Tim A. Cummins @ 7:57 pm

Set this up today. I’m going to get the grandgirls to help me with a revised edition.


Kathy likes to know where I am, especially when I’m riding my bike.


Walked 2.47 miles. Much cooler today than it has been. Amen.

Prepped my bike. Includes wiping it down with WD-40 (prevents rusting), pumping up the tires and getting the water bottle cleaned and refilled. I also make sure I have my safety glasses and sun glasses as well as my wireless ear buds if I decide to listen to Spanish or music. Today, I had a quiet ride.

I have two fasciata plants that are blooming. In the twenty years I’ve had these plants I’ve never seen them do that. Makes me wonder if the recent repotting is what spurred them on. I just read that they are from Brazil originally.

I LOVE having my banana plants outside. They seem to be thriving, which fills me with joy.

Tea roses are also blooming.

Hot this afternoon. Nice on the bike.

I rode 15.20 miles. I actually thought I went further but the GPS doesn’t lie.

After I got back from my bike ride, I did yard work. Started with refilling and cleaning my hummingbird feeders.

Refilled my water jugs. I use those for watering some of my inside plants and for refilling the water bowl outside. Easier than using the water hose every time. The F stands for water that also has fertilizer in it for the orchids and African violets.

Then watered my outdoor plants. Super hot and not much rain lately. Only isolated showers.

Blew the driveway and garage.

Then sprayed off the walls and floor with water.

The end of one of my extension cords had the plastic wear off. I put electrical tape on the end to protect the inner wires.

I measure when I do yard work. I put it under the “hiking” mode.

I exercised for over four hours today. I leave for Guatemala in exactly two months from yesterday. I’m pushing myself physically to get ready for the volcano climb and the hiking I’ll be doing. I’m working harder than ever on Español as well.
I blew and washed off the back deck. I watered all the plants and repotted one of them.

I put WD-40 on the door hinges of my car.

Helping Kathy with a class on line.

I’ll come in third this week. Many weeks my score would have won by a long shot. It really depends on the competition.

I only have four more days of getting up at 5:45 AM. I’ll miss the girls when they go back to school next week, but I won’t miss getting up in the dark every morning.