Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Podcast! Anthony! Ashley! 11.13.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:53 pm  

Poopoo humor.

One of my favorite authors.

Art by God.

I love Escher’s tessellation.

This joke kills.

Now that’s a big butt.

I love watching when we win! Amen!



Happy Birthday, Ashley!

Mas dias!

Had a good talk with my buddy Anthony today. He’s always good for a laugh.

Beautiful weather.

I recorded an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Top Soil.” So rich.

Love the colors.

It gets to 37 this evening. I brought my carnivorous plants inside for the next few days.

It’s been really windy. Lots of leaves have fallen.

I released Verbal Surgery -896- “Badjectives.”

So good.

Downloaded the episode I recorded this morning onto my Mac.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Grandgirls and K! Azalea! 11.12.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm  

Ashley is in this business. I thought it was funny.




Mas y mas.

Kathy stayed home from work today. She wasn’t feeling well either. After I picked up Everly from Global Mall, we came home and pretty much all went back to bed. She slept for three hours. Super important for her (and me!) to rest as much as possible to get well again.

We ate at Pho 24. I love their sandwiches.


I certainly get this sentiment. I really despise tail gators.

It was great to have K there to pick up Penelope. They are very close.

Everly fell and scratched her leg.

Helped some kids study multiplication tables.

Jimmy and Cheryl Kendall came over to Azalea.

I went to my office to check the mail and see if my Ficus needed watering. I’m shocked that after three weeks the soil is still saturated with water. It makes me wonder about all my other plants at home. I probably need to really back off watering the succulents. I was watering everything weekly. Probably better to go to bi-weekly.

She seems happy.

Three Chamblee Police cars at the apartment complex this evening.

Checked the mail.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! 11.11.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:06 pm  

Dave and his wife worked with us seven years ago. Their family gave a substantial donation to our ministry. THANKS!


I upgraded to the new IOS (Apple’s operating system) 15 last night. I’m still learning a few things about it. The weather app looks different.

Love my girls! It’s Ashley’s birthday this weekend. She’s going on a trip with Miles and a few friends. Happy Birthday, Ash! You’re the BEST!


I sent a small gift to the Ropers. Went to the Post Office to get stamps and put it in the mail. I always do my best to involve Everly. I make everything a learning experience for her.

We went to the Goose Park today.

There was a little breeze so I broke out the squid kite. Not enough wind to keep it aloft. Squid Game is an International hit so I think it’s cool to have that kite.

We went to Hot n Cold to eat. I had her try three different kinds of chicken.

When we got back to Azalea, we both had a nap. Hers was a lot longer than mine!

Picked up Penelope from the bus. I enjoy her art.

We played Crazy 8. It’s a good matching game. She beat me 5-4.

We also went through her reading folder. Reviewed names of letters and the sounds they make. Also studied types of blend sounds. She’s very bright. My hardest challenge is knowing when to stop working. As long as she’s engaged and having some fun, we keep going. Sometimes that’s just a few minutes. Other times it’s over a hour.

I found the blend with Spanish very interesting.

Helped the kids with their homework. We focused on multiplication tables. The little kids I teach to draw shapes or just get used to manipulating markers or crayons.

Beautiful clouds. I always love the streaks of light.

Listening to Harry Potter is one of the hardest things I do in studying Spanish. I like the series because the voice actor, Carlos Ponce, is brilliant and also because the vocabulary isn’t super sophisticated. Plenty hard for me!

We have some cold weather coming. I don’t think I’ll keep the carnivorous plants outside much under 40 degrees. That means they’ll be back inside under lights for about a week. They are cold hardy, even below freezing, but that’s when they’re planted in the ground, which is substantially warmer than in a pot.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Grandgirls! Bank! Azalea! 11.10.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:45 pm  

Fascinating. How many do you know?

This could really be a great game but I don’t think it’s my style.


Always great to have Ashley time!

Everly enjoys climbing on the rocks by the Walmart gas station.

Metro Diner for breakfast.

We saw a dead fox on the way home. We stopped for closer inspection. Sad and gross.

Deposited checks. We had a major donation that really helped us.

While we were getting gas, I showed Everly how someone had stolen an ATM machine. I’ve heard about people doing this, but had never seen evidence of it.

Walmart has good prices on gas. It’s actually a Murphy gas station. I’m a member there. I insert my number and it tracks the gallons I get. After x amount of gallons you qualify for a .10 price reduction for that fill up. Kathy and I both get gas there. I also like that there are hardly any people there. I used to always go to QT, but that place is PACKED with people. Plus, with the Chic Fil A on that corner, the traffic is whack.


Checked the fluid levels. Usually that means oil and wiper fluids.

Beautiful sky.

Everly made me some tiny play dough owls.


Everly likes to help me clean the birdbaths.

We checked out my collection of carnivorous plants. I have them outside in a protective plastic box. They need the light and temperature changes to have a proper dormant season.

I found a penny today that had seen better days.

I love Penelope’s art. She has such a vibrant style.

I enjoy hanging out with the grandgirls so much,

We ate at the Buford Highway Farmers market.

