Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Walk! Español! Everly Cake! AZ! Bank! 9.26.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:40 pm  



A big limb fell and crashed some of my plants. Sad face. I worked on getting them into fresh pots.

Also added some potting soil so my banana plants could hold more water.

Cleaned my Gorilla Cart. On Friday morning I’ll haul my suitcase and backpack up to the car in it rather than carrying it up the stairs. Might was well be clean when I do that!

Walked 3.55 miles.

Twenty hills.

Beautiful weather.

Ordered some new insoles. I decided this evening to take my new shoes to Guatemala. I had resisted that idea, but reconsidered. I mean why not take the best shoes I have? I’ll replace the insoles that new New Balance shoes come with with the Dr. Scholls. They’re just better.

I cleaned and got new laces for my older shoes which were the ones I was planning to take. I decided it’s better to have more tread rather than the shoes that were smooth.

Exciting to start seeing notices! Delta wants me at the airport three hours early.

More review of departure times on MARTA. My departure time is 10:30 AM. Should leave the Doraville MARTA station between 6:42 AM and 7:06 AM. Take 41 minutes to get to the airport from Doraville.

Picked the girls up at the bus and took them to Taco Veloz.

We got an Oreo blizzard ice cream cake from DQ. So good.

They had a big time playing with the sticker set that Ash & Miles got her.

Helped the kids at the mission with their homework. Pretty light load today. Not complaining. It lets me help the individuals more.

It’s been great to see Everly making new friends and really fitting in. Fills me with happiness.

Listened to Don Cheto on the way home.

Always trying to figure things out. Especially in regards to subjunctive tenses.

Deposited checks. Thank you, Father! I’m trying to new locations to deposit.

I uploaded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Counter Offensive.” Excellent.

It’s weird how I’ve lost interest in recording. I guess once I hit 1,000 episodes I kind of lost my motivation. When I get back from Guatemala I may be more into it. I’ve been exercising and studying Spanish instead of focusing on recording.

Honestly, I’ve pretty much lost interest in social media period. Just doesn’t interest me much any more.

I’m setting up media for my trip. This evening I put together a new Trip gallery called Guatemala. I’m testing out how it works using my iPhone rather than my Mac Air. Still haven’t got the blog to view images properly, but I know I can do text on the blog and upload photos to Smugmug.

Set up Uber.

Added some roaming credit to my Mint mobile line. I should be using wifi almost the whole time.

We’ll see how bad Rosa want to study.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Test of mobile app 9.26.23

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:09 pm  

I am not planning on taking my MacBook Air to Guatemala. Therefore, I am checking to see how difficult it is to use the Mobile app.