Tim A. Cummins @ 8:12 pm
Flat tire as I went to work this morning. I was able to inflate it yesterday and it held air all the way home.

Drove Big Red into town. K’s car doesn’t have any AC. Man, was it hot. I felt like I was being slowly microwaved.
Ashley and I had a great time briefing our team on Catholicism this morning. We completed our live recordings of the four days. The rough video looks really good. It’s eight hours of material.

I had been practicing my Hebrew and did the Aaronic blessing.
It went really well.
After the blessing, I anoint their forehead with Lily of the Valley oil from Jerusalem. In Hebrew, I quote Numbers 6:24 “Yeh va REh khe KHA AhdoNAI. Vey YEESH meh reh KHA.” May the Lord lift up his face to you. May He bless you.

People seemed to really respond to it.
I mean, wouldn’t you like to have YOUR head anointed with oil while someone is quoting a Hebrew blessing?
I got a word from the Lord that I should use red string to remind people to pray. Turns out that its an ancient Jewish tradition! It’s supposed to be wrapped around the grave of Rachel. Don’t know if we’ll do that, but perhaps I’ll soak it in the Frankincense and Myrrh oil that I got. It’s also from Jerusalem.
I like the idea of making things that people can get emotionally involved with.
After our Dedication Ceremonies, we went on a Cultural Safari to Plaza Fiesta!
We saw our friend Tracy Powers from the Clarion Inn there.

The teams liked the food!

I left after lunch to go back home. I needed to get Kathy to work and to get my tire fixed.
Turned out it wasn’t reparable. Got a new left rear. About $112. Not bad.

Came home to work on my newsletter and labels.
Got those done. It was more complicated than usual because I was dropping people I’d added three months ago from churches where I had spoken from our mailing list. Got it figured out.
K and I enjoyed supper together. She’s resting now.
Admin duties now.
I thought this was funny.