Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Meds! Reboot! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:03 pm  

This morning I went to my doctor to pick up some medicine for my wife and Jesse.
On the way home, I met K at East Stone Mountain Tire.
She had the tie rods in the van redone last week. We needed to get an alignment done. The car seems to be driving well, but still a little bit rough. We took it back to T & G to have them take another look.

Jesse is feeling well today! He’s been pretty sick with aches and fever for the last four days. I sure was glad to have him back in the saddle as my wing man!

We went to my partner Reboot to pick up a refurbished computer for the Mocombe family. I’m always glad to be able to help them!
Then to Huntington Creek to drop off a check for water and to see how the Norths are doing. They need to get some repairs done at their apartment. I was checking on that for them too.

I got a call from my team from Statesboro that they were a little bit lost. J and I led them over to Huntington Terraces from the gas station. I was glad they were in the area!

Got some new keys made for the mission at Azalea. I promoted a couple of the kids who have been really helpful. They’ve been taking more of a leadership role lately.

J and I helped the kids with their homework till the ladies got there for the mission.

My team from Statesboro did a great job with the kids at the missions. I really liked their coloring of the JESUS word.



The English Class was packed!

I ran the AC all night long last night. It was unbearable hot for the folks there yesterday. Nice and cool in the mission. I had one of the older kids do nothing but police the door so that we could keep the cool air in!

I put a note on the back door. It worked surprisingly well!

I thought this baby Jesus looked like he’d gotten sunburned.


I liked these roots.