Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Prayer Cards! Westside! Set up!

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:37 pm  

I worked on transcribing the email addresses of the people that have worked with us onto our automated email program called Mail Chimp.
I’ve done 150 so far. Ashley had done over 550! Yow! No fast way to do it. I ended up with over 700 today.

I want to be more aggressive with sending our supporters information. At least every couple of weeks.

Kathy and I went to Westside Baptist Church this morning.
Always great to hear Pastor Ben.

This morning, the HOPE team reported on their trip to Detroit and Indiana. Great message!

Had a good lunch at Baby Jane’s with K and a friend of ours from church.

Came home to work on the email addresses and add a few weeks of social media onto my Twitter program. It posts my material five times a day. Takes me about 30 minutes to put in a month’s worth of material.
My tweets are all short observations based on the sermon that I’m listening to. My version of sermon notes.

Met up with Ashley at FBC Doraville around 7:30pm. Took us about 1.5 hours to set up for The Show. I added two more small spot lights. I’m always working on improving the look of the stage and surroundings.

Admin duties now.

Just saw the mama raccoon outside. I love my red light. I can see them, but they think it’s totally dark. Crazy.

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