Tim A. Cummins @ 3:09 pm
Wednesday evening I cleaned my room. What a job with vaccuming, and mopping.

I edited the video I shot of the Virginia Tech team.

Thursday morning I finished cleaning the glass doors.

Set up the tables and decoration.
Blew the leaves off the driveway.

Beautiful day!

Great Thanksgiving with the Doverspikes and Sullivan clans.


Ashley and Miles went to the hospital Thursday morning around 7am. Our whole Thanksgiving meal centered around “How’s Ashley? Have you heard anything?”
Clean up and stack.

Fall colors.

Nearly full moon.

Went to sleep around 1:15am, baby Penelope still on the way, but not in the correct position. I wanted to be at the hospital SO bad. But Ash said she’d feel better if everyone was at home. So I stayed at home and checked the phone over and over.
This morning around 6:00am, I woke up, didn’t see a text from Miles and went into prayer mode. The Lord and I went to that hospital room to check on the kids. I was seeing inside Ashley and told the baby that everything is going to be fine. I could clearly see her little baby looking up and thinking, “That’s good. She’s in the correct position.” Later I found out that the baby is supposed to be born looking down. The doctor eventually had to use forceps to get her out. The Father told me, “She’s having trouble. I think I should help her.” He reached inside her and guided that baby out. At least that’s what I was seeing.
When I got to the hospital I found out that the birth was exactly when I was praying. I sure am glad that the Father was there to help, because it was as a nurse said, “a rough delivery.”
Kathy, Jesse and I went over to the hospital this morning to check on the little family! I thought it was better we wore masks because both K and J have been a little under the weather.

During the delivery, Penelope broke her humerus. Not sure what they do for that. Pray for her fast healing. She’s also been breathing a bit fast. She seems to be doing better.
At home resting now and working on admin duties.
Sewed up holes in my comforter. Ashley had a bunch of stitches too. Sad.