Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Grandgirls! Newsletters! Antiques! Bike! 6.30.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:28 pm  

I should have known.

My new Yaber V6 1080p Projector came in last night. Pretty exciting what you can get for less than $250 these days. I watched a video about these projectors and his description of what it can do was pretty exciting. I look forward to using my new MacBook Air and this projector with the teams.

I decided I needed to read through the manual before hooking everything up, just to be sure.

I’m looking at portable screens.

I added a new orchid to my collection. I loved this light pink/purple!

Español. Por que no?

Love my girls!

I always keep my eyes out for this pair of Nanday Black Faced Parakeets when I’m in their area where Jimmy Carter and Rockbridge come together. There are a lot of them in S. Florida. Never seen them here. I first heard them before I saw them.

They are at this spot on this super high power cable regularly.

We had fun with shadows. The girls were really good at it.

I also saw this which I think is a Red Tailed Hawk. It’s substantially bigger than the Sharp-Shinned hawks that are in my neighborhood.

I took Everly for a ride in the Gorilla Cart. It’s hard in my yard because of the substantial slant.

Everly helped me make her some cheesy grits.

We stopped at the grocery store to pick up some fruit.

The box that my new projector came in was turned into a space capsule. Penelope drew lots of different colored buttons on it.

Estas typas de palabras son muy útiles.


I cut Everly’s fingernails and toenails. It’s always a challenge, but I figured out how to do it. Kit-Kat bars. The little ones. I rustle the bag really loudly. Show her what she’s going to get after the hands are done. Then I am as careful and as fast as I can possibly be. I usually say, “Ok, 1. 2. 3.” and I clip a bit with each number.

Kathy hasn’t been feeling well. I took her truck to get filled up and took her to lunch today.

I get a discount about every fifth fill up at Walmart for .10 off/gallon. Kathy’s truck uses the discount. Gas cost us $2.77.

Felt hot.

Put the stamps on the letters this afternoon.

Collated the newsletters and stuffed them. Got them in the mail. Amen.

Took the girls to an antique place. It was honestly kind of scary to take them there. Bull in a china shop scenario. They were very good.

She called this a “Pie Ay No.” I told her that it’s pronounced piano and that it was actually a cash register. I’m not sure she knows what that is either to be honest.

When’s the last time you bought something and they gave you cash back?

The girls got a kick out of the little TV.

I liked this old baby bottle.

I thought this tiny gold and silver globe was cool. It turns out that it’s really made of gold and silver and cost $269! They said I could have it for $95. It’s smaller than the size of your index finger. Just couldn’t see me getting that.

Then to frozen yogurt.

We were trying to decide what color the girl’s eyes were. We think blue on the outside and brown stars in the inside.

Mine are blue on the outside and gold on the inside.


I went for a short bike ride. I started hearing thunder and checked the radar. There were several cells that looked like they could get me in the next hour, so I turned back.

When I turned around, I saw this.

You can see a third faint violet stripe. That’s a reflection of a reflection. I’ve never seen a double rainbow that was compressed like this. Usually they are split up.

I liked this too.

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