Snow! Data Base! Feeders! Blue Wall! 1.22.25
We got about .5″ of snow yesterday. Most of it melted today. I’m not so sure about the “once in a generation” thing.
Wikipedia is a project I support. I also help the Ocean Cleanup, the Water Project and permaculture projects in W. Texas and Namibia.
It’s been getting really cold here. My room doesn’t have central air/heat. So I use a single oil heater set on medium. If it’s on high, it throws the breaker. So I decided to build a wall with sheets and barriers in my room, effectively cutting the area heated by half. I can tell it’s already warmer than the other half of my room. I usually run a fan at night. I’ve stopped that in order to keep the warm air in place. Substituted that for the sound of a running air conditioner. I have a sleep app with a lot of different sound effects. When I travel, I usually use white noise with ear buds turned way up. I also moved my weather station to my half of the room.
I was supposed to pick up my groceries from Walmart today. Glad they didn’t make their guys come to work.
I like to see the patterns of melting snow.
Opossum, raccoon tracks and some type of bird.
Scraped off the snow and refilled the bird bath.
Filled feeders.
I’ve been working on my donor data base, culling the people that never give.
Added stamps to the newsletters. If all goes well, I’ll get the newsletters printed and into the mail tomorrow. Depends on the roads.