Tim A. Cummins @ 5:47 pm


On the way to FBC Doraville, I stopped by QT on Jimmy Carter to gas up my car. It’s about .13 cheaper than in my area.

Checked the mail when I went to my office.

Watered my plants.

Had a great time with my team from Christ Church in Birmingham, AL!

They served at Azalea Place.

Great food at Plaza Fiesta!

Saw my friend Jorge there!

Lots of fun stuff to see!


Fun time!

Missed the big thunderstorm!. Glad we did the missions in the morning!
Cleaned up the Fellowship Hall before I left.

I’m really looking forward to having a couple of days off for some me time.
Edited the video I shot of the team. I had to delete some old projects to make room for the edited version of this one. All the projects are on YouTube so it made sense to get more disk space.

Released a new episode (even though I recorded it over two years ago!) of Verbal Surgery “Inside Outside.”

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Tim A. Cummins @ 6:59 pm

Kathy knocked over my boiling hot cup of coffee onto my bare legs this morning. That’ll get your attention. Worked and worked on getting that cup of coffee out of the carpet. Didn’t work very well. I’ll need to get the carpet cleaner soon.

All my girls this morning!


I set up the Fellowship Hall for a presentation Saturday morning. Just using the essentials: tech stuff, screen chairs, fan.

Picked up and processed the checks at the church.

I haven’t been going into Chamblee much. The kids all stay inside at the apartment complex and gas prices are crazy. Miles has been coming to Stone Mountain to pick them up at my house instead. When school starts, I’ll return to going down there four times a week.
Watered my ficus. It was pretty thirsty.

The girls skated around the fellowship hall while I set up and worked on the banking stuff.
Hot day that turned thunderous later.

Deposited checks. Amen.

Went to the Post Office to mail a love package to my Mom. Also got stamps for the Mailout that I’ll send next week.

Powerful storms with a lot of lightning. BOOM!

We took the girls swimming before all the heavy weather. We had fun, although a regular pool is not nearly as entertaining as the Mountain Park Aquatic Center with the Lazy River.
Fought lots of traffic on the way home.
Resting before getting up for my team tomorrow morning.
Comments Off on Grandgirls! K! FBCD! Prep! Bank! Storm! 7.29.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 5:13 pm
Sad to see this.

I’m enjoying playing with Craiyon, an AI program that draws something when given a combination of words. This one was “Cats at a wedding.”



My girls!

K and I will be going to Doraville tomorrow. I need to set up the Fellowship Hall for the team on Saturday. We’ll have fun skating as well as swimming in the afternoon.

I took the grandgirls on Safari to Stone Mountain this morning. We rode the skyline to the top!


Tree climbing!

So much beauty!

Got hot at the top.

The girls love the trees.

I bet this tree is at least fifty years old.


Cooling off.

Jumping on the rocks at the bottom.

The carving museum.

Fun day!
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:02 pm
I put a new hard shell plastic cover on my Mac Air last night. The corners on the old cover had cracked off. Rather mess up a $10 case than my Mac!

I regularly get up before 6:30 AM but that’s when the alarm is set to go off.

The PM alarm is for going to Walmart to get my groceries. I have an appointment for 7 PM generally.


Coordinating the car is tricky sometimes. Usually works out just fine!

Love my girlies!

Went to Publix to pick up some fresh fruit.

We ate all the watermelon, strawberries and pineapple today.

The girls helped me clean and refill the hummingbird feeders and all the birdbaths and feeders.

I refilled my water jugs for cleaning the raccoon’s water bowl. It’s the one gallon dog bowl on the ground. They mess it up pretty much every night when they put the dry dog food in it to make it soft.

Lovely little rose bloom this morning.

Two trees growing together.

Blew off the back deck.

Took the girls to Hot and Cold Buffet. They ate well!

Hot and steamy today.

Picked up the groceries.

Went to Walgreens to check on Covid boosters. They said it was ok to get them but had to make a reservation. Before they told me they wouldn’t give it to me Because my booster was Pfizer and not J&J like my initial shot.
Comments Off on Grandgirls! Publix! Hummingbirds! Hot N Cold! 7.27.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:48 pm
I had a chat with my buddy Anthony and this movie came up. Seen it?

We had some confusion with the hotel this weekend when I checked in. Got in contact with Expedia about it.


Español! Duolingo made some big changes. They’ll effect how many points I can make at one time. Kind of sucks.

Picked up the girls at Global Mall.

The girls said they wanted to get a key for their house. We went to Walmart, made keys and got them each a lanyard. Later, we went to Dollar Tree and got a small pot, flowers and some rocks where we could hide a third key outside.

Took them to the “Lazy River” pool aka the Mountain Park Aquatic Center! What a big day! They actually started swimming! What?!

Drying out the “wet bag.”

Mild today.

I have a team coming this weekend. Making arrangements for that.

My lady that has helped us for years at the Buford Highway Farmer’s Market has gone to another shopping center. I got in touch with her about coordinating the food order with the new person. Always good to have a chance to study Spanish in a real world environment.

