Whirlwind Missions

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Grandgirls & K! Stone Mountain Christmas! 11.24.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:04 pm  

One of my favorite retail stores, along with Goodwill.

I will probably get this.

I take Vitamin D.

Georgia is a big deal.

Really glad to hear this. I still can’t get over the Rittenhouse verdict.




I sounded out what we ordered for the All Star breakfast at Waffle House. She wrote down the letters.

I love me some Penelope!

Waffle House!

We fed hard bread rolls to some pigeons this morning.

I had the girls crunch ’em up.

Love my girls!


Deposited checks. Amen.

My new look.

I dropped the plunger I bought for Ann at her house.

We went to the Goodwill on 78 to look for jackets and of course toys.

The Dollar Tree is a good place to look for pencils and colors and notebooks. I made a little art box for her.

Everly liked the accessories.

We went to Dairy Queen to get the cake for Penelope.

I got them some chicken strips. Their white gravy is killer.

We checked out the Stone Mountain schedule today and it said the Dinotauriom was open. We got pretty excited about it. Told the girls they had to take a nap or we wouldn’t go. So they rested. Amen.

The place was crowded but not overly so.

The dinotaurium turned out to be really lame. So we went to the Dino exhibit pretty quickly.

My new friend.

The place was super loud.

We liked the dinosaurs, but I don’t like when they paint them and make them look goofy.

My favorite part was the funnel cake. Man. I love that stuff. Especially when it’s right out of the grease.

Train ride.

Interesting con trail.


Cool lighting with the fog.

We are so lucky to live right by Stone Mountain. Our year pass “Super Tickets” have really been a great value for us. The Christmas and Halloween themed attractions are really quite good.

I always enjoy playing with the “swishy lights” effect. I squeeze the shutter and rotate the camera at the same time. I also use the vivid filter.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Grandgirls & K! Goodwill! Doggie Park! 11.23.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:49 pm  



Cold day.

Shorter work week with the girls, just today and tomorrow. Glad K was there to help me most of the day. I had a headache and was really tired probably due to the booster shot yesterday.

Never too much Ashley!

We went to Waffle House. I let them climb on the rocks.

I liked this mirror. Reminded me of Ashley.

We went to Goodwill to look for jackets and toys.

Still working on the total menu for Thanksgiving with Jimmy Kendall and Ash.

Bet that hurts.

I gassed up my car at Walmart. Checked the fluids. There is a big pile of boulders for them to play around on there too. They always act like they’re in Lion King.

Went to Publix for some supplies, then over to the Doggie Park. (It’s actually called the JB Williams Park.)

The girls love playing there.

Cada dia.

Penelope got a note pad and markers for her birthday. She was writing words for me.
“Tell me the story of the Ginger Bread song.” She did well on sounding out the words she didn’t know.

The zip ties I got for fixing the basketball hoop came in. I attached the strings to the hoop.

Turned out really well. The hoop’s fixtures for the strings were too tight to work properly. Zip ties were the Plan B.

Grocery pick up was kind of an ordeal. Finally got the message that my stuff was ready and went there about 7:15 PM. Every slot was full! That’s ten cars all waiting for their groceries. No telling what the place was like inside!

Went by FBC Doraville to pick up mail.

Not my best photography. Can you spot the two major errors?


Monday, November 22, 2021

Health Insurance! Vax! J Job! Podcast 900! 11.22.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:05 pm  



Keep going, yo!

Had a good meeting with my insurance guy, Tim Deter. He walked us through the insurance application process. He’s a wealth of information.

Glad to get this done. We are getting better coverage for less money.

Ordered groceries.

Went to Walgreens to get a booster shot from Pfizer. My first shot was J&J. I read mixing the vaccines is the way to go to get maximum coverage. Plus, I’ve had COVID so I should be pretty safe.

Had lunch with Kathy and Jess.

Walmart was out of cranberry sauce as was Kroger. Went to Ingels and got three of their last four cans.

Started the fifth book of the series today.

As you might notice, it’s thirty one hours long. I’ve already listened to the whole series once. Hundreds and hundreds of hours listening to Spanish. No way around it if you want to get good at it. It’s just practice. Plus this go around I’m understand much more.

I helped my sister-in-law get her toilet working. Her plunger didn’t work. Brought mine over and finally got it cleared. It was super horrible. I didn’t take the picture until I had cleaned it all up. Just too gross. And the smell! Wowzers. Before I went in the door, I sprayed my mask with cologne. That helped a lot.


Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “That Heavy Thing.” It was my 900th episode.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Español! Mom! 11.21.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:04 pm  

Some of Kevin Kelly’s favorite quotes. He’s one of my heroes.

I got to listen to us win on internet radio.

Dali has some unique work.

Hadn’t heard this before.

Kevin Kelly also suggested this.



Part of my Hawaiian look.


I’m still taking cold showers.

Had a good talk with my Mom. Always like that!

Been watching Firefly and playing Second Son. Restful day after all the yard work yesterday.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Podcast! Roof! Leaves! 11.20.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:10 pm  

This will be so good.


So bad.



Lots of cold nights coming. I’m keeping my carnivorous plants inside.

Un poco mas.

Listening to Baylor vs Kansas Football right now on internet radio.


Working on Health insurance with our agent.

Blew the leaves off of my roof. Gigantic amount. And cleaned gutters.


Cleaned the deck.

Blew the front driveway.

Lot of work.


Answer from my insurance guy.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Finish Line.”

Released Verbal Surgery “Match Less.”

Friday, November 19, 2021

Grandgirls! Taco Veloz! AZ! ESL! ISS! 11.19.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:14 pm  

For sure! Except for the lip thing.



We had fun looking at the Poinsettias.

