Five years since I performed in Brazil. Glad to hear they still remember me.
Glad to hear this confirmation.
Cold morning but beautiful day.
Took the girls to the Dollar Tree. They got some hair ties and a Roblox card for $10. Penelope was ecstatic.
The girls ran all the way to the end of this and back four times. Everly kept losing the race and making Penelope go again.
Had fun at Stone Mountain Park. We went to the playground there and made obstacle courses. Everly is faster than her sister at those.
We came home to eat ice cream and install the Roblox character enhancements. She gets to upgrade her avatar in the games with the cool little outfits.
After completing the shower, they helped move the bedroom furniture around and took out a mattress and my gym from the room.
They finished up with the caulking and grout.
Crazy stuff.
They cleaned up all the mess, but left me some really heavy bags full of tiles to get rid of. I’ll have to open the bags and throw pieces in rather than the whole thing at once. I have raise it about head height to get it in the dumpster. That’s not zesty.
We had a little ice cream party to celebrate the job.
Listened to Don Cheto.
Blew the driveway and deck.
Carried several pieces of plywood to my storage area downstairs. I’ll use them as a ramp for carrying my plants back outside. The dolly is a lifesaver with a good ramp.
Went to Publix to get Jessi’s meds. I forgot them in the little basket. The girls were shooting the ice creams with the laser gun and then I paid the bill and left the meds by mistake. Too much going on.
The girls were asleep by 9:00 PM. We set up the beds way before then.
Sometimes the hardest competition is when it’s not the tournament.
I ordered a map curtain, a liner, a curtain rod, and hooks.
Comments Off on PE! Stone Mountain! Shower! 2.18.25
Last day for the old bathtub/shower. It did its job. Wasn’t crazy about the tile leaking.
Jessi had a good time with the girls this morning.
Roberto and Anderson came to my house around 9:00 AM and did the tear out of the old tile and tub.
Took KPE to Bojangles for biscuits. Yum. Went to Home Depot to make sure the shower kit was in. It was and they had it at the front when we got there.
I came back to Home Depot with the men to load up the shower kit.
I was glad that the ceiling I put up could be accessed easily. They had to make some adjustments from below.
Took the girls to the library and baseball park.
Set up Apple Cash.
The walk in shower was really hard to get in place. The door was holding it up. I grabbed the door frame and pulled it back as hard as I could while they wedged the bottom section in.
What a job. There were several times today I came in really helpful. Getting it down off the truck also took three people.
The girls really enjoy the hammock.
Little bit of a slow start on Duolingo for me this week. Had a LOT going on with the shower remodel and the grandgirls at the house. Hard to juggle those jobs. Still within striking range of the leaders for sure.
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I left the bag of dogfood I got from Walmart in my cart outside last night. I had to throw away about half of the bag because it had gotten wet. Actually, I just spread it out in the yard. It probably will dry out in this weather and something will eat it all eventually. I was surprised the bag wasn’t water proof. But it was like a hurricane last night.
Now I’m starting to see why people were mad at Biden.
Looking forward to working on this.
Cold and damp.
Working on research for a Smart TV for my Mom’s room.
Put the back seat organizer together and put it my car. Girls are big now!
I needed a bag of dog food for the wild animals. It’s nearly fifty pounds. I really didn’t want to put it on a cart and put it in the car. But I did it.
While I was a Walmart I checked on the “Peppermint” roses that are red and white. They had marked them 50% off! So I bought four more. I’m planning on putting them alongside my driveway.
I was happy about that.
Went to Stone Mountain to record a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Great On Time.”
Stopped by to pick up pizza on the way home.
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Checked on the shower kit’s arrival to the Home Depot near me.
Hiked .94 miles.
The off/on button on my Sony TV remote is worn out. I thought it was only the batteries. Alas, no. I ordered a new one today.
Good chat with my buddy, Anthony.
Did my laundry.
My key fob for my Honda was having issues locking yesterday. Similar to the TV remote, I figured it’s the battery. I got the hide-a-key from under the car and checked to make sure it was working. Nice bright light and did fine. I’ll probably take my main one apart and check what battery it needs and order a new one.
My system of putting the hide-a-key in a thin nylon sock and attaching it to the car with rare earth magnets (the SUPER strong kind) worked perfectly.
I decided to clean out my trunk area. What a mess.
I got almost everything out and sorted it on the pavement.
Way more organized now. I took quite a lot of stuff out.
I also took the girl’s booster seats to Goodwill. They don’t need them any more. I got a car seat organizer so they have somewhere to put their drinks.
With the trunk organized, I decided to clean the rest of the inside. Floormats were first. I never tried this little vacuum before. It didn’t have a lot of suction but seemed to do the job.
I also iused armorall on the them.
Cleaned the doors.
I got the micro-fiber glass cleaner from Dollar Tree. Used it for the first time today. It did a great job.
I hope someone else makes good use of the seats and clothes.
Cleaned the washing machine. These tablets keep it smelling fresh.
I did a second load of laundry of the towels and washcloths.
Picked up a couple of gyros and a slice of cake. Prices have gone up.
Picked up Thai food for me on the way home.
Went to Goodwill to drop off the stuff.
I doubt I’ll do anything with this.
I put up a Valentine balloon at the mailbox and a few around the house. I bought her some candy too. Also brought home the gyros and cake.
I got this little “peppermint” rose for me. I have four others in my garden outside from Valentines in the past.
Tight race.
Comments Off on Hike! Laundry! Anthony! Car! Goodwill! Valentine! 2.14.25
I brought my carnivores back inside this morning. I don’t let them stay outside in below freezing temperatures.
Hiked 1.02 miles.
I have a lot of map jackets. They are getting pretty thread bare. This weekend, I plan on going through my trunk and looking for more jackets. Some of them could be fine if they’re sewn up. Others seem beyond repair.
Beautiful high level clouds today. They had an iridescence about them. I shot this through my UV sunglasses.
I’ve been very cognizant about using cell data. I’m not surprised I didn’t go over.
Picked up the girls from the bus and took them home to make them a snack and check on the pup.
Penelope is learning the recorder. Cool.
Helped the kids at the mission.
Deposited checks. Thank you, Father.
I’ve been shooting this shot for decades. Never gets old. The trees have gotten a lot bigger.
Good talk with Nana on the way home.
Got gas and checked fluids.
Final days of the Finals tournament.
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First time I’ve seen this on a map. Where does he get these ideas?
Good talks with Nana today. Lots to discuss pertaining to the anticipated move. I spent about an hour talking to a moving guy and doing research.
Also did research on if we hired a U-Haul and did it ourselves. I wanted the info, but I really didn’t want that job. Checked to see if it was cheaper just to get a new chair rather than ship it with a moving company. Lots of variables to consider.
One of the staff from Roopville Road BC called me today about the up coming Missions conference. They wanted to know if I had any questions. I did.
Drizzly today. Always makes for fantastic oil slick pix.
Picked up the girls at the bus. We played with Ryder at home. Girls weren’t very hungry.
Penelope was excited to have her stylus for her tablet today. I helped her get it set up.
Helped the kids at the Mission.
One of the kids had a movie on. They were trying to make it dark.
Pastor Greg wanted to know if I had a need for some tech.