Tim A. Cummins @ 7:59 pm
I’m feeling stronger every day. I’m still tired and resting a lot but no fever. Glad to have the rain so the air is cleaner from pollen.

Hard to believe it could freeze tomorrow night.
I thought this was interesting. Google maps will now show the most eco-friendly route to travel.

This was a terrific movie. I enjoyed seeing how we can save the planet by better farming practices.

Studied Spanish. I’m also watching a Netflix series in Spanish called Club de los Cuervos. I’m enjoying it so far.

I look up a lot of words.

Downloaded the episode of Verbal Surgery I recorded yesterday onto my Mac.

When I got the Wysteria from FBC Doraville, I got poison ivy on my arms. Weird, since I didn’t see any at all. This stuff usually helps.

My cherry blossom tree put out some flowers. Yeah! They are almost exactly two years old from when I planted them.

Went to Stone Mountain to record and make calls. It rained almost the entire time I was there. Washing a lot of pollen out of the air. Amen!

I love Wysteria! I can’t wait to have it bloom around my house.

I had a good chat with my Mom and my buddy Anthony.

I got an email from my partners at Peachtree Corners Baptist Church that the are sending $1,500 to pay for our septic tank. PTL!
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:22 pm
I thought this was funny.

Church attendance is now less than 50% in the USA.

I got all the newsletters folded and stuffed last night.

Studied Spanish.

In order to continue progress on Duolingo, I had to pass a checkpoint test which was pretty hard.

Released an episode of Verbal Surgery called “The First Time.”

Downloaded the episode I recorded Monday onto my Mac’s hard drive.


Mild today. Looks like really cold weather is coming. I’ll bring in a couple of the plants that I took outside. Hopefully, the Wysteria that I just planted will be able to withstand it.

Got the newsletters into the mail.

Great talk with Anthony and with my Mom.

Finished the first season of the Irregulars on Netflix. I thought it was pretty good.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:32 pm

Beautiful day!

Studied Spanish.

Went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Clogs and Logs.”
Left a couple of voice mails for my Mom. Hopefully, we’ll get in contact tomorrow.

Wysteria and Cherry Blossom mix. Two of my very favorites.

Had my groceries delivered this evening.

Went to my office to pick up the newsletters and check the mail.

There are huge amounts of Wysteria around the FBC Doraville property. I dug up some vines to plant around my house.

I found it does a lot better if you can find where the vines have started to root to make new plants.

I took the little vines and planted about ten new plants around trees in my front and side yards.

Added stamps to the newsletter envelopes and folded and stuffed them. I’ll put them in the mail tomorrow.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:24 pm
I liked this.

Tweaked Ashley’s newsletter. Added some pictures that weren’t so dark and shifted her layout slightly.

Pollen is unbelievable right now.

Did the labels and stuffed the envelopes. I still need stamps and the newsletter to get printed to finish the job.

Picked up checks at the office and dropped off the newsletters. I was super careful. Double masked as well as took disinfectant spray and sprayed everywhere I went and all the surfaces.

Gassed up my car. Checked oil and cleaned the windshield.

Dropped some mail off at Ashley’s house. I just snuck in and left it. Too tired to interact with anyone.
Studied Spanish.


Another big storm blew through. We hardly got any rain. I was hoping it’d pour down and clear the air.

Watered my plants.

Got stamps. I wiped everything down with disinfectant and sprayed the room and all the surfaces before I left. I went when the place was empty. Also double masked.

Fabulous sunset.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:31 pm
Studied Spanish.


Went to Stone Mountain to make calls, work on my newsletter and record an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Fear Patterns.”

The pollen was like green fog out there. Wow!

It was beautiful, but I’m looking forward to the rain tomorrow to help clear out the air.

Worked on my newsletters.

Printed labels.

Downloaded the two episodes of Verbal Surgery onto my Mac.

Resting now. I’ve been sleeping at least ten hours every night plus an hour nap in the afternoons.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:45 pm
Tremendous thunderstorm rolled through the ATL last night. Almost constant lightning. Wow. Rained just a tad over 1″.