I bought two big bags (the picture shows contents of one bag) of ripe bananas for $2 each. I processed and put the banana pieces into gallon bags and stored them in the freezer. Later, I’ll take them out and make smoothies. If I freeze the banana, I don’t have to add ice. It’s makes a frozen smoothie on its’ own. I also add Kachava.

Never too much Ashley!

While Everly and I were at Ingles, I noticed this box. Organic Ice Cream cones? Really?

Cada dia, mas y mas.

Deposited a check.

Cleaned and refilled the birdbaths and feeders.

We seem to be having more problems with the mail these days. This VM from a supporter.

Went to the office to check the mail. Actually did this twice! The mail hadn’t come when I got there around 1:30 PM.

We had fun at Taco Veloz. Penelope is so funny.

They both ate great.

The net I bought is not staying tied to the rim properly. I’m getting zip ties to secure it next week. I just ordered them on Amazon.

Love my girl!

Helped the kids at the mission. Still working on multiplication tables.

Also had an English lesson with one of the Moms while I was helping the kids.

The girls enjoyed using the markers with the dry erase board.

Sky is so beautiful.

Saw the International Space Station for the 73rd time this evening. I was with Penelope and Everly headed to the other grandparent’s house from Chamblee. We stopped and tracked it for the few minutes it was visible.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! 11.18.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:58 pm  

I had a clarification with a friend of mine as to whether he was feeding crows or grackles. Clearly they were not crows.

I’m playing a video game called “Second Son” which is set in Seattle. It was interesting to read the background of the game.



We set up the time for our Board Meeting.

Took Everly to Waffle House for breakfast.

We stopped at Publix to pick up some fruit and distilled water. Everly wanted to take her unicorns for a stroller ride.

Water for CPAP for K and my garden.


We went to the Goodwill on Lawrenceville Highway to check on jackets and toys.

Beautiful day.

Christmas decorations.


Turned cloudy in the afternoon.

Everly in her Mama’s boots.

Helped the kids with their homework and times tables.

I found this on the ground. Boarding card for Tasfiaa who P and E play with nearly every day. She’s from Bangladesh. Probably flew Dhaka-Istanbul-ATL. When I was coming back from the Holy Land I flew on the first flight from Istanbul to Atlanta! They had bands and everything! I still have my commemorative Coke bottle for the event.

A couple of the kids brought this huge caterpillar to me. Of course, I was instantly interested and brought out my Seek app which shows me info on species and plants I don’t know. I love my iPhone for stuff like that!

I had a lot of kids today.

I always like these streaks of light.

Kathy came with me this afternoon to enjoy the grandgirls. We stopped by my office to pick up the mail.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! ISS! 11.17.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:48 pm  



I can see me doing this.

This turned out to be a great viewing. I get these text alerts from NASA.


Ground level clouds today.

That seems like a very specific niche.

My girls!


Deposited checks. Amen.

Everly was tired after we ate at Waffle House. We laid down around 10:30 AM. She slept nearly two hours.

Domain registration.

Everly makes a bed for Tiegy.

Had fun with the kids a the mission. I played with the little kids before working with the older ones. Penelope and Everly come and go all through the afternoon.

After all the kids were finished, I used the whole table to make long sentences with the sight words that Penelope is studying. I love her so much.

I got the notification from NASA about the ISS this morning by text. I had the grandgirls and about ten of the mission kids watch the International Space Station go across the sky. We also saw Jupiter, Saturn and Venus along with a nearly full moon.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Grandgirls! Taco Veloz! Azalea! 11.16.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:07 pm  


I thought these from Albert Ellis’ work were interesting.


Another work week starts!

My lil’ partner!

I liked her rainbow dress.

I got her/Penelope another jacket and also got her a sun dress she really liked.

Don’t think I’ve ever seen this one before.

Beautiful weather.

I replaced the old net at the mission with a new one.

I stood on the trunk lid of my car.

She loves the new dress!


Got the mail from the office and processed the checks. I’ll put them in the bank tomorrow. Don’t like to do that at night.

We picked up Penelope from the bus stop then went to Taco Veloz for a late lunch.

Bad news. But doesn’t affect me!

Helped the kids at the mission.

Penelope draws surf’s up!

Love her art!


Went by Walmart to pick up the groceries.

Surprisingly, the gas station at Walmart was out of gas! I went to the Shell station instead. I was almost dry.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Top Soil.” So good!

Sewed a button on one of Everly’s dresses.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Grandgirls! Spend Night! Park! Car! 11.14-15.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:42 pm  

Grandgirls spent the night. That turns two days into one long day. Thus the blog.

I say this all the time.


They are STILL sending it to the wrong house. Wow.

GREAT to see this!

Beautiful, cold day.

We had a fun time at the Library park. Penelope was super into the monkey bars. She went all the way across!

Enjoyed the library.

They went to sleep around 7pm.

My fridge seemed to be leaking ever so slightly. Called the plumbers today. All the plumbing is fine. I cleaned out and took a lot of stuff out of the freezer. That should make it work a lot better.

Took out a big piece of ice.

The food I put back. A LOT I just chucked.

It’s important not to block these vents.

A rug in front of the fridge got a bit wet. Took it outside to dry.


Uno mas.

Ordered groceries.

I got the oil changed in the Mercury. I always call before I go over to see how busy they are.

I brushed and put Penelope’s hair in braids. Trimmed her bangs.

Also worked on Everly’s.

T&G has worked on my cars for over twenty years.

Changed the oil. Checked the brakes and rotated the tires. I have an ongoing check engine light which indicates that something in the emissions system is not 100%. Doesn’t hurt the car’s performance at all.

We had an issue taking the tires off because we needed the tire lock key. I had to go home to find it in a storage bin we have for all the Mercury stuff. It should have been left in the car. It is now.



Very interesting.


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