Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Home Screens! Anthony! Amazon Reimb! 11.30.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:17 pm  

This guy is such a grifter.

I downloaded iOS 18.1.1 last week. One of the additions is the ability to change where the app icons can be placed. I’ve redone the screens to make the apps easier to access.



I thought that the heater in our house might not be working properly. I changed the filter. That seemed to help. I will call these guys back and cancel if it continues to work.

Good talk with Nana about her upcoming move to our house. Amen.

Good chat with my buddy, Anthony. He was waiting at the airport to pick up his son and his son’s girlfriend.

Ordered an extension cord for Penelope’s PS4 set up.

I finished typing up the Amazon reimbursement project. I did 2024 and 2023 today. Also summed up the totals. I still need to print them out and write the checks so I can take them to Jon Paul to sign.

I’ll come #1 this week.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Cold! Podcast! GoodWill! PS4 Monitor! Faucets! 11.29.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:15 pm  

I deposited the disbursement check I got from PNC bank from my mortgage overpayment. Amen.

I’m always learning something new about my iPhone.

Made PBJs for J.



Cold and getting ready to be even colder.

Went to the GoodWill in Stone Mountain and in Snellville looking for nice monitors for the PS4 I gave Penelope for her birthday.

I had to figure out how to power the TVs up, how to connect them to some type of input and find an HDMI cable. I basically took over that section of the store, plugging things in, finding cables and checking out how they worked. A man came over to help me. He actually works on fixing TVs! So he gave some good input. It was nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of. It didn’t have a price on it so I talked to one of the warehouse guys and told him that the rest were about $25 but this one was smaller than those. He came back with the TV after about ten minutes with a brand new price tag of $15.99. What?! So I had two guys do me a solid today. I’m usually the guy helping someone else out. It was nice to have the shoe on the other foot!

I gave it a good cleaning with a washcloth with a damp soap/water mix when I got home. That made the screen look like new again.

Went to Stone Mountain to record a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “The Unknown.” Excellence in audio!

Hard freeze is on the way. I put on protectors for the two outside faucets.

Put the TV I got from GoodWill back in my car and covered it up.


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Anthony! Kendall’s T-Giving! 11.28.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:41 pm  

This show looks like it could be fun.

Good idea.

Talked with my buddy Anthony this morning. His Dad just had a heart attack.



Cold weather is coming. I brought my carnivorous plants back inside.

I haven’t been reimbursed for business expenses that I’ve entailed with Whirlwind in over five years. I’m working on cataloging the expenses and totaling them so I can get reimbursement checks.

The bulb in my desk light broke today. Ordered another one as well as more printer paper.

My roses in my front yard are looking lovely.

We had a great time at Ashley’s house today. She cooked a lot of food. I appreciate her having us over. Miles and the girls were doing great! I gave Penelope my old PS4 and the VR head set for it.

We had fun playing Apples to Apples.

Keep going.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

PE! Ashley’s Car! Bank! Gas! Wrapping! 11.27.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:05 pm  

I’ve been doing research on walk in showers.

Banksy is one of my favorites. I’ve seen several of his works in London and Jerusalem.

More scams all the time.

I downloaded a new section of Horizon Forbidden West called “Burning Shore.” It’s made specifically for the PS5 and just looks incredible. They have a photo mode that you can use to tweak the exact picture that you want.


Everly enjoyed playing with the Silly String.

Set up K’s phone so she could tell where I am.

Ashley was having a problem with her Jeep. I called AAA to tow her car to Garmon to have a looked at it.

They showed up at her house in less than ten minutes! What!?


Ashley had decorated the house for Penelope’s birthday and Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Gassed up my car and checked the oil. I added about 1/2 quart.

Refilled the quart container.

Went to my office to check the mail and process checks. Thank you, Father!

Deposited the checks.

Ordered more Scotch tape. It’s one of the most useful tools ever.

Wrapped Penelope’s birthday presents.


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Shower! PE! Brisco Park! Goodwills! 11.26.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:34 pm  

I connected a new cable from my USB hub to my Mac Air. Hopefully, that will solve the signal issues I was having. I looked into what the hub would cost if I need to buy another one.

This is the second time I’ve seen someone hit a mailbox on my street.

Really cold weather on the way. Glad all my plants are inside.

Pastor Bill came over to my house to take a look at turning one of my bathrooms into a walk in shower.

Kathy went over to Cheryl’s house to pick up the grandgirls.

I drilled out a new hole on my belt. I need it tighter when I’m wearing short pants.

Went to UPS to send back the cable I didn’t need.

Met K and the girls at the Doggie park.

I sent J’s health insurance check in.

I took PE out to eat at Hot and Cold. Penelope liked her fortune. Tomorrow is her birthday!

Went to Brisco park to exercise and feed ducks and geese: Moscovy & Mallard ducks with Canadian geese.

Everly is quite a climber. I told her to spit on her feet. It helped a lot.

I have an app that identifies the animals we see. When I share the picture, people let me know what they think it is. So it’s AI plus people.

Since it’s Penelope’s birthday tomorrow (#9!), we went to a couple of different Good Wills. I got a couple of hats I like. Also went to the Dollar Tree.

Came home to play with some toys. We got a birthday balloon to celebrate.

The girls have fun in J’s hammock.

Don’t stop. Won’t stop.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Plants! Anthony! Leaves! PS4/PS5! 11.25.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:36 pm  

Anthony said they got some rain but not a lot in the Midlands of England.

