Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Walk! Cleaning! Board Meeting! 2.17.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  



Walked 2.10 miles.

I called Jodie but talked with her husband, Charlie. He’s been a lifelong friend. He’s having health issues. Always good to show concern and pray.

Put the bedding on K’s bed.

Vacuumed the house and cleaned the filters and canister.

I got some Goo Gone and cleaned off the sticker on my tray. Sure looks better.

I had a good time with the board members of Whirlwind Missions this evening.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Overnight! PE! Park!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm  



Cloudy but nice.

I find elements of beauty all around me.

Added transmission fluid and oil and gassed up my car. As they get older, one must remain diligent.

K and I took the girls to Evergreen to swim in the inside pool and use the exercise room. The water was pretty cold, but they seemed to have a great time.

After swimming, we went to Hot and Cold in Snellville to eat. Really good, although their dumpling sauce was WAY too hot today. Bahd luck. Everly had a lot of fun with the jello.

To continue our theme of “Fun and Excitement! (Plus knowledge)” we started our afternoon at the Library playing educational games.

Then to physical time.

We went to all three sections of the “Library Park” including a nice hike through the forest. Plenty of fallen trees to practice their balance skill plus encounter obstacles.

Then back to the library for another short session with the computers: It’s an Apple computer set up with lots of cool programs. Penelope played with the coloring program.

I worked on my Whirlwind Missions Board Report this evening. We did a lot of great ministry, but we had about 20% of the number of people come to help us compared to five years ago. Just keep going.

Talked with Ashley about getting the slide show onto my computer. She saved the file she made to Google Drive and I downloaded it onto my Mac Air from there.

Jessi is having problems with one of her websites. I went on Bluehost this evening to try and get it squared away but the hold time was too long for me.

Called Jon to remind him of the meeting tomorrow at three.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Ann! PCBC! Azalea! Gymnastics! 2.15.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:27 pm  

New words!


K and I went to Ann’s house to help her. Ended up having to call the fire department and an ambulance to take her to the hospital to get her checked out.

Had a great time with my buddies from Peachtree Corners Baptist Church. Pastor Jay, Jon and Logan are a great team. I look forward to mobilizing a lot of people from their church, I hope!

Checked the mail at the church.

Helped the kids at the mission. I liked how Everly fixed up the room.

GREAT to see my buddy Pedro and his son Isaac today. He was one of my original youth group.

Listened to Don Cheto.

Talked with my Mom. Always a blessing.


Glad to have the grandgirls spend the night tonight.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Walk! PE! Laundry! Azalea! 2.14.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:41 pm  

I can’t believe this letter bounced. It’s been going through perfectly for years.



Español! It’s been a very strong competition this week. Wow.

I started my walk and Duolingo had a technical maintenance issue. Stopped and finished my laundry. Then went back and did more.

Had a good conversation with my treasurer Jon Paul this afternoon. Kathy insisted that I call him and not just text. I’m glad I listened to her advice.

Washed and put up my laundry. I also washed some towels.

Kathy was complaining about the water not being hot. I changed the temperature setting on my hot water heater to “HOT” from “LOW.’ Should make a difference. Funny thing is I don’t take hot showers. Been a few years now since I started taking cold showers.

Called Nana. She was busy with a meeting. I’ll call her back tomorrow.

Listed to Don Cheto. I had a hard time with it today. There were long sections where two people were talking at once.

Picked up the girls at the bus. Took them to Taco Veloz and Duncan Donuts. They actually got ice cream.

Went by my office to check the mail. Went by again this evening to pick up my projector and some cords for the Board Meeting on Saturday.

Helped the kids with their homework. They are really enjoying the pipe cleaners. Making bracelets.

I’m glad this is getting here. I was just about out.

Art by God.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Walk! PEK! Azalea! 2.13.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:43 pm  

It’s the first time I’ve watched almost the whole Super Bowl in probably fifty years. I’ve been following the Chiefs for a few months. I really enjoy the reels on Facebook of Jason and Travis Kelce. I remember him talking about feeling bummed out that he didn’t get to give Taylor a bracelet he made for her with his phone number on it.

Much cooler and really windy in the afternoon.



Looking forward to meeting with Buck soon.

Hiked 2.26 miles.

Got the MSC forms and a letter for K’s brother in the mail.

Looks like about 2 3/4″. It was slow and steady. Pretty much all day long. I’m sure the plants were digging it.

Jessi and I talking about new projects.

K and I took Penelope and Everly to WH.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father. I really appreciate it.

New fire extinguisher at the Mission.

Told the kids a Bible Story.

Helped with homework.

The kids enjoyed making bracelets for their families.

Washed my comforter. I’ve learned how to wash it at the laundromat at Azalea. Getting it dry-cleaned was expensive and kind of a hassle.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Rain! Batteries! Podcast! Azalea! 1.12.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 2:06 pm  

Kathy and Jessi will have to reschedule their cleanings.


Contacted my treasurer Jon Paul about the Board Meeting this Saturday.


Jessi is still having trouble with getting onto her blog. I need to call Bluehost and try and figure it out.

Ordered groceries.

Worked on the documents to continue my assignment with the North American Mission Board.

Rained most of the day.

Had a conversation with Pastor Bill Cordrey about the NAMB documents.

I got a couple of replacement batteries. Two of my old ones take several days to recharge and then discharge very quickly. They don’t last more than a couple of years if used a lot.

Kathy came with me to help the kids at the mission. We are enjoying the “Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza” game.

Emailed the new director of our local association to set up a meeting with him. He will be the one who will sign off on the NAMB forms for the GBC in the future.

Picked up the groceries at Walmart on the way home. Took a long time. Lots of customers and only one guy bringing them to us.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Promo Code.” Excellent.

Checked my calendar. I have a meeting with the staff from Peachtree Corners BC on Thursday. Looking forward to that.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Anthony! Walk! Super Bowl! 2.11.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 12:13 am  

I like the sound of this.

Worked hard. Came in the top three. Amen.




Fun chat with my buddy, Anthony!

Walked 2.98 miles.


Watered my upstairs plants.

Washed all my bedding. I plan on washing my comforter tomorrow.

Really enjoyed watching the Super Bowl this evening. It’s the first time in years that I’ve really rooted for a team and then they win! The Falcons let us down when they were there.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Roopville Road BC! 2.10.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:29 pm  

Got up early, read my Bible and headed to FBC Doraville. I set up for The Show in about forty five minutes. I enjoyed having the team from Roopville Road BC hang out with me! I took them to eat at Pho 24 and on Safari to Asian Square and China Town. Then to Azalea to work with the kids!

Great to have them at the mission!

Friday, February 9, 2024

Español! Jessi! 2.9.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm  


Cloudy and cool.


Added 1 fl oz of transmission fluid.

Took Jessi to the audiologist and surgeon today. Everything looks great!

Listened to Don Cheto and worked on some lessons.

Close match this week.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Walk! PE! Azalea! Gymnastics! 2.8.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:22 pm  





Washed my clothes.

Walked 3.32 miles.

Good talk with my Mom. Amen.

Took a break from working with the kids to go see Penelope and Everly do their gymnastics class.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil. Added some.

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