Tim A. Cummins @ 9:56 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:34 pm
Happy Memorial Day!
I recorded TWO podcasts today.

One this morning and one this evening. I have 12 “in the can” ready for release during the Summer months. I had to splice two sections together using Audacity.

Ashley’s phone developed problems.
Upgraded her to my model, the iPhone 7+. Best phone I’ve ever used.

She’s happy!

Greg at AT&T helped me get it squared away.

Paid bills.

Vacuumed the house and cleaned garage.

Added washer fluid to K’s car.

Also hid her hide a key.

Ready for our team tomorrow!
No bike for me. Too wet.
Studied Portuguese.

Making transcriptions of some videos in Portuguese. Doesn’t work that great. But helpful!

Got my ticket ready for Todd Rundgren tomorrow evening. Yeah, baby!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:06 pm
Went to Westside this morning.

Our music director is retiring. He’ll be missed although John did a good job.

Pastor Ben spoke on dealing with hard times. We all have them!
Packaged up some gifts for my friends Anthony and Freddy Jacquin.

I think they’ll like them. Anthony once said, “Tim Cummins gives the best gifts.” I thought that was cool.
Had a good talk with Anthony.
Studied Portuguese.

I continue to make progress.
Posted new material to my Twitter feed. My version of sermon notes.

Did some research on flights to Birmingham, England in November and Belo Horizonte, Brazil in January. Two thrilling trips!
Went for a 15.41 mile bike ride. Perhaps my longest ever.

She doesn’t even look tired.

15 hours on a bike this month. I figured it was more!

Admin duties now.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:48 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm
Studied Portuguese this morning. 41 days straight. Go, brain!

Last of my big pine tree was ground up.

The grinder was a robot that was remote controlled. Cool.
Recorded a new podcast.

This one will be released in July. New Verbal Surgery tomorrow!

A new spot for recording due to the kids being out of school. I usually park the Mobile Studio near the swimming pool at Evergreen Lakes. Place was packed on the First Day of Summer!
Ashley and I talked to managers about teams coming next week.

Ashley cracks me up!
The meetings went great! Fantastic to see people look forward to us being there!

Tiling is finished at Azalea. Looking good!
I set up the set for the teams on Saturday and next week. Ashley got all the supplies we need. She did a fantastic job figuring all that out and getting it organized!



Came home late.
Rode 4.89 miles. I was actually cold. Wow. Cut my ride short because it was getting dark.

My 25th sighting of the International Space Station this evening! Terrific viewing!

The ISS is 249 miles high, travels at 17,500 mph, has been in space for over 16 years and is the single most expensive object built by mankind at a price tag of $150 Billion!
Flowers are so beautiful!

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:03 pm
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:50 pm
WordPress just informed me that this week I released my 3,000th post! I have been consistently blogging since 2004. I have a nearly daily record of 25% of my life. And I’m 58!
Rained nearly 3/4″ yesterday.

I studied Portuguese this morning. Slow and steady!

I watched Penelope while Ashley and Kerri went to Stone Mountain to work out.

Always a blessing! She loves bubbles. Wonder where she gets that from?!

Did the shopping.

Jesse and I worked at the mission to get the stuff out of the two back rooms so Mr. Chin could get the new tile in.

LOT of work! We are getting rid of stuff that doesn’t work and was just taking up space.

I sure did appreciate Jesse’s help.

I like the new tile. We moved tables and put the stuff into the front room.

Biked 11.08 miles.

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery! Do you find learning new things a challenge? Then you need Verbal Surgery -456- “DiffEASY!”
Just click on the title and GROOVE!
Uploaded to my server.

Link on Facebook.

I spotted the International Space Station for the 24th time tonight! It’s great to get back on schedule. For some reason, I dropped off of NASA’s list and didn’t receive notices when I could see it. Beautifully bright this evening at 9:17pm.

I wonder what you have to do to be an eye patch model?

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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:29 pm
I woke up and studied to keep my daily streak going!

Duolingo tracks when you need to review. It shows more or less strength bars. Interesting methodology.

This morning I recorded TWO new podcasts!

I love to hear myself talk. Yeah, baby!
These will be released in a couple of weeks. I’m on target for having 10-12 “in the can” for release during June and July.

I will release one new one Tuesday and Friday. Then probably only on Fridays during the Summer.
Rainy day today. I recorded in my car in the garage.

I wrote and produced my newsletter.

Spent some extra time studying Portuguese.
No exercise because of the rain. Can’t ride a bike when it’s wet!
Printed up the labels.

Talked with Jesse about getting stuff out of the mission for the team coming to live there for a week. They are currently taking out the carpet and putting down tile. That’ll be a LOT cleaner!
Admin duties now.
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