to their house to pick up a few extra things then to my house to drop K off. Shot on over to Stone Mountain then.

We had fun at the Stone Mountain Village.

We enjoyed eating fried Oreos and funnel cakes.

Mini golf!

Train ride!

Glow Zone! Cool!

Wonderland. The glasses made the fluorescent paint appear 3D.

We enjoyed the juggler.

I always have fun making swishy lights.

The juggler at night was super cool.

The drone show and fireworks were really cool. Pumpkin themed.

Got the girls home, fed and bathed. Told them a short story and they were asleep.

My first night of using the software from WordPress for the blog. Hope everything turns out ok.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Guatemala 9.30.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:15 pm  

Delicious breakfast at Maya papaya. Two eggs, black beans as and  fruit. Topped off with banana pancakes.

Went to climb the hill of the cross outside of Antigua. Went up the hill back down the road.  One more loop up the mountain in then back down.

Went around the old town of Antigua. Went through the old Cathedral that had been demolished by an earthquake. Interesting  angels. Saw the arch of Saint Katrina. Ate at Copa de la Supa again for vegetarian quesadilla. Uploaded about 100 pictures while I was there. Came back to Maya papaya rested for about an hour.

Went back to the Hill of the Cross. Up and made a big loop back down through the road. And then walked up and down the hill another three times. Felt very strong. No altitude problem at all. Came back to maya papaya. Saw koon and we went over to Ulew for the secret speakeasy. Totally full. Weren’t able to get in. Had fun talking to him as well as two other girls from France. Got to speak some French with them. Coom came back after eating dinner with American and Israeli friend. Interesting conversation about Christmas traditions in Holland. Did some prep work on going to Lake Atitlán . Will catch the car at Maia papaya around 1230.

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