Tim A. Cummins @ 10:46 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:59 pm
Still hung around the house with Kathy. Slippery roads are not groovy.

School for the kids at the mission was cancelled too.
Beautiful outside. Here’s the view out my front porch.

Cleaned the house. Vacuumed and used my new Swiffer mop.

Started reading a new book, “Finite and Infinite Games” by James P. Carse. Been interesting. Kevin Kelly recommended it.
I’ve really enjoyed Kelly’s new book “Cool Tools,” a Catalog of Possibilities. Like the sound of that!
We still need to get the newsletters in the mail, but the icy roads stopped that.
Made some soda can windmills.

Adding the swivel it twirls on.

I’ve tried several ways to affix a wire to the can. Hot glue seems to be the best option.

I’m thinking about using the hexagon shape somehow.

Admin duties now. Looks like we’re starting to thaw out a bit.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:07 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:15 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 12:27 am
Worked on getting the labels together for our newsletter today.
Every January, we do a “sheep and goat” letter. If we haven’t heard from you in a year, we ask if you still want to receive the newsletter. They don’t have to send any money in, but they do have to mark a form and send it back. To me it just seems like a smart use of our resources. Many people now prefer the information to be electronic. But it’s nice to get the color newsletter in the mail!
Wrote the Outreach Update and added the pictures to it.
Ashley and I met up with Kathy and Jesse for lunch. Always good.

Ian and Ruthie North happened to be at El Torrero too! David North is on furlough from the Philippines right now.

I took extra pictures to help with my Valentine art project.

Ash and I went to Walmart to pick up some supplies. I saw this and thought it sounded funny.

I wonder what Sugar would have thought?

Ash and I worked on who would get the “Stay On The Team” letters. We have to go through the 130 names and verify their response for that year.
Went to the Post Office to pick up stamps.

Then to the mission to do labels and help with homework.

Darlene and I have been working on memorizing times tables.

J and I enjoyed eating burgers this evening.
Then home for admin duties.
K isn’t feeling well. Our doctor prescribed some antibiotics for her.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:09 pm
Had an early morning today. Up before daybreak. The colors were beautiful.

Traveled an hour south of Stone Mountain to FBC Mcdonough, GA today.

They are a great group! I really enjoyed the teams from their church.

Some of my favorite people are there.
They’ve remodeled their sanctuary. Looks great.

I had a booth at the mission fair. Honestly, I didn’t stand by it much. I’m more of a “Take the Booth, to the People,” kind of guy. I signed up more than 30 to come do a mission trip with us. Plus their youth group is coming back in the summer.
I came home for about an hour then picked up Ashley and went back to Peachtree Corners Baptist Church for the missions banquet. I really enjoy those folks.

Fun day. But long.
Admin duties now.
I thought these con trails were cool.

I hope they know where they’re going.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 pm
Had fun at Peachtree Corners Baptist Church this morning.

Took our display for Whirlwind over to the church to set up at our table.
Then had a prayer lunch with the Missions Committee. We had our briefing for our assignments.

Barnes and Noble is near the church so I stopped by there on the way home. Enjoyed reading an article from the latest National Geographic while I was there on the newest images for the brain.

Always love that stuff!

I thought the facts were interesting too.

There sure have been a lot of episodes of the Simpsons!

Brought a sandwich home to Kathy. She’s not feeling well. Spent most of the day in bed with her watching TV and movies.
Enjoyed making a new mobile for Valentines.
Admin duties now. Early morning tomorrow as I have an 8:30 assignment at FBC McDonough.
Interesting high level clouds.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:02 pm
Had a fun day!
Recorded a new podcast! Woot!

I really like this one. It’s important to live life with “Purposepective!” What’s your purpose in life? Service to other is what brings real joy!

Had lunch with Kathy, Ashley and Jesse! Everyone is doing great. Can’t believe I didn’t get a picture!
Then off to buy new walking shoes. The Air Jordans that my Dad gave me have finally given up the ghost.

I’ve run in New Balance for years. I like their walking shoes. I bought them at Sports Authority. For $55, I thought I got a great deal.
Came home to enjoy making things with metal.

Here’s my work space.

I like to play.
I got in my new Sony PCM-M10 recorder today!

I’ve never really been totally satisfied with the on air quality of my podcast. It’s been good, but not great. This little recorder is going to take the audio to a whole new level.

The main advantage is that it records in stereo. When you listen to this little recorder it really gives you the feeling of 3D space. Groovy, baby.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 11:47 pm
I’ve had fun building mobiles out of wire and aluminum. It’s been interesting to put the pieces together.

I use gloves when I’m cutting the metal sheeting. I’m using the thin aluminum from dryer vents.

Punch a hole through it.

Put a jump clip on it.

Thursday morning I went to the dentist. I had the back part of a tooth break off. He said it was structurally sound and not to worry about it. Amazing.

Did the carpets today. My back is feeling it.

I think they look better.
Enjoyed working with the kids at the mission.

Remember these?

I found a map in my glove box in the car. What a hoot.
Admin duties now.
I liked these clouds.

Question of the day.

Beautiful sunset.

I liked this tail light. It was flat.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:25 pm
Another cold spell. Yow!

Spent time on the phone with Geico today. Changed a few things on our policy. Seems like they’re having a hard time figuring it out. Think we’re good to go now.
Ate lunch with Kathy and Jesse. Always fun.

Went to Walmart to pick up some supplies for the mobiles I’m building.

I’ve had fun thinking about balance and mobility.

I’m connecting jump rings to swivels.

Scrubbed the carpet with OxiClean.

I put my phone in the picture to help me track the time it was taking me to do each section. Hard work, yo.

Enjoyed working with the kids at the mission.

I let them make some craft projects.

My shoe had a blow out while I was working with the carpet.

I gave it the hot glue treatment. We’ll see how it goes. I’m not optimistic.
Plus I fell in them today. The heel is completely smooth. Bam, on the floor in the kitchen. So maybe, just maybe, it’s time for new shoes.
Admin duties now.
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