Came in #2 last week.

Set up Netflix on my PS5.

I upgraded to iOS 18.1.1 last night on my iPhone.

Barker’s blog on losing weight.

Wasn’t familiar with this term.


Beautiful weather.

Watered my upstairs plants.

Good talk with my buddy Anthony.

Finished clearing the leaves from the South side of my house.

Got rid of the sticker plants.

Looks better.

Jessi helped me get a game save from my PS4 onto my new PS5. I appreciated that!

No one will even get close to my score this week.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Leaves! PS4! PS5! 11.24.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

Just in case you wondered.

Studied how to transfer files to my new PS5 from my PS4.

The games look nearly photo realistic.


Worked on trimming bushes and cleaning out the flower beds. It was a lot of work.


WX! Beautiful day. Getting ready for a cold blast in a week.

Listened to music in Español for a while, then switched over to Don Cheto.

Decided to work on the flower beds by the front of the house first. There were tons of leaves.

I used a tarp, a rake and a blower.

Full of leaves. I’d say about half of them are still on the tree.

Fixed the downspout extender.

Tied up the Wisteria.

Trimmed the bushes back. I’m going for a cleaner look. I took this picture early. The final product looks different.

The tarp, rake and blower make for a good, fast combo.

Looks pretty bare now.

I worked for about two hours than folded up the tarp, wrapped up the cords, and put all the equipment back up.

Next big job was to transfer files from my PS4 to the Playstation Network. Then I cleaned every piece of equipment, rolled up the cords, and put tape around them to keep them neat. SUPER dusty job. I also had a PSVR set up. That was the hardest to take apart, clean, and put up.

I had a lot of physical games as well. Now I download them.

Unboxed the PS5. It was on sale and happened to have the 2025 Basketball game with the device. Don’t care about that at all.

Checked out the cables and controller. Didn’t take me very long to set up.

I’ll use my PS5 for all my streaming services. I really only use/have two now, Netflix and Amazon Prime. I’m still setting things up.

I’ll come in #2 this week again. I don’t have a problem with people working harder than me.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Front Door! Roof! Gutters! Front Yard! Deck! 11.23.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:52 pm  

This mass deportation thing sounds like it’s going to be super bad for our economy.

I’m very interested in the Ukraine war. Russia is about to collapse.

Still working on getting Jessi’s health insurance squared away.




We had someone knock on our front door last night. I covered the glass portion today to add privacy.

Blew the roof and cleaned the gutters.

Cleaned off the deck.

And the driveway and facing the street.

Raked the heavy parts.

All looks clean now.

Released an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Phase Two.”

Keep going.

I’m diving into iOS 18.1.1. I’m not big on change. But what the heck.

I ordered my new PS5 on Black Friday through Amazon. Priced down to $374. Could no longer resist. Should be in tomorrow.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Dirk! Post Office!Laundry! Podcast! Blow! Cable! 11.22.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm  

I hope this deportation thing doesn’t happen unless they’re really criminals.

Always learning new words.

Who learns language the best?

Hardly a landslide.

Is the signal strength indicator on my phone accurate? Apparently not.



Cooler and windy.

J & K helped me order groceries today.

I got a message from Dirk’s sister that he had died today. I’m so glad we made the effort when we did.

Talked with my Mom. Always a blessing.

After years of waiting I finally got a PS5. They had it for $374 because of Black Friday. I saw no more reason to wait.

I went to the Post Office to drop off the newsletters. It’s only the 22nd, but I had them done, so why not?

Got Thai for me, J & K.

Listened to Don Cheto. Thursdays are “Mystery Days.” He tells about supernatural things and He’s usually reading a script. I get about 95% of what’s going on when he does that. I’ve seen such progress in my comprehension.

Recorded a new podcast called, “Phase Two.” It’s an interesting one.

Did my laundry.

Picked up the groceries.

Gave the washing machine a cleaning.

Blew the driveway and deck.

I need to get another Thunderbolt 3, USB-c extender cable for my Mac Air. The one I’m using now shorts out occasionally. I had to do some research for the exact specs I need. The one I ordered last night and got today, wasn’t what I needed. It’s only the cable, not the extender.

I put in for the return of the wrong cable with Amazon. I’ll drop it off at the UPS store tomorrow.

I’ll come in #2 again this week.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Dirk! Ashley’s Car! Jon! Birds! 11.21.24

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:47 pm  

I had a sad conversation with the wife of one of my boyhood friends from Kenya last night. Dirk was a fun guy.

Re-subscribed for ISS viewings.


Cooling down.

Today I accomplished a 5 year streak on Duolingo.

Met up with Ashley at 9:00 AM at Garmon’s. She got her rear window repaired.

I took Ashley over to Miles’ Mom’s house so she could borrow her car for the day.

Came home and replaced the battery for the clock in the garage.

I modified a pair of gloves so that I could use the touchscreen on my iPhone. I used them for the first time today. Worked great.

Had a fun lunch with my good friend Jon Paul today. He’s always a blessing.

This guy is bad news. No-one liked him.

Windy afternoon.

I ordered a new wire that goes from my Mac Air to the power hub. The old one was shorting out. That’s not zesty.

My Rose bushes are blooming.

Put the stamps on the envelopes for the newsletters. I’ll get them in the mail tomorrow probably.

Refilled the bird feeders and cleaned the water bowls.

Picked up pizza for Jessi.

5 years without missing a day is pretty impressive, right?

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