Tim A. Cummins @ 7:38 pm
Most of my day was spent trying to get our dryer working. It still spins but stopped heating up.
I called my appliance repair guy, went to Lowes to check with them, then drove to Tucker to talk to the guys that sold it to me, just under a year from today (Dec 4th!) So I still had a warranty for labor, just have to buy the part.
Jesse and I put the dryer in the van and I drove it over there. Glad to get them working on it.
I was called this evening to tell me that the sensor went bad and that I can pick it up Tuesday morning.
Jesse and I also drove over to Willow Branch. He taught his guitar class while Bennett and I talked about situations at the missions.

I finished my financial report this afternoon and took the hard copy to my treasurer. Wrote the end of the month checks and we dropped them off at the Post Office on the way to the mission.
Crummy, drizzly weather today. But we had a lovely sunset yesterday!

And a full moon too!

Jesse’s fish had babies. Cool!

I’m still trying to figure out why these con trails form like this. Air flow?

Tim A. Cummins @ 3:13 pm
This morning, Kathy, Ashley and I went to visit with our friends at First Baptist Church of Doraville.

Today was their 60th anniversary of the church. Awesome! It was fun to have the Spanish, English and Korean congregations together.

We have a lot of history in that church. Kathy and I got married there. Our children were baptized there and I have my office there!
Praise the Lord for this great church!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm
Went to the Post Office first thing this morning to take the remaining Christmas mail outs. There were about 30 left.
Dropped by Staples to turn in a bunch of used printer cartridges. 16!
Enjoyed an hour at Stone Mountain.

Enjoyed hanging out at the conference center.

Beautiful day. Awesome surroundings. I liked the shadows.

Ate Popeye’s chicken at the beach with Kathy.

Came home home and rested.

Kids helped me rake the front yard.

Enjoying watching Baylor play Texas Tech.
Cool bumper sticker. Every seen Whale Wars?

Tim A. Cummins @ 4:07 pm
Yes. I’m still working on the Christmas project.

I got 94 in the mail before noon. I’ll get almost all of them today by 5pm.
Here’s what I have to do.
I have to burn a CD.

Put a label on it and in an envelope.
I have to print labels for the CDS as well as the Calendars.

Laminate the calendars.

Put them in the envelope and take them to the PO.

What fun!
Enjoyed a picnic outside with Kathy for lunch. Bit nippy.
Lotsa leaves.

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:34 pm
We had a great time at our house today! We had the Sullivans, Doverspikes and Mitchells over to our house for Thankgsiving lunch. Beautiful weather and great fellowship!

Our nephew Luke called us to dinner.

Now back to the Christmas project. Kids have been a huge help!

Jesse’s fish are doing well.

Happy thanksgiving to you all!
Tim A. Cummins @ 7:49 pm
Been working on the Christmas project.

We wrote and produced the newsletters and went to Staples and made the copies.

Took the kids out to eat and then we went to Walmart to get the fixins for Thanksgiving tomorrow. We have the Doverspike family coming to our house to eat lunch. Always fun!
We also got some pillows for Jesse. This is the one Ashley thought would be good for him!

Back to the project. . .
I thought these trees looked cool.

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:53 pm
Still working on my Christmas project. Lots of stuff to make!
Went to Walmart to pick up supplies. Saw a whole herd of bikes!

To the Post Office for, you guessed it, stamps!

Lady at the Post Office didn’t give me quite enough. I have to go back and get eight more tomorrow.
Had Jesse AND Ashley with me today! Woot!

Went to the office to check mail. It’s the 60th anniversary of First Baptist Church Doraville this weekend. They took out the time capsule!

Over to Azalea to check on the kids. They also helped with the newsletters.

Had a new friend Bob Ashman stop by the mission today. He’s interested in getting his church involved in the missions around Roswell Road.

Enjoyed stopping at the book store for a few minutes. Can you tell what section I go to first?

Back home now, again, the project calls . . . .
I thought this pay phone was interesting. Only took cards, no change!

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:15 pm
Been working all day long on my Christmas project. Burning CDs and getting everything I need for the calendar.

Always something!
Didn’t sleep that well last night. Back was hurting me. Not sure why.
Jesse and I went to Willow Branch to check on the kids.

No one was there! Guess they’re on the holiday schedule. We’ll have our session tomorrow afternoon at Azalea and that will be the last for us this week.
Went by the bus station to check on Bayo. He’s headed to see his family back in New Jersey tomorrow morning. He rides the Chinese bus! I’m glad he’s going to see his loved ones.
Still working on the archiving process.
Take a look at the button called “Tim’s Books” if you’re interested!
Tim A. Cummins @ 4:28 pm
Just got back from three days in the mountains of Tennessee.

We normally stay at Budget Inn, but the room we normally stay is was full. So we tried a new place that we had scoped out on our last trip, Alpine Lodge.

It was super quiet and very beautiful.

It’s right on the slopes of Raccoon Mountain. They say it was built in 1935 and was one of the first constructed in the area.

We had fun there. Good, relaxing time. I sure did need that.
spent a day hiking through the Reflection Riding Arboretum

Saw some unusual things. Never seen an armadillo killed like this before.

This mushroom was soft and furry.

How comfortable is a pig’s nose exactly?

This reminded me of a painting by Matisse.
Good to spend time with Kathy!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:59 pm
Foggy morning.

Worked at my home office most of today. Producing CDs for my Christmas mailout and archiving more of my stories.
Extremely time intensive. But a labor of love!
Jesse and I went to Chamblee to help the kids with their homework.

J went to a couple of family’s houses to help them with computer issues. I’m helping Maria learn to read, and Jhan to look for predicates. Jocelyn and Michael had math problems. Mikey had Language Arts.

Came home in the fog. Cool lighting effects.

I saw this sticker on a truck near our house.