Whirlwind Missions

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Anthony! Tito & Sammy! 8.15.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:11 pm  

Supa coo.

Every little bit helps.

I got a text from my brother Tito last night. We followed up and set a plan for today! I had mentioned Taco Veloz to him but we ate at the Buford Highway Farmers Market instead. Lot more fun.

I thought this was interesting.

I find the hurricane winds so interesting and beautiful. There are currently two active on our planet. One of them is near Japan.


Made sandwiches for J.

Swept the kitchen.



Did my laundry.

Watered the plants on my deck and cleaned it off.

Good talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Confirmed with Tito where and when we’d be meeting today.

Great to see my friends! Tito and I go back to the very beginning of our ministries.

They’re pointing to Nicaragua where Tito is from.

Went by FBC Doraville to pick up some binders and folders for some of the kids. My partner Virginia wanted to make sure the kids at my mission were taken care of.

New words from the Castaneda book and Apple News.

Took my two ice chests back to the church for storage. I don’t need them at the mission.

Deposited money. Thank you, Father.

Listened to Don Cheto. They were talking to a couple of musicians. They kept saying “gira.” I know that word in Spanish, it means “turn.” But apparently, it also means a “tour” like what bands do.

Got gas and checked my oil.

Paid a couple of bills.

Got more reading glasses. I broke a pair today.

Just keep going.