Whirlwind Missions

Friday, March 8, 2024

PE! Doctor! Evergreen! 3.8.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:57 pm  



Beautiful day.

Didn’t know this one.


Still doesn’t say it’s been delivered. That’s not zesty.


Everly made a little man with a acorn hat.

Took J to the doctor with the girls.

Took the girls on Safari around the shopping center. She loves strawberry. It’s kind of a running joke that whatever plushie she gets the first name is always “strawberry.”

That’s my girls!

How’s this possible?

The girls like moss.

Went to Publix to drop off J’s prescriptions.


Took the girls swimming at Evergreen. The inside pool was pretty warm. Amen.

Took the girls out to eat. We went to the German Bakery but got some bad news!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Surgery! Bank! PE! Park! 3.7.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm  



Went to my dentist today. I had a cleaning. The nurse said my teen looked really good. She still scraped my gums sore. I saw my dentist was named best in Georgia. He’s really good! He cut open my gum and installed a metal peg into my implant. In a couple of weeks or so, they’ll call me and I’ll come back over and the crown will be put on and the mission will be complete! Amen! Over a year waiting to get it all done.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Went to the bank to deposit checks. Processed them. Emailed a copy to me and my treasurer, Jon Paul. I’m making a transition between Ashley and me taking care of the business stuff.

Went by Stone Mountain to check out if the inside pool was open at Evergreen Hotel. It was! The girls and I will go over there tomorrow.

Always great to have the girls around.

We went to the Goose Park to play.


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Walk! Reservations! PE! Azalea! K’s Form! 3.6.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:34 pm  

Just keep going. Amen.

Listened to Don Cheto last night with headphones on. Getting more all the time.



Long pants weather.

3″ of rain. Substantial.

Hiked 1.22 miles.

Trapped and transported another squirrel.

I’ll be speaking at FBC Doraville soon.

Filled out a reservation form for the FBC Doraville fellowship hall.

Took some doughnuts to the mission.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Everly loves to set up an area. She came up to me and said, “How do I spell welcome all?” So cute.

Mr. Wilson from Kathy’s job sent this information to me so I could fill out this grant application.

Took me about an hour to fill out the multiple forms in the correct format (pdf).

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Taxes! Notary! Bank! PEK! Azalea! 3.5.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm  

Keep pushing.


Put a call into my dentist. I’m still good to go for my cleaning and crown attachment on Thursday.

Drizzly/rainy weather pretty much all day long.

Tried to walk twice, but drizzle kept stopping me.

I’ve been tracking my packet of taxes that I mailed to my tax guys. I got it certified and priority mail. After I had it mailed, I tracked it multiple times, but it always said only that my big envelope had been accepted at my local Post Office. They said not to worry. That “3 Day” Priority Mail, really didn’t mean much more than regular mail. I was shocked by that.


Working on dates.

I have a meeting with one of my board members, Pat Barrington tomorrow. I’ll meet her at the Hot and Cold restaurant.

I really got upset watching that stupid squirrel eat the blooms off my Pink Magnolia. I decided to start trapping them again. Maybe the new ones one won’t attack my trees. I cover my live trap with a towel to keep the animal calm.

Took K to the UPS store to get a document notarized for a grant she’s up for.

Big rainy weather patterns made walking to the car a hassle.

K came with me today. We took the girls out to Waffle House.

Deposited a check. Thank you, Father!

Beauty in the rain drops.

Kathy helped me with the kids’ homework.

I got the last of the Thank You notes to the supporters in the mail.

Never too much Ashley.

Went to my office to check the mail.

Took a picture of the notarized affidavit to send in to the grant people.

Still gathering information.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Español! Anthony! Walk! PE! AZ! 3.4.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:42 pm  

Came in #2 this week in Duolingo.


Beautiful day.


Fun chat with my buddy, Anthony.

The stupid squirrels are eating the blooms off of my Pink Magnolias. I’m going to try and catch them and get them out of here.

Hiked hard while I studied Spanish. That’s a long way up and down a hill. 3.98 miles.

Got a pizza for Jessi and put it in the fridge for her for later.

Had a good talk with my Mom. Always a blessing.

Picked up the girls at the bus and took them to the Buford Highway Farmers Market.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Chariot of God.


Checked on the delivery of my package. It’s supposed to be signed, don’t know how they plan on doing that at 9PM.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Podcast! Bank! Gas! 3.3.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm  

I like Ryan Holiday.



