Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm
I’m really looking forward to the Banksy exhibit later this year.

Spanish. SI!

Duh. Right?

Getting warmer.

Picked up the girls.

I played some tunes from Thriller to them. They liked them.

We stopped by the grocery store to pick up some fruit and treats.

I also got them Kinder eggs. They had cool little cars in them.

I’ve been studying crows. The more I learn, the cooler they seem.

I’ve been studying their language. For instance, to let his family know where he is and that there is a food source nearby, they usually will make four caw sounds and then stop. After a few minutes, he’ll make the same pattern. I’m doing my best to copy that.
Today. I had a crow watch me bring food out for them. He stayed relatively close to me. This has been a relationship building thing for years. They are super smart (comparative intelligence to monkeys) and very shy.

Cleaned out the water bowls and bird baths.

Then filled up the blue pool for the girls.


I got the girls lollipops. I didn’t really check out what kind Penelope got. It turned out to be a really hot one made with chilis! We plan on giving it to Miles.

I taught the girls about a new thing I figured out, raw s’mores. I don’t have to cook them, just eat that combo! Yum.

We got a pizza and went to the water wheel park at Stone Mountain.

The water was pretty cold, but they had fun.

A steady stream of kids came to play with the girls.

I’ve never seen azaleas this color.

After our swim, we went home and took a bath to get cleaned up.
Then over to my office to check the mail.

I had an end of school popsicle party for the kids at Azalea. They had fun.

I used my hose to fill up the blue pool. Later, I realized that there was a weak spot where a crimp used to be. When I came back from Stone Mountain, it was spurting over the yard. Bummer.

I have a life-long warranty on this. I got a replacement for the original two years ago. Seems like that must be about the life span. It’s super heavy duty and 100 feet long. Hopefully, I can get a new one tomorrow. I use that hose pretty much every day.

It was SUPER hard to get this off the faucet. I have no idea how it got so torqued down. No way I would have done it like that. It was like the two metals had bonded together.