Tim A. Cummins @ 11:51 pm


My water hose burst today. It was almost two years old. I spent quite a lot on it then because it had a life time warranty. Sure enough, they gave me a replacement today. I had the original packaging and receipt.

I also got a new spray handle. My old one was acting weird.

Went for a 12.80 mile bike ride.

The sun was marvelous.

When I was coming up the Parkview hill, my chain came off. I had it in the wrong gear. Rookie mistake. I was by the Mormon church. Three of their young guys helped me. They have a lot of experience with bikes!

Wrote my newsletter this evening. Also got the labels done. Still need to get stamps and get it printed.

Ny arm is still bothering me. Kind of hard to type.
Admin duties now.
Comments Off on Hose! Bike! Newsletter! 6.30.19
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:31 pm


Terrific talk with my buddy Anthony today! Great to debrief with him about his recent trip to India.

I went to St. Joseph’s hospital today to visit with my friend Carl Barrington. He’s fighting an infection in his blood. Pray for his speedy recovery!

I found this small fragment of porcelain. It reminded me of the Latin phrase, “Multim in Parvo” or much in little.

I thought this was beautiful.

I stopped by Azalea to visit with the Kendalls. Always a hoot. I took the grandgirls some frozen yogurt.

I went to the Marriott by Stone Mountain this evening to soak in the hot tub. That helps my arm feel a bit better. I liked this art when I was there.

I wrote a letter to Kathy’s previous lung doctor to get the results of her sleep study. We are still trying to get all the paperwork to her new doctor. Not easy!
K and I also went over to K’s sister’s house. She was having trouble with her TV. I’m pretty good at figuring that stuff out. Which I did. It was pretty complicated.
My arm is better but still hurts and is difficult to type.
Admin duties now.
Comments Off on Anthony! Carl! Ann! 6.29.19
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:21 pm
Comments Off on Grandgirls! Park! Bike! 6.28.19
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:18 pm
Comments Off on PCBC to Plaza Fiesta and China Town! Missions! Bike! 6.27.19
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:00 pm
Comments Off on PCBC! Global Mall! Al Madina! Mission! 6.26.19
Tim A. Cummins @ 10:48 pm


As you can tell, we’re very kid friendly!


On Safari!

I delivered a FedEx package for Ashley. Found a box really close to the church!

They did a great job at the missions!

Biked 12.74 miles.

Fabulous sky!

Admin duties now.
My arm still hurts. I had the team pray for me this morning. I was pretty sad about it.
Still exercised! I’ve figured out a way to type more easily if the keyboard is on about a 30 degree angle.
Comments Off on PCBC! Asian Square! Bike! 6.25.19
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm
Comments Off on Peachtree Corners BC to Buford Highway Farmers Market 6.24.19
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:56 pm
Comments Off on Westside! Garden! Anna! 6.23.19
Tim A. Cummins @ 5:45 pm
The power went off Saturday night, so I’m catching up the blog from yesterday, on Sunday!

Brain Training.


We took the grand girls to Dollar Tree and Goodwill.

Biked 20.53 miles.

Cleaned and refilled feeders.

Love my cacti!

Power went out for nearly four hours last night. Bummer.
My right arm is still bothering me but it’s getting better.
Comments Off on Saturday! Girls! Bike! Power!
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:30 pm
Comments Off on Girls! Bike! 6.21.19