Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Grandgirls! Stone Mountain Lake! 9.30.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:08 pm  

Miles was sick yesterday. The grand girls spent the night with me last night. We slept pretty well.

They had fun playing with Legos.

It’s great to see them love each other.

They brushed their teeth and their hair.

They picked out their clothes.

Then we went to Stone Mountain to one of the lakes.

We had a fun time having a tea party.

Then played in the woods.

We saw a gray heron that look like a dinosaur.

Had a fun talk with my buddy Dan Smith from Baylor.

We came home and watchied Camp Cretaceous on Netflix.

We did some homework. Penelope wasn’t super enthusiastic about it but she did it.

I studied Spanish. I’m working on reflexive verbs in the past tenses which is pretty complicated.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Grandgirls! Newsletters! 9.29.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  

Met up with a grand girls this morning Global Mall. Beautiful sunrise this morning.

Always great to see Ashley.

I got all the newsletters done last night. Penelope and Everly help me get them in the mail.

On the way back from the post office we saw the white goose that has been with the Canadian goose. That was always fun.

We had fun with grand girls day it was rainy so we stayed inside pretty much the whole time. We enjoyed playing with all the gifts that we had.

Went to Walmart picked up the groceries then went to Kroger to get Kathy’s medicine and came back and we did some more studying.

Miles has a sore throat and is not feeling well so he’s got to get a Covid test to make sure that he can’t infect the apes that he works with at the primate center. So until that happens the girls will be spending the nights with me. I always love having them with me. Doing my homework now with them beside me it’s always fun.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Blackmons! Newsletter! Bike! 9.29.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:43 pm  

I was reading about the flu shot today. Everyone needs to make sure they’re getting that, this year in particular.

I studied Spanish. I’m on level five and it gets more and more difficult all the time. That’s good! That’s when I’m learning!

Did my brain training.

I went over to see the Blackmons. They have some coins that they were sharing the proceeds of the sales with me. I will help them find a coin dealer to get a good price.

Had a good chat with my buddy Dash Landers today.

I took the newsletter over to the office to be printed out. I made calls while that was happening.

Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletter.

Came home and cleaned the back porch and the driveway.

Cleaned my bed sheets.

I painted the trim next to my shower. Looks better.

Watered my plants.

Listened to radio from Madrid and Harry Potter in Spanish.

Rained about an inch yesterday.

I saw this sign for drive-through prayer I thought was interesting.

I rode my bike 8.99 miles.

I stamped and stuffed the Newsletters this evening. I’ll get those in the mail tomorrow morning.

I watched the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma. Profoundly disturbed me. Enough so that tonight I announced on Facebook I was leaving social media. Which is kind of ironic. I also made a new search engine rather than using Google. I don’t know how it’s gonna make me feel, but I know that it was really hurting my friendships with people that didn’t agree with me. That’s not good.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Editing! Calls! Newsletter! 9.27.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

Last night, I edited the video that I shot for my team yesterday. I sent them the thank you email that included links to that video on YouTube as well as the pictures that I shot.

Studied Spanish and did my brain training this morning.

I did some research on how best to clean my Mac air. Used a lint free, slightly damp cloth. Gave it a good scrubbing.

Changed the air filter in my air conditioning unit.

I had a good talk with my Mom. It’s always fun to connect with her.

Also got to talk my buddy Anthony in the UK.

Listened To Harry Potter in Spanish.

I produced my newsletter and printed it out.

Printed all the labels and all the envelopes ready to go. I still need to get stamps for them. That’s a tomorrow job.

I have one of our supporters that wants to give me some old coins and split the profits with her. I looked up a friend of mine who has a coin shop in Augusta. He usually comes to a coin show in Marietta once a month. It’ll be easier for me to wait for him to come to that.

Productive day.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Saturday, September 26, 2020

N. Gwinnett! Everly’s Party! 9.26.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm  

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Had a great time with my team from North Gwinnett Church. Our first team since the pandemic! They did a fantastic job at Azalea Place and New Peachtree Apartments.

Went by my office to check the mail and to the bank to deposit checks.

Then to Everly‘s third birthday party. Great time was had by all! Super fun.

Took our family photo for our prayer card!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Messed Up Hand.”

It’s awesome!

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Friday, September 25, 2020

Grandgirls! Everly’s Pre-Birthday! 9.25.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:55 pm  

Foggy day this morning.

Sunrise almost looked like an eclipse.

Enjoyed seeing Ashley.

Had a fun day with the grand girls.

Penelope enjoyed brushing her hair.

Took them to Goodwill to go get some toys. I sprayed everything down with alcohol before I put it in the cart.

We took the stuff home and washed everything again.

We had pizza and chicken strips for lunch.

We had a pre-birthday party for Everly who turns three years old on Saturday. I’ve so enjoyed having those little girls around. Everly picked out an Oreo blizzard cake from Dairy Queen. Ice cream cakes are the bomb.

I put eight candle on the cake, three for Everly and five for Penelope even though hers is not until November. More fun to blow out more candles! They both had a turn.

We got her first camera. I think she’ll really enjoy it. We put it all together and set it up. Then wrapped it up for her party for tomorrow.

Penelope labeled it!

Got notification that the claim check was received and they will soon send me my check. That’s a big step towards getting the roof fixed.

I got a very alarming phone call this evening from a neighbor of my sister-in-law. She said that my sister-in-law had hit her head and was bleeding profusely. Exact statement was “There’s blood everywhere.” So I went into emergency mode and rushed straight over to her house to see what was going on. She had fallen and got a cut on the back of her head. Under close inspection even though there was some blood it was hardly life-threatening. So I cleaned her up and put antibiotic salve on it. Then got an ice pack and got her in a chair so that she could lean back on that to give the wound some compression. By the time I left several hours later, the bleeding had almost entirely stopped.

