Whirlwind Missions

Monday, February 10, 2025

Plants!Walk! PE! Azalea! 2.10.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm  

My Mom had a great time at the “Peggys Party” mission meeting at Main Street BC! Jodi Steger has been such a huge part of my family! Peggy Hooten is the other Peggy! Love her, too!

As you may remember, I had a great talk with my buddy Danou in Namibia this week. He mentioned our conversation and my ideas for a bore hole on his latest video on YouTube.

My Chiefs got hammered last night. The Eagles were just a better team.

Cooler today. I wore long pants.


I came in #2 last week in the Duolingo Leagues.

Watered my plants in the Green Room.

Walked 2.05 miles. 18 hills.

Here’s looking down my hill.

And then back up.

I believe this is a gas line. I use that as a marker for where to turn around. I still have strong wifi to this location. It’s also the steepest part of the hill.

Heard from a friend of mine from the old days. I’m always trying to help. Sometimes I can’t do that much.

Checked the mail at my office. We don’t seem to get mail every day. Every few days everyone gets a pile.

I picked up Everly at the bus. We went to her house to check on Ryder, then around 4:30 PM we met Penelope at Huntley Hills Elementary as her Drama Club got out.

I sewed up a pillow at Ashley’s house.

Worked with the kids at the Mission.

Good talk with Nana on the way home. She had a great meeting with my brother Jim and our friend Stuart Sutton who is a realtor.

Art by God.

I’ve really enjoyed these. I ordered another four pack this evening. It reminds me of the Indian section of Nairobi where I grew up.

It’ll be a very tight competition this week. It’s the Finals. There are some really smart people in this group.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Español! Rest! 2.9.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:37 pm  

I enjoyed this from Kevin Kelly’s blog.

Donald Trump is not going to like this.

Listened to Don Cheto while I played games.



Beautiful day!

I thought this was interesting.

I’m not into Country music, but Zack was highly recommended.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Walk! Water! Email Copy! Podcast! Research! 2.8.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

PlayStation network was down last night. Bahd luck.

Some good partners got hit by this USAID thing.

I used ChatGPT to help me come up with some copy for an email for the Food Forest in Namibia.



I filled up the water jugs for my plants and feeders. It takes me a few trips to get them downstairs again. Heavy!

Walked 1.08 miles.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Fair Fare.” What’s the price of excellence?

Good chat with Piper today. She was concerned about me because of all the anti-immigrant rhetoric.

Had to figure out login/password stuff for Bluehost. What I had didn’t work. I beat it into submission.

Let my brother Bill know that his domain name renewal was coming up.

I think my friend in Namibia needs to have a website set up. I took a look at domain name registration and hosting/wordpress deals.

Keep going.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Danou! Shower! Research! Water! 2.7.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:31 pm  

I’m always interested in eye-catching shirts.

I heard from Danou. He told me what messaging app was best for him: WhatsApp. I sent him a message with info.

I’m a research kind of guy.

Here’s how Danou talks about what he’s doing.

I used WhatsApp a lot when I was in Guatemala.

One of the production people from this TV show contacted me last week about using the FBC Doraville parking lot.

Got word about the shower stall we will be installing soon.

I continue to contact team leaders.



Got in touch with Landon.

Team list is starting to grow. Amen.

Danou speaks Afrikaans. I always find it fun to pick up a few words in their heart language. Always builds rapport.

We had a fun chat on the phone.

After hearing his heart for what he wants his property to achieve, I encouraged him to talk to people in charge of the local schools. He should offer to have the kids come out and take a look. Perhaps they could help with the signage, or cleaning up some trails or something. Just get them involved and their parents will probably take interest.

I also thought he should contact local Universities and see if their grad students might be interested in coming to help. Perhaps they could do some research for him.

After talking to Landon, I realized that the team will be here at the same time as Nana and Rooopa! That will be great. I will need to take Roopa to the airport on Sunday so I won’t be with the team for most of the time that they’re at the mission that day. I’ll have to leave around 3:00 PM. I talked to him and explained the situation. He didn’t think that would be a problem at all.

I called Nana to tell her what was going on. Everything will work out perfectly.

Really? They needed a box this big for a packet of dental floss?

Fantastic weather.

Printed the tax receipt from Kars 4 Kids.

Brought the water bottles in.

Rained about .75″ last night.

Refilled feeders.

Keep going.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Anthony! Gas! PE! Azalea! Groceries! 2.6.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:43 pm  

Sweet note from Penelope.

Beautiful weather.



Ordered and picked up groceries.

Good chat with Anthony.

Did my laundry.

Gassed up my car and checked the fluids.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father!

Took the girls to Waffle House.

I installed Stars so I can text Penelope.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Elapsed time is difficult for them.

Some come for fun.

I appreciate this.

I left Landon a voicemail. He emailed me later.