Beautiful day today.

I continue to feel better every day. I’ve had a headache and tired, but no fever now for two days.
I was glad to see this news.

Studied Spanish.


Good talk with my buddy, Anthony.

Read a fun book today called the Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse.

I spent time trying to figure out how to drop off our newsletters to be printed and pick up our mail.

I had our groceries delivered today. I’m not sure if I’ll continue to do that or just go pick them up. I hate not tipping much.

Transported a squirrel.

Spent hours on my front porch studying.

The ladies who delivered my groceries were Spanish so it got to practice with them.
I called Ashley this evening to figure out how to pick up the checks and deliver the newsletters to be printed. It was fun to see the girls. Miss them so much. I’m glad they’ve felt ok.

I’ve been sleeping about ten hours in the evening and an hour nap during the day. Fatigue is still my primary symptom of COVID as well as headache.
Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Upgrade Great.” So good.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:13 pm
Spent almost twelve hours in bed last night. Woke up and was still tired. Good news is I don’t think I had a fever all day. Amen!
Studied Spanish.

I spent most of my day outside on the porch studying and making calls.

Had a fun talk with my Mom. Of course she’s concerned about us.
I’ve been worried how to get my groceries since I tested positive for the virus. Decided to go ahead and do a trial for Walmart+ and get them delivered. For $2/week they’ll deliver them to my door. I get .05 off per gallon of gas, so just the savings on petrol should almost pay for the service. I’ll probably keep the service.


My little wisteria plants are growing nicely.

I caught and transported two more squirrels today. That’s five in two days!

Set up my new bird bath to replace the concrete one that started leaking after the freezes.

I sent off a series of eight letters to supporting churches to ask for help for the septic tank bill and to pray for our recovery from Covid.

I made some brownies this evening to cheer me up. It worked.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 10:14 am
Catching up on the blog this morning. Didn’t feel up to it last night.
Hopefully, the Biden administration will be able to do something about this!

I have no respect for Ted Cruz.

Sad to say that we think Kathy has Covid too.

I study Spanish a lot during the day.


Had fun making calls to my Mom and Anthony.

Beautiful day.

I caught and transported three squirrels in one day.

I’m always astonished by stuff like this.

Stayed in bed nearly twelve hours last night. Still feel tired.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 7:39 pm
Last night was fever and chills. So far not nearly as bad as the flu I had in 2019. I think that’s thanks to the antibodies I have in my body from the Johnson and Johnson Covid vaccine and the hundreds of people praying for me.
During the day, I have headache, body aches, fever, coughing and tired.
I still study Spanish. I like my spot on our sofa outside in the fresh air.

Never knew the word for bacon.


Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Overheating.” So good.

Watching Wynonna Earp and playing Ratchet and Clank.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 9:39 pm
Pretty intense day. After hearing that Miles and Penelope were sick with Covid, I’ve been expecting the worst. Did research on my shot and how fast it could go into action. I’m on day seven from when I got the shot.


This was an interesting word of the day for me because I talked to my Mom about dreaming for about an hour yesterday!

Always great to get texts like this.

Kathy and I went to get the Covid test first thing this morning.

The swab up the nose wasn’t too bad for me. It hurt K.

It’s astonishing to me how often the One Year Bible has texts that directly relate to me.
I’m getting a new thermometer.

Went to Stone Mountain to make calls and fly my drone.

Called Anthony.

My car was parked on the hill rather than flat in my garage. I closed the door and nicked the bridge of my nose. That’s not zesty.

Beautiful weather. It’s supposed to be rainy the rest of the week.

This was scary news. At least I know.

Running a slight fever. I’m hoping that the antibodies growing in me will really stop the virus from getting too bad.

So far it’s mainly headache and fatigue.
I let the Board of Directors for Whirlwind Missions and my friends on Facebook know about my diagnosis. A real outpouring of love!

I’m watching movies and resting. Drinking lots of water. Some Tylenol for my headache.
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