Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Rest! Mission!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:50 pm  

Today I spent mostly in bed with a heat pad and icy hot on my back.

K and I also made the decision for us to swap vehicles. The Chrysler does ok for a few miles before the oil pressure begins to drop. Hopefully, K can get more time out of her. The old girl has driven over 244,000 miles. She deserves a chance to spend her last days without the torture of driving on 285 in stop and go traffic.

I’ve enjoyed wandering around the Himalayas in Far Cry 4 while I’ve been recuperating.

Jesse came over to our house to pick up his clothes that K had washed for him. Then he rode back with me to the mission in the Expedition that her brother had donated to the ministry almost exactly eight years ago. It has a little over 200,000 miles on her too.

Always great to see the kids, although I wasn’t in a super mood. If I turned the wrong way or put my weight down wrong, WOW, there would be some sharp pain.

I enjoyed watching The Giver with K this evening. I liked it. Jeff Bridges is one of my favorites.

Admin duties now.

I have my annual physical tomorrow morning. Can’t say I’m excited about that. Drawing blood can be problematic for me. I have “hard” veins, at least that’s what they tell me. Fortunately, I have B+ blood. I’m trying to live up to that.

I liked these sections from the newest Time and Wired Magazines. Joel Stein wrote the article on sharing.

I like the phrase “experience economy.” That’s what I do: give people powerful experiences.

This quote is from Rodney Mullin who is a famous skateboarder and computer programmer.

Experience and authenticity. That’ll preach.

I love diffused sunlight through barren branches.

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