I’ve had some really busy weeks/weekends lately with our trip to Texas and then to Tennessee. I haven’t been able to record as much as normal. Believe it or not, in 2020, right before the pandemic shut down, I had recorded three episodes that I’ve been saving since then! I’m finally going to release them! This is the first of three.
Released Verbal Surgery “Head Light.”

I’ve watched the first two episodes of Season One of Game of Thrones. It was huge when it was playing. I’ve never seen them until now since I have access to HBO Max.
Comments Off on Grandgirls! Key! Swimming! Podcast! 7.26.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:11 pm
The girls and I packed up the hotel room and put everything in the car. We left Chattanooga around 9AM.
Traffic was very fast back home. I averaged around 75 MPH and was getting passed constantly.
Got back to Azalea with the grandgirls around 11AM. Ashley was at the grocery store. When she got back, K and I stopped by the QT on Jimmy Carter to fill up Ann’s car. She had let us use her car for the trip. The gas cost to go to Chattanooga and back was only $35! I’m sure it would’ve been over $100 in the Mercury.

Per gallon.

I also checked the fluids in the car.
Got back home and I unpacked everything from Ann’s car into the house. Then took her car back to her house.

Brought my car home. Enjoyed a nice rest.
Went to eat at El Torerros. So good. Even to ice cream on the way home. Nice end to the vacation!

Watered my plants.
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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:34 pm
Beautiful day in Tennessee!



We had a great time at the Chattanooga Zoo with the Grandgirls!

We wanted to see the Fennic Foxes the worst! Six years ago K and I went to the zoo and got Penelope a stuffy Fennic Fox which became her favorite over the years. This zoo is where she was “born” so that’s cool.



Gombe research station.

White cheeked gibbon chilling.

We went to Los 3 Amigos for lunch.

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Tim A. Cummins @ 8:30 pm
Studied Spanish!
Read the OYB!
We packed the car and picked up the girls.
Ate at Sabor do Brazil in Marietta!

We had a fun time at the swimming pool at the Day’s Inn Lookout Mountain.
Had delicious pizza at Mr. T’s.

Then up to the top of Lookout Mountain.

Point Park!

Comments Off on Grandgirls! K! Chattanooga! Sabor! Lookout! 7.23.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 8:13 pm


Sunrise at Global Mall.

Ashley wears her scrubs on Friday. Medical Girl!

Added a Donor’s address.

I had a fun day with the grandgirls! Started at Lilburn Park.

Water fountain!

Big swing.

I like this sculpture.

We then went to Stone Mountain Park which also has a nice, shady playground.

The little park started to get crowded, so we went on to Stone Mountain Village. We have an Annual Pass, so we go in all the time.

The dinosaurs and the 4D movie with Dwane Johnson were really fun.

Run away!


Dino Hunters!

Then to the German Bakery! I saw these flowers outside. The Picture It app immediately tells me what it is.

Someone photo bombed us.

My name is on the list!

After such a full day, the little sweethearts were super tired. I’m always glad when I can get them to take a nap. Amen.

I picked up my sister-in-law’s car.

I’m trying to get the passenger side mirror repaired. No luck so far.

I completely vacuumed it out and and scrubbed the entire inside of the car with a Fabreeze concentrated cleaner I use of when I deep clean my carpets.

Scrubbed all the foot pads.

Interior fabric surfaces.

Cleaned the windows.

Took the girls over to Miles’ parent’s house. They were looking forward to that!
Cleaned my shoes and my hat. If done regularly, all the white stays looking good.
Getting my gear together for the short trip this weekend. Still has to be thought out. I carry quite a lot of tech gear with me.
Comments Off on Grandgirls! Parks! Stone Mountain! Clean Car! 7.22.22
Tim A. Cummins @ 6:21 pm

Rained pretty much all day long. Sometimes powerful storms.

Big weather patterns.


Another weird car situation at Global Mall. This time a van with all the tires stolen.

Rainy, so we met under the overhang at Global Mall.

Gassed up my car at QT on Jimmy Carter. .24 cents cheaper than near my house.

I introduced the girls to Mr. Bean. They thought he was funny, especially Penelope.

Penelope wanted a hamburger at Metro Diner. We enjoyed it. I missed my buddy Jon Paul. We usually eat there with him.

Chocolate Mousse cake was the bomb dot com.

I brought a lot of food back home to eat later.
Went to Good Will to scope out toys. They got some fun stuff.

Also found some comfortable shirts for K while I was shopping. She seemed to like them so I was glad.

They played with their new toys while I took a nap. I’ve been waking up super early, like 5:30 AM.

We had a family discussion as to how much cheaper it is to use powder rather than liquid detergent. Seems like you get about 15% more when it’s powder.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -959- “Building Blocks 2.”
I got a response back from Libsyn Tech who said the error message I was receiving meant another podcast had the same name. Since I’ve done nearly 1,000 of these podcasts, it’s easy for me to come up with the same title from time to time. I just had to add the 2 to the name and everything worked fine.

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