I get several texts, emails and direct mail about wanting to buy my house every week. That’s a good sign that our property is valuable.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Always more words and clarification of those words!

Gorgeous clouds.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Grandgirls! Taco Veloz! Azalea! Podcast! 11.9.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:37 pm  


Dali is one of my favorites!

So many people think like this.



New work week starts! I’m still feeling sick, but at least my back turned out to not be all that bad. Amen.

Love my girls!

I have to admit, I like being able to drive to Global Mall when it’s light.

Saw a big red-tailed haw this morning.

Studied Spanish.

Everly and I had a nice nap after breakfast. Neither of us are feeling all that great.

I got the new bag of bird seed in the container.

We picked up Penelope at the bus. We had a fun lunch at Taco Veloz.

They ate great.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Beautiful sunset.

Mas palabras.


It’s nearly Ashley’s birthday! Woot! Her birthday card from my Mom.

Went to the office to pick up checks. One really big one! PTL!

Ordered more checks for my personal account.

Reset the clock for my weather station.

Uploaded and released Verbal Surgery -895- “Hand Sight.”

So good.

Downloaded the newest edition of Verbal Surgery onto my Mac.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Back! Podcast! Groceries! 11.8.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:35 pm  

Good news is that my cold is better. Bad news is I tweaked my back this morning. Oh, well.

This QANON/Evangelical mix is really bizarre to me.

Dali is one of my favorites.


Had a great talk with my Mom this morning.


I just got more Ylang Ylang was melts.

Gorgeous weather, although I was inside almost all day long. Rest is the best cure.

Thai food today.


Siempre nuevas palabras.


I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Badjectives.”


Shots from God of War.

I heard this a lot today.

I picked up my groceries that I ordered this morning. Pick up is still WAY better than spending the time doing it myself.

I liked this from the Art of Noticing.

Beautiful moon!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Rest! Clothes! Garden! 11.7.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:41 pm  

I slept ok last night, but still feeling under the weather. I rested all day.

EE Cummings’ credo.

Love this.

Who knew?

Still learning.


Reminded me of this.

Just a reminder.

I thought this was interesting, but the best stuff was behind a pay wall. Figures.




Spent time looking for Kathy’s winter clothes. They were in storage downstairs, just wasn’t sure where.

Watered my garden.

Enjoying playing God of War. One of the most beautiful and creative video games ever.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Español! Monterey! Podcast! Rest! 11.6.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:53 pm  

Although I’m feeling better than I did yesterday, I’m still not up to speed.

This is good news.


Did some research on our photo hosting site.

Studied Spanish last night and this morning.

Power went out at our house for about two hours.

Cable was down as well.


Reminder from FBA.

I updated my Mac to Monterey today. They all seem pretty much the same to me.

Released Verbal Surgery -894- “Sure Cure.”

Make yourself feel great!

Friday, November 5, 2021

Grandgirls & K! Stone Mountain! 11.5.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:22 pm  



All my girls! Kathy got off to hang out with us. I was glad about it because I’m still not feeling well. Penelope had the day off because the county canceled school to celebrate the Braves winning the World Series.

IHOP this morning.

Cold and windy today.

We went on Safari to Stone Mountain and visited Campsite 1.

We go up the ranger road.

It was cloudy all day long. Sunflower!

We’ve marked the rock on CS1. It had held up really well. Scratched it out again.

Always something beautiful to see.

We were only about a third of the way up the mountain.

The girls saw a big buck go right by them!

Tiny beauty.

I love the colors of the rock.

They should put all those idiots in jail.

All in all we walked about a mile. I only turned Runkeeper on after we’d been at the top for a while.

I came home and went to sleep for about four hours. Didn’t sleep well last night. Too stopped up. Got a headache now. Glad I’ve got some rest days coming up. Amen.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Sickish! Grandgirls! Azalea! 11.4.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:48 pm  

Crazy, right?


Classic “Europe Weather” today.


It was drizzling. Everly was in the car. Ashley is always so beautiful!


I wasn’t feeling great this morning. Had a sore throat, headache and while driving to pick up Everly, I felt like I was going to puke. That’s never zesty. Ate breakfast and felt a little better. Everly was tired so we took a nap when we got home. That helped.

I untangled her hair and put it into braids.

Trimmed her bangs.

Trimmed her nails which was really hard because the last time I did them she kept pulling her hands away and I cut one a little too close. Hard to trim the nails of a bucking bronco. I got it done. Then painted them and let the fans dry them out.

I thought they turned out looking good. I liked the red which was her choice.

Went by my office to check the mail and my ficus tree.

I got a water tester for the soil to see when I need to water it again. The soil kept feeling moist to me so I didn’t water. It felt moist because it WAS moist according to the meter. Going on three weeks without watering. Ficus in particular doing like over watering.

I’ve been going through bags of winter clothes and taking out the ones that no longer fit. Like this one.

Part of the median wall at Azalea was broken last night.

Helped the kids at the mission. We finished nearly all of the homework yesterday.


Deposited checks on the way home.

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