Whirlwind Missions

Friday, May 14, 2021

Grandgirls! Slippery Hill! Feeder! 5.14.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

I found this interesting. Carl Jung used the word.



So cool. Those are called polypore mushrooms.

I used to work with this family a lot. Miss them. Now they’re all grown up!

Been doing research on getting some gutter guards. I doubt these kind will be very hard to put in.

Beautiful day!


Never too much Ashley!

After I picked up the girls, we took a walk around the fair for future planning.

We also walked near the shops. I liked this ad.

The barber shop is under new management.


Girls played with the Picasso blocks.

I took my tarp and added some water and dish washing soap to create “Slippery Hill!”

Then clean up time.

Then the clothes!

Later, while the girls napped, I blew off the driveway and the deck.

I took all the girl’s toys back downstairs to my storage area. I try to leave the house like they had never been there.

Vacuumed the house.

Cleaned the glass doors.

Swept the floors.

Scrubbed and cleaned all the measuring cups. We use these to cook food in the microwave.

I’m playing a new video game called Devil May Cry 5. It’s been fun. It’s a lot of learning different button combos, which I’m not super crazy about.

My grocery order was late this evening. No big deal. I only ordered it this morning!

I got my new bird feeder in from Amazon. I’ve really liked this design of this feeder. I had the sister version of this that was copper colored.

The old one took some hard falls. Still, I reckon I got at least five good years out of the old one.

A female Eastern Bluebird was my first visitor!

I cleaned all the bird baths. I usually do this at least once a week. I’m thinking about leaving the hose in the area just to do it more regularly.

Rained about .5″ yesterday.

As I walk around my yard, I’m always on the alert for the dreaded poison ivy.
I immediately dig it up and chop it up with a vengeance.

Saw this in the parking lot. I wonder what the story was?

Released Verbal Surgery -852- “Lost and Around.” So good!

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