While I was at her house, I changed out her air filter.

Studied Spanish and did my brain training this evening.

I have my first team since the pandemic coming to work with me tomorrow. Biggest difference is that Ashley won’t be helping me as much any more. Sad, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Grandgirls! Dollar Tree! Azalea! 9.23.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:16 pm  

Released an episode of Verbal Surgery called “The Action” early this morning.

Went to Global Mall to pick up the grand girls. Beautiful sunrise.

Always great to see Ashley.

On the way back to the house, we stopped at a little strip mall. They have a fair going on there right now. They also had a prenatal clinic. I enjoyed talking to the girls about what it was like before they were born. They enjoyed the pictures.

We went over to Always Fresh to see Kathy.

My bank has an ATM at their building. Deposited checks.

The girls helped me make pancakes. They were good.

Went to the Dollar Tree to pick up some presents for them for the birthday party this Saturday.

Got some balloons.

It’s official now!

I let them play with some of them.

Penelope worked hard on her studies.

Here she’s writing some of the letters she knows. Great to see progress!

The girls crashed out on the way back to Azalea.

I got balloons for their house as well.

Studied Spanish while they were napping.

I’m enjoying iOS 14. I like tweaking the new home page. The apps library I had pretty much already done on my own.

I’m still trying to learn some of the girl’s names that are from Bangladesh.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Penelope joined us and did her workbook.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish.

Went by first Baptist Church Doraville to check the mail at my office.

Got groceries on the way home.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Grandgirls! Doggie Park! Azalea! 9.22.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  

I am memorizing a piece by the Persian poet Rumi. Many times I will break the piece down into a codeword per line and then memorize those letters in forms of words. It’s a fast way to trigger and memorize big chunks of text.

Enjoyed being with the grand girls and meeting with Ashley this morning.

Had a good time at the park with the girls and with Kathy today.

Penelope draws Pop Pop!

Like the thumbs up and the toothy grin!


I’ve been teaching the grandgirls a song I created to learn the days of the week. Today, Penelope sang it by heart. That was very exciting. I’ve developed songs for her address and for her mother’s phone number as well as the days of the week. It really has been astonishing how fast they can memorize things if it’s in the form of music.

She’s also understanding the patterns of counting now. So that’s great.

I ordered Everly’s birthday present today. She wants a camera. Of course it has to be pink!

Went to Azalea to help the kids at the mission. It’s pretty much nonstop trying to help four or five kids at the same time for two hours. It’s very tiring, especially when I have to explain a lot of stuff in Spanish. Takes a lot of mental processing to do that.

Hard to memorize names sometimes.

I liked this sculpture. Of course her little sister demolished it moments later.

The little rocks in front were supposed to be a safety fence to protect it. Yeah, right.

Went by my office to check on the mail.

I’ve been astonished since the pandemic how the traffic in Atlanta has been reduced by about half. It normally would take me at least 45 minutes to get home from work. I can almost always do that in less than 25 minutes now. It really is incredible.

Listened to Harry Potter in Spanish on my way home.

Studied Spanish. It’s hard at more advanced levels, but it pays off!

I injured my right hand about 15 months ago. I tore muscles in my forearm, bicep, shoulder and back related to my hand. I’ve been very aggressive about my physical therapy. It’s been the most debilitating injury I’ve ever had. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been able to type using my little finger. It’s incredible the sense of pride I have to see where I am now compared to where I was. Thank you, Jesus.

Beautiful clouds today.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Monday, September 21, 2020

Insurance! Bike! Plants! 9.21.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:56 pm  

Beautiful, cool day.

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Had a great talk with my Mom.

This was the day for me to figure out the insurance adjustment for my roof.

I got in touch with my adjuster early in the morning.

Then contacted my mortgage people.

Had to set up an account to cosign the check from Nationwide to cover the majority of the expense for my new roof.

Then sent the check to my mortgage company to counter sign and send back to me. Went to the UPS store to get it overnight delivered to them.

Had a conversation with Justin who is my adjuster to explain to me some of the intricacies of the insurance business in particular “depreciation.”

I got a confirmation that the package was on its way and that the account I set up was accurate and working.

Contacted Pastor Bill Kelly who is also my main contractor. He’ll be coordinating the work on my roof. Gave him a heads up about the status of the insurance money and what exactly I wanted to have done.

I watered my plants and enjoyed looking at them.

I went for 11.92 mile bike ride. I’m still getting used to riding in the cooler weather. Can’t say I like it. I prefer it hot with a nice bike breeze.

I’ve been reading about iOS 14. Went ahead and installed that on my iPhone phone this evening. I’m learning about it now.

I watched My Octopus Teacher on Netflix tonight. Highly recommend. An amazing documentary.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Podcast! Bike! Yard! 9.20.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm  

I enjoyed reading an article by Ryan Holiday this morning. Here are a couple of pieces from it.

I studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Read some other articles and looked up a word I wasn’t sure about. “Anodyne.”

Beautiful day today.

Studying a poem by Rumi.

Went to Stone Mountain and recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Off The Leash.” Always good.

Rode my bike 8.74 miles.

Came home and did yardwork.

Mowed the grass.

The back yard was becoming a jungle.

Picked up limbs.

I’ve certainly gotten great use out of my Gorilla Cart!

Used the weed whacker on the curbs.

Blew the porch and the driveway.

Looks a lot better now. Worked out about three hours today.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts

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