I thought I turned Runkeeper on. Guess I didn’t. Hiked about twenty minutes.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Drifting and Sifting.”

Deposited a check. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Put gas and checked fluids.



Saturday, March 2, 2024

Carnivore Transplant! Blow! Bedding! 3.2.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:18 pm  

I’m looking forward to seeing this.

Nuevas palabras.


Making progress on getting together with these guys.


Sigue adelante!

Hiked .63 miles. I was eager to start work transplanting the carnivores.

Did my regular laundry as well as my bedding.

Replanted all my carnivores. They were terribly overgrown and needed to have fresh soil and be split apart.

Blew the deck and garage.

K and I went for Greek food this evening. I liked the art.

Jessi and I worked on transferring her files and website to another server. Everything is so complicated.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Rain! Taxes! Zebra! 3.1.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm  

NAMB position approved. Amen.

Today is what I affectionately refer to as “Europe weather.” Cold and rainy.


My zebra skin has really begun to show wear. I decided to reinforce the skin with package tape. Shouldn’t have any more pieces of the skin break off or get much thinner.

Got my taxes done. Had to go to K’s job to get her drivers license out her wallet to fill in part of the form. Also needed to make a copy of our licenses.

Went by the Post Office and sent my taxes in. I got everything done on the Self-Help kiosk and got to the print part and it didn’t work. Some stamps had gotten jammed up in it. Fortunately, they didn’t make me stand in line and gave me the postage I needed.

Went by Game Stop to see if they sold Nintendo 64s any more. They didn’t.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Anthony! Walk! Az! Gym! Camera! 2.29.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:32 pm  

That’s not zesty!

School Schedule. Spring Break is coming up fast!


K has some money coming to her from work, but I have to figure out the forms. That’s a this weekend job.


Brisk today.

Fun chat with my buddy Anthony.

Hiked 1.47 miles.

Up and down the hill. Over and over and over and over . . . . you get the drift. It’s not a normal walk.

I reached out to two of the leaders of the Association today. Seems like I’m going to actually make contact with these guys.


Went to the bank. Thank you so much, Jesus!

Helped the kids at the mission.

Penelope had to go to the dentist today. I saw her at the gym.

Today is the last day that Ashley is on Whirlwind Missions’ payroll. She’ll still be working with us as a volunteer and we will give her love offerings when we can. I really do miss working with her all the time. Interesting that it’s the leap day.

Went by my office to check the mail and water my ficus.

My Canon 360 Elph HS finally died after months of wankyness. She finally ceased to retract fully. That’s usually the story. I’ve had it for four years or so I think. Definitely been awhile. I shot pictures in Israel and the Amazon jungle in Peru with this camera. It’s been great and it saddens me that I’m putting her in the “camera graveyard.”

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Walk! YRBC! Storm! PEK! AZ! 2.28.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm  



Started mild and super windy. Then a powerful thunderstorm and down into the 40s.

Had a nice note from my friend Chester.

Hiked 2.02 miles.

Went to Yellow River Baptist Church to try and contact the pastor. I left a note with some art that one of the kids made.

I went to Publix to get some chocolate candy as a gift for the church secretary and pastors.

I went to the office to get in, she answered, and said to just leave the letter and candy by the door.

I’m pretty sure she was the only person on the campus. I don’t blame her for not letting me in, but it was still kind of weird. It’s my buddy Jon Paul’s pastor. I let him know the progress, or lack thereof.

My Pink Magnolias are starting to bloom. Stupid squirrels keep eating the buds. Grrr.

Still trying to set up appointments with the three Associational Directors for the Georgia Baptist Association. I made one of them today! Amen.

Cleaned all four of my birdbaths and filled them up. I finally hooked my hose back up. I had a styrofoam insulation cover over the faucet during the winter. I left the hose unattached to stop it from freezing.

The suet gets eaten in just a few hours! I don’t put more out for several days. Again, stupid squirrels.

K and I took the girls to PDK airport to eat at the Downwind restaurant. A big thunderstorm blew in while we were out there. The porch where we sit is just windows. Super cool to see the wind and sheets of rain. The planes on the ground had their wings flapping up and down. Of course the planes are tied down for security.

We enjoyed the fellowship and the food.

Penelope always has great art!

Helped the kids with their homework.

I took another piece of Ashley’s art to my room from the mission. It just gets torn up by the silly kids.

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