Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Grandgirls! Reading! Azalea! 11.3.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:31 pm  

We are the World Champions of Baseball! (At least in the USA!) Go, Braves!

I’m glad my grandgirls have had Covid. It seems the best protection for them.


Incredible dawn clouds!

Love my girls!

Español! I stayed up and studied Spanish last night. I’m in a league of thirty new people every week in Duolingo. Everyone is pretty advanced. If you’re in the bottom ten people you get demoted in the league. Basically, you earn XP by completing lessons with high accuracy. I’m in the Diamond League, which is the highest. I must admit, it does motivate me to work harder and longer, knowing I’m always on the Leader Board.

Picked up the newsletters at the office.

I worked with Penelope on her sight words. I’d make long sentences for her to read. She did great. Practice is always helpful! Seems like it’s easier to remember the words in context.

I realized that if I wanted to get the letters in the mail today, I needed to get the kids to help me. So they stuffed envelopes while we folded.

Made my deadline and got the letters in the mail stream by 4:45 PM.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Cold day.

I released Verbal Surgery -893- “Purple Cupcake.”

Get over the difficulties that life throws you faster!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Grandgirls! Zoo! Azalea Candy Throw! 11.2.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:21 pm  


True dat.


Nice window view.



All my girls!


Zoo Atlanta!

You have to know your tag number in order to pay your parking spot.

The Zoo was great today. Fun having Kathy with us.

We discovered the new elephant enclosures today. They look fantastic.

Love the trees!

They’re growing!

Great lighting.


Pumpkin carving deluxe.



Really fun time with perfect weather and not too many people. We stayed about an hour and fifteen minutes. Which is about right for standing and walking.

Stopped by the church to drop off Ashley’s newsletter.

Español. I spent extra time this evening studying.

I knew Diwali (which is a major Hindu festival, kind of like Christmas for them) is Thursday. I didn’t expect there to be big fireworks displays with it.

And then in the Halloween section Day of the Dead cookies. I love the ATL.

I had a fun group of kids for the Candy Throw at the mission after we did homework.

Gassed up the car before coming home. Checked fluids.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Bank! Dune! 11.1.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:45 pm  

Good one.

Seems like a lot.

I always found this Monty Python bit hilarious.

I liked these ideas from Eric Barker’s newsletter.



Uno dia mas.

Went to the bank to deposit checks.

Went over to the neighbor of my Treasurer’s house today to pick up the packet from Paychex. Not sure why they keep sending it to the wrong address, we changed it to come to me instead.

I was thinking about the Jewish calendar today. I knew it was based on the Lunar Cycle, but wasn’t sure about other influences.

Put the stamps I got yesterday onto the envelopes. Now all I’m missing is Ashley’s page which may be there at the church already.

I had a good lunch with Jesse today. We went to Metro Cafe, then a couple of hours later we saw Dune at NCG.

It was so good. It’s definitely my favorite sci-fi book.

Don’t want those! Only about three other people in the place beside us. We went at 3:00 PM.

We will have both girls tomorrow. Always a blessing. K said she wanted to go to the zoo. We will probably do that.

The Zoo and the Stone Mountain memberships have both really been worth the money this year. Everly and I go out there fairly regularly.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Podcast! Nana! 10.31.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:19 pm  

Funny. And true.

Just follow the money.

I’m watching a show in Spanish called “Bolivar.” A lot of it is set in Spain. So beautiful.



Penelope learned this word in her Spanish class at school. “Comedor.”

One of my azaleas is flowering. Astonishing.

Mileage log.


Went to Stone Mountain to record and make calls. Saw this doe on the way in.

While I was recording, I saw this pigeon land on top of a shed roof. Moments later, A sharp-shinned hawk dropped down like a rock and killed and flew away with it. Here’s all that was left of the scene.

Recorded “Hand Sight.”

I had a fun talk with my Mom this afternoon. Always a blessing! Sadly, I heard from her again this evening with bad news from relatives who live in Laredo. Sounds like there was a domestic dispute and the father was killed. Such sadness.


Went to the Post Office to get stamps for the newsletter.

Crisp evening.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Garden! Kathy to Pumpkin Fest at St Mtn! 10.31.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:41 pm  





Cloudy and very damp.

Uno mas.

My front porch view.

Got my new bag of dog food into the sealed container. I use my Gorilla Cart all the time. About time for more bird seed.

Watered my garden.

Cleaned bird baths and filled feeders.

Kathy and I ate at Hot and Cold today. We walked afterwards. I like this raw mortar look at Provinos Italian food.

