Tim A. Cummins @ 9:24 pm



Love ’em!

Deposited checks.

Adelante! Every time I reach a new level, I’m supposed to get double the amount of XP for fifteen minutes. Twice I didn’t get that perk which was worth about 2,000 points. It would have meant a personal record for me. No big deal. It’s just amazing to me how much these tournaments have made me focus on studying.

If all goes well, I’ll come out #1 on the leader board this week. That’ll be a first for me. You get a certain award from Duolingo for accomplishing that. It’s a massive war of language nerds. I’m competing against over 142 million people. I’m in the highest of ten levels of difficulty. And it still seems like I’m still just learning this language.

I have listened to nearly all of the seven Harry Potter books through twice. Each of the books takes about 25 hours to listen to. That’s nearly 350 hours of listening. It is my benchmark. The second time through I was getting WAY more of the Spanish. At nearly the end of the second go it’s even more. I’m curious as to what my experience is going to be at the end of the third go around.

Ordered the groceries this morning and picked them up in this evening.

Everly and I went to the Evergreen Hotel to enjoy their pool for an hour.

Ate at one of my new favorite places for lunch, the German Bakery.

I liked the flowers that they have at the restaurant.

I always enjoy my time with her. She’s such an angel child.

Every time I shake a bottle of Ketchup, I always think about the time in Toronto where the lid wasn’t on tight and I slung ketchup all around the side of the restaurant. It looked like a Tarentino movie set.

I liked this boat model.

Got my picture with Carl, the owner of the bakery. He’s a cool guy. He’s always bussing tables and asking how everyone is doing.

I get the Veggie burger and fries. She gets chicken strips. Then for the big finale, lemon squares. So good.

Love these two magnificent human beings!

Color pops.

We walked over to the QT for slushies and candy. We saw a car wreck on the way over.

Went by my office to check the mail.

Ashley got a package.


Getting the “Pool Bag” ready to go again means drying everything out completely. I have plastic bags that I keep the wet stuff in. I dry those out too.

Gassed up the car and checked levels.

Everly likes this song. Ashley asked what the song was that Everly kept going on about.

Picked up groceries and put them away.