Whirlwind Missions

Friday, June 24, 2022

Immanuel BC! D-Day! Plaza Fiesta! Podcast! 6.24.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:14 pm  



Breakfast with the girls at the park.

We had our Dedication Day today! Here I gave Andrew the “Golden Egg of EGGcellence.”

Passing the baton. “It’s up to ME!”

Signing the Landing Pad!

Went on Safari to Plaza Fiesta! Always a good time.

Struck the set for The Show. Set up the tables like I found them. The team helped me a LOT!

The team worked really hard in what was the hottest week of the year.

Ordered groceries.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called,
“Steel Myself.”
So good!

Edited the video of Immanuel BC and uploaded it to YouTube.

Sent the team THANK YOU email. Once that’s done, I consider the team assignment complete. It includes a list of all the photo galleries I shot, the video I edited and promo for the different social media sites I host.

It’s been hard week with my car going dead, gas fumes making me sick and unbelievably hot. Still fun! The grandgirls always make it better! I wish I had more teams coming!

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