Tim A. Cummins @ 9:52 pm
Studied Spanish did my brain training.

Fantastic clouds today.

Went to the post office to buy stamps. It’s the only place I go inside with other people. I wear a mask and usually get what I need at the self service.

Then to First Baptist Doraville to drop off the newsletters to be printed.

Had a great talk with my Mom.

Ordered groceries for curb side pick up. What a great service!

Cleaned all the bird baths.

Big thunderstorm kept me from getting a bike ride in.

Put the stamps on the envelopes.

Cleaned out the hummingbird feeders.

Cooked curry.

Enjoyed playing Horizon Zero Dawn. It’s in the frozen north and so they have the northern lights in the game. Super cool.



I liked this book, The Art of Noticing.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:58 pm
I received the schedule for a worldwide event I’ll be speaking at on the 11th. It’s based out of Brazil. The presentations will all be online. I’ve got so many great friends in that country!

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Beautiful day. I thought for sure it would rain, but it didn’t.

Grand girls came over. That’s always fun! Took them to the doggie park today. It was pretty hot.

I worked on labeling the newsletters. I still need to get stamps.

I also tweaked Ashley‘s newsletter. She needed a little bit more margin or the printer would cut it off.

I rode my bike 5.94 miles.

It looked very dark on the horizon. And when I checked the radar, it looked like a tremendous thunderstorm bearing right down on me. Turned out the storm completely fizzled out before it got as far as me.

I’ve been caught out in some big storms. It’s no joke.
Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:58 pm
I studied Spanish this morning. I spent some extra time working with verbs.

Brain training.

We had about a quarter of an inch of rain yesterday.

Beautiful day.

Wrote my newsletter. I’ve been doing talk to text on my iPhone, and correcting everything on my phone. Then I send that document to my Mac.

Went to Walmart and picked up groceries.

Dropped off a squirrel.

Rode my bike 15.21 miles.

I’ve been studying Psalms 136.

I also listened to Radio from Madrid. From time to time I may stop to look up a word.

I wrote my newsletter this morning and this evening I put the pictures to it and printed it.

Productive day.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:16 pm
Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Powerful thunderstorms here in the ATL. We were expecting the big dust plume from the Sahara. I’m sure the rain will clear that up. I couldn’t tell any difference, really.

Had a great talk with my buddy Anthony in the UK.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Wild Tiger.”

Made some brownies. Delicious.

I released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Overstood.”

Get going with this terrific episode!
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm
I’ve enjoyed playing Horizon Zero Dawn.

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Enjoyed having the grand girls come over.

We’ve had a couple of Sharpshinned Hawk‘s in our yard a lot recently. I hope they have chicks.

We took the girls to the library park today. We had a lot of fun.

Rained about an inch and a half yesterday.

Ashley vacuumed the house for us today. Then we scrubbed the hallway and living room carpets. I’m preparing to do the carpet machine tomorrow, if all goes well.
Another piece I’m working on.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm
Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Got some bleach on my pants.

Had a good talk with my buddy Anthony in the UK.

Recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery. It should release next week.

Rainy day today. I find it interesting what some of my weather apps information will be. Like when the best time for photography.

I swept up my room. Looks pretty good and didn’t take very long.

That’s what usually stops me from doing these jobs. It just takes a while to set everything up in order to start doing the job. With just a broom and a dustpan that’s pretty quick getting after it. Looks a lot better now.

Cleaned and put WD40 on my shovels.

Raked outside my back door.

Put some suet out and scraped it on the bottom of the tree.

Cleaned birdbaths.


I’ve been enjoying reading Kliban cartoons.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts
Comments Off on Anthony! Podcast! Cleaning! 6.24.20
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm
I’m working on Psalms 136 right now.

Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Rainy day today.

My grass seed is sprouting.

The grand girls came over.

We took them to the library park. They had fun on the playground.

Went to Walmart to pick up my groceries. Got them cleaned off and brought them inside.

Organized the birdseed.

Trimmed some tree limbs.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery “Xpectation” is Xcellent.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts
Comments Off on Grandgirls! Library Park! Groceries! 6.23.20
Tim A. Cummins @ 9:09 pm
I had a raccoon come and visit me last night. I always enjoy that.

I studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Beautiful day here in the ATL.

Went to Stone Mountain to record Verbal Surgery. Always enjoy doing that.

Spent some time clearing out limbs and gumballs from my pathway so they don’t hurt little girl’s feet.

Rode my bike 7.12 miles.

I got caught by the rain.

Had this little butterfly visit me today.

I don’t know what this crew was doing but their truck looked cool.

Been enjoying practicing with these weighted throw ropes.

I washed my tennis shoes and colored them. These are my work shoes. I also wear them to ride my bike.

Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:49 pm
Enjoyed watching the summer solstice over Stonehenge live.

Studied my birthday buddy (July 12th, plan accordingly) Henry David Thoreau this morning.

Did my brain training and studied Spanish.

Beautiful day.

Watered the front section of my yard room trying to get some grass to grow.

Started practicing with my throw weight.

I marked off every 10 foot. I’m interested in seeing how high these branches are that I plan on cutting off.

My zebra skin was kind of beat up. Spent some time retaping the little tears in the skin on the back with duct tape.

Rode my bike 15.20 miles. It’s good to be back exercising.

I got in the silica gel to try out drying flowers.

Started playing the Last of Us 2 last night. It’s an amazing game.
Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:56 pm
Studied Spanish and did my brain training.

Beautiful day.

I got the emissions check done for my car and Kathy’s car.

Got the check in the mail to the government.

Went to Walmart to pick up groceries.

Cleaned them before bringing them inside and organizing them.

Cleaned and refilled hummingbird feeders.

Pruned azalea bushes.

Piled up the Gorilla Cart.

Dug up this RR tie and put it in the front.


Stir fry with caribbean rice.

Cooking brownies for Jess tonight. Special dark chocolate kind.
Tim A. Cummins
Timacummins@ Twitter & Facebook
VerbalSurgery.com. Podcasts
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