Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Grandgirls! Library! 12.29.20

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:49 pm  

Unusual weather this morning. It had been super foggy real early in the morning. When I was out, it had lifted so it looked like really low level clouds, which is exactly what clouds are!

One of the adverts for the priest’s services.

Global Mall always has so many cool things to look at.

I liked this from Seth Godin’s blog this morning. I live by this.

I have a friend in Nigeria that I’m mentoring. I gave him a couple of scriptures to think about.

Met the girls at Global Mall.

Temperature check.

Came home and fed the girls grits for breakfast.

Vacuumed the kitchen.

Studied Spanish.

Cool clouds.

One of our supporters sent a box for the girls for Christmas. We had a party at my office.

The girls and I went to the library to get more books, then to the park right beside it.

When we got home, they helped clean the windows.

To the Library Park.

Interesting to think of kids growing up in the computer age.

The girls and I had a fun time with our “Party in a Box” that my friend sent. We cleaned up my office and Penelope helped me carry the bag of trash. I told her she looked like Santa.

Got groceries on the way home.

Put all the groceries up except for these drinks. Too heavy for my back to deal with right now.

Forgot Penelope’s shoes in my car. Bahd luck.


Tonight’s is called the “Cold Moon.”

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