Whirlwind Missions

Monday, January 29, 2024

Newsletter! Stamps! Azalea! 1.29.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:21 pm  


Took a couple of hygiene things to UPS to send back to Amazon.

Came in third place last week.

Duolingo had a maintenance break. Listened to Don Cheto instead. Measured how long it takes me to walk up and down my hill one time.

Walked 1.31 miles.

Cool, beautiful weather.

Good chat with my Mom.

Let our church secretary know my letters were ready to print.

Went to Publix to drop off a prescription. She told me it was too soon to do it. I don’t think she read the prescription correctly.

Post Office for stamps. Sadly, the machine could only print the single stamps that are way harder to use.

Picked up the grandgirls and helped the kids at the mission.

Went to my office to check the mail, pick up the newsletters, stamp and stuff them.

Also wrote some thank you notes.