Whirlwind Missions

Monday, January 7, 2019

Tire! Azalea! 1.7.19

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:50 pm  

Studied. Yeah. You know the drill.

Talked to the Cars for Kids group to get the Altima donation going. They had my phone number wrong, so I couldn’t access the online account.

I got Kathy’s seat to move forward. Just had to keep jiggling the switch.

Woke up with a text that Kathy’s rear driver’s side tire was going flat. It was about 30 pounds low.

Took around 20 minutes for my little compressor to do that. But she worked!

I’m getting back into my routine of study habits. I’ve continued to work on grammar in the mornings, but I haven’t had the chance to listen Tito’s sermons or the Madrid radio. I’ve spent hours back now. Including for an hour on my bike.

I took the Explorer with the leaking tire over to New Peachtree Tire. He’s the owner. He actually plugged a tire for me. Pretty impressed with that.

I put gas in K’s truck.

Ate lunch at Taco Veloz. I always think of Anthony Bourdain who shot an episode of his show in this location.

Went by FBC Doraville to pick up checks. AMEN!

To Bank of America to get the funds in the account.

Went to the mission. This was parked next to me.

Big crowd of kids came through the mission today.

The concrete jungle.

Welcome to Atlanta.

If Mr. Google took me home this way, I hate to think what the other routes were like. I actually took a right at that first overpass in the distance about 1/2 mile away.

Listened to Tito’s sermon on the way home and way to the mission.

Cleaned my fish tank when I got home.

Played some Black Ops 4.

Added to my Twitter feed. Just noticed that it had run out of posts. I’m usually way ahead. I added about two weeks worth this evening. The tweets are my version of sermon notes.


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