Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Jhoan! Antiques! J! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:51 pm  

This morning I took my friend Jhoan over to the Homeland Security office.

He’s applying for his green card and driver’s license. Everything is more complicated when you are not born in the country.

While I waited for him to get the application started, I went to get a sandwich. They had wifi and I was able to call my friend Anthony in England over FaceBook Messenger. It’s amazing that I can have a video chat with someone in the UK for free! Jesse and I are looking forward to meeting him in Tennessee. He’s coming to teach a class.

I picked up Jhoan, took him home to get his books, then to Chamblee High School.

I enjoyed looking around the antique stores for a while while I waited for Jesse to get ready.
I took him to lunch and we went over to Barnes and Noble to look at books for a while. I liked this map of Peru.

Then to the mission to work with the kids. Always fun. I’m teaching one of the kids how to memorize the answers to math facts.

End of Summer flip flop tan. I call them my “chevrons.”
Came home to watch some Andy Griffith with K.

Went for a 2.66 mile run this evening. It wasn’t too bad outside. Always something beautiful to see.
Ate supper with K.

Admin duties now.

I plan to go to Stone Mountain later this evening to see the Pleiades meteor shower. Hope the sky clears off some more.

I saw three nice meteors. Too cloudy for great viewing but the weather was perfect. The last meteor shower I saw, the Geminids, it was super cold.