I helped my sister-in-law put together her new walker and picked up the pedal exerciser I got for my Mom. We were letting Ann try it. She doesn’t have carpet so it was hard to keep in place. I brought it back to my house.

Sic ’em, Bears! I always love beating the University of Texas.

I took Kathy to the Pumpkin Festival at Stone Mountain. We have an annual pass, so all the festivities are included.

We stopped in to check out the glass blowing factory.

Cool lighting.

We had Brewsters Ice Cream for our treat. That’s what makes it FUN!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -892- “Arctic Heat.”

Friday, October 29, 2021

Grandgirls! Taco Veloz! 10.29.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:28 pm  

I was talking with my language guru OBJ about this app.


Musician joke.



Filled up my windshield spray.


Everly and I picked up Penelope from the School Bus. We let her change out of her school clothes.

We ate at Taco Veloz.

Everly had just woken up from a two hour nap.

Two-Fisted churro eater. She did share some of it with me. Some.

Then to FBCD to check the mail.

Took us a while to get home. We always have fun. Blasted out a lot of good jams.

Dropped the girls off at Miles’ folk’s house.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Labels! Rest! 10.28.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:53 pm  

Our treasurer has moved to Loganville. Even though he’s notified Paychex, they’re still sending these notifications. The last one I got at my house like it’s supposed to.


Pruned back the dead flowers from one of my African violets.


Big day!

Sent a thank you note to one of our supporters.

I have my newsletter written and copied. Worked on labeling all the envelopes today.

Bought more return envelopes.

When the small labels are bought are used up, I’m going to use stickers instead. They are cheaper.

I’ve had a good rest day. I’m still feeling pretty congested. Stayed inside all day long.


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Grandgirls! Jon! Azalea! 10.27.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:11 pm  

I thought this was beautiful.

I watched the Braves take it to the Astros last night, 6-2!


Cold mornings!

Fantastic clouds this morning.



Vaccination info is always changing. I went to Kroger today to pick up some meds and asked them about the Moderna shot, which I want to get. They told me they don’t mix the vaccines, even though the CDC is saying that’s the way to go to get the most robust antibodies.

My little sweetheart!

The clouds this morning just kept blowing me away! This set is about an hour later.

Deposited checks.


I love Escher’s use of tessellation.

This cloud almost looked like it had feathers.

Went to Kroger for meds and bananas.

I was a bit early for lunch with Jon, so Everly and I went to the Dollar Tree.


It was great to see my buddy, Jon Paul. He’s such a blessing to me.

Must be a really big truck!

I picked Penelope up at the bus stop. I thought her art today was super good.

It’s from her Spanish special class once a week. “Comedor” means dining room.

We had some drama when P got home due to her water bottle leaking. We had to take some of the papers out and get them dried off. I accidentally tore one of them as I was trying to fix it (typical for me!), man, was Penelope upset! I got everything dried off and repaired and in the end all was right with the world. Amen.

Everly got this “air dry clay” set at the Dollar Tree. It was a real mess. Fortunately, came off with water pretty easily.

Helped the kids with their homework.

I worked with all these kids by myself. It’s challenging.


Terrible traffic coming home. Welcome to Atlanta.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! 10.26.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:17 pm  


I dig this.

Crazy talk. And they’re almost all minorities.


So true.

One of my favorite artists.



Looking forward to this!

Sunrise clouds.

Bands of golden light.

My girls and my new blue jacket!


Windy and chilly! Up to 21 mph!

Jesse and Everly playing with one of the toys from the birthday party. I think there was a whale inside it.

She had fun playing with the ball inside. She basically just put the ball in the hoop, which was fine with me.

Swept off the deck.

I got her to take a nap for about 1.5 hours.

Went by my office to check the mail. Also dropped off the newsletters.

Helped the kids at the mission. It was pretty cold outside. A LOT colder to come!

So many beautiful scenes that the grandgirls just take for granted.


Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery -891- “Skill and Will.”

Rev up your passion and your abilities!

Monday, October 25, 2021

Podcast! Newsletter! Primal! 10.25.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:51 pm  

This sounds promising.



How about that!?


Wrote my newsletter.


Picked up Thai for the family.

I’ve enjoyed playing Primal. It’s set about 100,000 years ago with primitive tribal structures. They even created three languages for this!

Laid out this month’s edition.

Put it on my hard drive.

I recorded an edition of Verbal Surgery called, “Sure Cure.” Put it in my ready to release or “in the can” folder.

Sewed a couple of rips in my comforter.

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