Good talk with Nana on the way home.

Don Cheto.

Plans continue to progress for Nana getting here. Roopa will be driving my Mom to Atlanta. She’s a friend of ours from the early 70s in Nairobi.

Hard for me to be motivated to give a lot of extra effort when I’m way behind and way ahead.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Walk! Jon! PEK! Park! Azalea! Bills! 2.5.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:56 pm  

Beautiful weather.



Walked .97 miles.

I gave my buddy Jon Paul a call. I wanted our ministry to give a love offering to the Kendall family. They have a LOT of hospital bills. We cut a check and Jon signed it for me.

Kathy and I picked up the grandgirls at the bus. We decided on Dragon Wok. It kind of made me sick. Oh, well.

Always great to start filling up the schedule.

This has to be the dumbest lost pet sign ever.

K and I took the girls to Keswick park.

Helped the kids at the Mission.

Always great to see Ashley.

Paid bills.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

1900! Hike! Calls! PEM! Azalea! 2.4.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:35 pm  

I have studied Spanish for over four years every day without fail. Today the total hit 1,900 days. That’s a lot of studying.

We are getting ready to have Nana come live with us! It’s exciting. We are moving everything out of her room as much as possible. That includes a mattress. I called Waste Pro today to set up a collection. It will take them until March 12th to get it picked up. That’s a pretty long time.


Nakuru weather.


I’ve gotten back into hiking in the morning up and down my steep hill. January I was pretty sedentary.

Hiked 1.98 miles.

Eighteen hills.

Devon brought a team last Summer. He’s bringing a bigger group this time.

Crystal may bring a team from FBC Atlanta. We’ll see.

I talked to Jon about the situation with the Kendall family. I’d like to send them a love offering. Wanted to make sure Jon was cool with that.

Good talk with my Mom. It helps my drive to have her to talk with.

Deposited checks at the bank. Thank you, Father. You are so good to us.

I picked up Penelope and Everly. We got their Dad and took him for a picnic at the park. We had a good time, but Chic-fil-A messed up my order again. I clearly said “veggie wrap.” Aargh.

We dropped Miles off back home after we ate and went back to the mission to help the kids. We’re making good progress.

Always great to spend time with the girls.

Good to see my buddy, Shimanto today. I wanted to put him in touch with Moustak.

Don Cheto on the way home.

I got back in touch with one of the teams coming in May. He’s bringing over 100 people.

These were some of the comments from Duolingo on my hitting 1,900.

Don’t stop.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Duolingo! Shoes! Ash! E! Azalea! 2.3.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:34 pm  

Could be longer . . .

I came in #2 last week. Pauline added more points in the last thirty minutes. Well played.

Beautiful. What I call “Nakuru weather.”


Hiked 1.64 miles.

Called Tim Deter. He walked me through setting up the application for Kathy for Medicare.

I also worked on K’s CPAP machine this evening. Cleaned one filter and changed the other.

Cleaned my shoes.

Had a good talk with my Mom.

Went to my office and picked up/processed checks. I’ll deposit them tomorrow.

Great to seem my girls! Miles came home today from the hospital today. We are happy about that!

Helped the kids at the Mission.

I liked this.

Been in contact with a potential volunteer from FBA.

Added a little water to the pink magnolia at Azalea.

Contacted Waste Pro about hauling off an old mattress.

I’ve been taking extra care with this caladium.

Sewed up a substantial tear in the fabric of my comforter.

Watered my plants.

Keep going.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Walk! Tarp! Game! Duo! 2.2.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:13 pm  

I have a friend in California that is really going through a hard time. I thought this was good advice.

I’m interested in Darwin. J and I went to see his house in the country in England.

This is going to be an economic disaster.



Walked 1.5 miles.

I have a work out bench that I’ll be storing in my back yard. I ordered a tarp to wrap it up.

K and I ate Chinese food today. I liked the art.

I’m enjoying playing Spiderman 2. There’s a lot to learn.

I tried to hook up my Parrot Mini drone. It wasn’t connecting properly to the controller. The batteries being old may also have impacted performance.

I figure that Pauline will make a last ditch push and get #1 this week. We’ll see if I’m right. No big deal for me.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Anthony! Yard Work! Groceries! Trees! 2.1.25

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:09 pm  


Hiked 1.08 miles.

Good talk with my buddy, Anthony.


Blew the driveway and deck. Hundreds of gumballs

I’ve been working on giving this plant some love. It was severely under-watered with not much light. I cut all the dead growth back and have been watering it thoroughly. The soil just drains the water straIght out. Then swept up the mess from the trimming.

The mileage rate went up .03 per mile. It’s now .70/mile.

I’ve found compressed air to be a useful cleaning tool.

The weather has been fantastic lately. 60s.

Picked up my groceries that I ordered yesterday.

The light on the trees was beautiful this evening.

Keep going.

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