Tim A. Cummins @ 10:28 am
Super busy day yesterday. I was so whipped when I got home I went to sleep at 9:30 pm! Yow!
Last week I had a meeting with the international pastors at Clarkston International Bible Church.

Many of the congregations need Bibles. Thanks to the generosity of the staff at the North American Mission Board, I’ve been able to help buy some Bibles. This church hosts people from over 50 countries!

Yesterday I went to CIBC for their “Wonderful Wednesday” meeting with the students from Dekalb Tech who meet on the church campus. I met with the Ethiopian Pastor Moges and gave him the Amharic Bibles I had tracked down for them.

The church members were SO happy to have their own Bible!

I thought about many of my friends who have four or five Bibles laying on a shelf somewhere collecting dust. What a difference!
Jesse and I took chairs over to Hope Ministry in Decatur . Pastor Terry Cummings is the leader of that congregation. He’s a former NBA professional basketball player. Jesse told me, “I sure felt short.” Me too, son! One of their congregation helped us in Conyers last weekend with the outreach at Audobon Brook. I’m glad to be able to support partners. They may also be able to host a Burmese congregation in their facility as well, but it’s about 2 miles from Clarkston. Not sure if that would work out.
I took back a bunch of video equipment that we bought last week. Just couldn’t do what we needed it for. In particular it had no external jack for a microphone. To do a good job you HAVE to have a lav mic that you can plug up to the guy you’re interviewing, plus you need a headphone jack so you can monitor your audion. So back it went. Best Buy is great about no hassle returns, except I had to pay a restocking fee on the camera. Bahd luck.
Went to FBC Doraville to check on my office and see if the computer that I had fixed for Ms. Margie was still working ok. It was. PTL. That thing was a hassle to fix.
Jesse’s class at Willow Branch in Clarkston is starting to grow! I took him over to a guitar store near Azalea and lo and behold they actually had a left handed guitar! We got a lefty guitar and a regular guitar with bags for a great price.

The manager was interested in Jesse’s class since he’s teaching refugees. I think that’s one reason they gave us such a discount.

J and I had two computers over to my partner Virginia Cosgrove. She has a great ministry with the families living at Pearl Lane apartments. I was glad to be able to help her out.
Checked on the kids at Azalea. Miguel wasn’t there to have the mission open. That was disappointing. His mom said “He probably forgot.” You forget on your first day? We’ll see how it goes. Jouvens was there with his girlfriend Makayla.

They were both a big help.
I focused on working with Tabias who is like a son to me. I’ve been like a father to him for thirteen years now. He’s one of our success stories. Stayed out of trouble, in school, loves Jesus! He needed help on a presentation he’s doing on diabetes. He was pretty scared about it. 
Did you know that the #1 fear of people is “Public Speaking?” I think he’ll do a great job on his presentation.
Kathy was sick yesterday. She’s feeling better this morning and is on her way to CIBC to work with the refugee babies. Last night I fell asleep in her arms watching the Championship Dog Show in NYC. Didn’t dream of dogs.