Whirlwind Missions

Friday, March 7, 2014

Tire! Cleaning! J!

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:23 pm  

We had about 1/2″ of rain last night.

Got woken up early this morning by Kathy. She told me she had a flat tire and was checking if it was ok to use my car today. No problem.

Later, I walked to where she had left the car and pumped it up with my portable compressor. If you don’t have one of these I highly recommend getting one. They’re great for pumping up bike tires as well as your car tire.
So when I get a flat, I never take off the tire and put on spare. I merely pump the flat tire back up and take it to my tire guys to fix properly. I’d say 90% of the time the tire pumps up just fine. If there’s a blow out, it’s time to call AAA.

Jesse came by after I got home.
I enjoyed taking him out to eat. We went by Goodwill to check on clothes then came on home.

I got my new vacuum and cleaned the house and mopped the floors.

Gathered up and took out the garbage.

Also fixed one of the door knobs. I’ve had a couple lately that needed tweaking.

Then went for a 5.20 mile run. I ran harder than I have in a LONG time. Still not fast, but five miles is a long way.

Enjoyed watching Elementary with Kathy. Working on admin duties now while she gets supper together. I’m feeling a touch nauseated. I hope I don’t have a repeat of the barfing experience I had a couple of days ago.

I liked this poster I saw at Zaxby’s today.

Never too much 3 Stooges.

I always get in trouble for this.

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