Whirlwind Missions

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Grandgirls! K! Doggie Park! Nana! Podcast! 12.4.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:23 pm  


Last night I ordered a Novum Drone. They’re well known for their HD4K video, ruggedness and compact size. It’s supposed to be one of the best flying drones around. It was on sale for under $100. That’ll be my Christmas present to myself. I’m always the best gift giver. Teehee.




Been studying indefinite articles.

K and I took the girls to the Doggie Park. Nana stayed home for a Zoom call with her church.

Baylor is the Champion of the Big 12 football conference. Sic ’em! Very exciting game.

I cleaned the dust on the back of my fan. It hasn’t been blowing very well. I used my wet/dry vac.

Released a new edition of Verbal Surgery called “Along for the Ride.” Fun!

Friday, December 3, 2021

Grandgirls! Nana! Newsletters! Anniversary! 12.3.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:54 pm  

Not sure where this will be tomorrow.

Had to look up imperious.

I knew this one.


Waffle House with Nana.

Beautiful day. All the way up to 74! What!?

We met up this morning at Global Mall with Ashley. She’s such a blessing!

Came home to play Crazy 8s.




I shifted my carnivorous plants further north in my yard. They weren’t getting any direct sunlight where they were.

Nana read stories to Everly and watched old family videos. Everly never did fall asleep.

The girls ended up spending the night with us. We met up with Penelope, packed their bags and came on back home.

Picked up the newsletters. The church secretary made a special effort to come over and do them for me. We all pitched in to get the newsletters stuffed into the envelopes. Everly and I had already put all the labels and inserts together.

Nana and I collated and folded them and put them into the envelopes. The girls took the stickers off and sealed the envelopes.

Got the letters in the mail literally seconds before the mailman emptied the box–a full hour and a half before the stated pick up time!

We ate supper at Metro Cafe. Penelope drew a picture of Nana in the airplane.

We came home to eat cake from Metro and get baths. We watched some of 14 Peaks. Terrific show. Girls went to sleep around 8:00 PM.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! Nana! 12.2.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:59 pm  

Another July 12th baby, like me!

Yes, Ma’am to the Ambigram!

Wow. From Mars!

This is super cool.

Not sure when I’d use this word.

Love my girls!


Mileage about back to normal.

I’ve been playing music from the Beatle documentary for the grandgirls.

Everly helped me do the labels for the newsletter this morning.

Everything should be ready to put the newsletter in and mail tomorrow.

She helped me get Nana’s room ready!

Just. Keep. Going.

Cleaned the glass door.

My happy place.

This word I hear a lot.

And this.

Cleaned and refilled all the feeders. I just saw four raccoons right before I wrote the blog at about 10:45 PM.

Blew the leaves out of the garage and about half the driveway.

I took her to eat at Taco Veloz. Then took food for Penelope to eat at home. She decided she wanted pizza instead. Oh, well.

She likes her pizza dipped in ranch dressing.

Helped the kids with their homework. This little boy just got into the country. I tried to help him with some introduction stuff. He wasn’t too happy about it. In fact the paper he was writing on had tear drops on it.

The rest of the kids weren’t emotional. One of the kids had been exposed to Covid at his school! He’ll probably test negative tomorrow. Hope so! (It wasn’t this one!)

Went to the airport to pick up my Mom this evening! I didn’t take a picture with us because we were both wearing masks. I take a picture of where I entered to make sure it’s easy to find the car in the parking lot.

Not sure about this.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Everly! Car! Azalea ! 12.1.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:47 pm  

I have several opossums that come to my feeders in the evening.

I released my 900th episode of Verbal Surgery yesterday. That equals to over 18.75 full DAYS of me talking.

Nueva palabra.


Beautiful clouds this morning. Fantastic colors.

Never too much Ashley!

A serious Star Wars fan.

Went to Kroger to pick up Jesse’s meds as well as some cough/congestion OTC meds for Everly. They were in full Christmas mode.

I bought this baby Poinsettia while we were at Kroger. So cute!

Sounds like a plan.

Love these.

Everly played on “Lion Rocks” while I gassed up my car and checked the fluids.


I’m not sure I even understand this.

I love winter clouds because of formations like this. So delicate! Like frosting.

Keep going!

I thought these old Ford trucks looked cool.

Deposited checks! Thank you, Lord!

Mas Harry.

Helped the kids with their homework.


I went by my office to check the mail and my ficus tree. This is nearly five weeks without watering.

I got the bedroom ready for my Mom who will be coming in tomorrow. Put fresh linens on the bed and cleared out some room for her. Got the heater all hooked up and ready. Got the extra blankets out.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Everly! Goodwill! Labels! Azalea! Podcast! 11.30.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:16 pm  

Everly and I saw some holly bushes today. Looked them up and told her some facts, in particular about the berries.

I love the Seek app. It’s a great resource for all things natural.


Ever changing situation.

Clear and cold.


Start of another week with my girls!

Everly and I went to the Post Office to pick up stamps for the newsletters.

Went to Goodwill to look for dresses, jackets and toys (of course.)
We had really good success with the clothes today. I probably bought at least six jackets for about $3/each.

I found this for Miles. He played for Parkview.

Un dia mas.

Today was Jesse’s first day at his new job. I think he’ll enjoy working there. It’s one of my favorite restaurants. He’ll be running the front end of the shop.

Started labeling the newsletters.

Everly always enjoys helping. She’s really gotten a LOT better at putting the labels on.

I had a fun lunch with Jon Paul, the treasurer for our ministry. He’s always a blessing. I’ll get to see him again next week when I have my Mom in town.

We went back to Azalea and I got her to take a nap.

Helped the kids with their homework.



Went by my office to check the mail.

Released the 900th episode of Verbal Surgery this evening called “That Heavy Thing.”

So good!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Newsletter! Anthony! Podcast! 11.29.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:28 pm  

Happy Hanukkah!

I thought this documentary on the Beatles was incredible.

Next Saturday. That’s the field that the Dallas Cowboys normally plays on.




Our payroll company keeps delivering our financial document to the house that Jon used to live in. He’s our treasurer. Jon said he’d call them again.


Cold and clear.


Un dia mas.

Great chat with my buddy Anthony. He always cracks me up.

Harry. Por supuesto.

Wrote and produced my newsletter. Printed it and the labels.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Español! Podcast! Nana! 11.28.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:53 pm  

Some excitement in our neighborhood last night. I didn’t see anything.

This is really cool. We’ll play OSU next weekend. Glad they beat OU.

That’s a lotta space junk.

From an article on what do foreigners like about the USA! I’ve definitely found this true. Especially in the ATL.





Beautiful day.

My Mom is coming to visit us in Atlanta starting next week. Yeah! Good chat today about more details of what to expect.


Went to Stone Mountain to talk with my Mom and record an episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Candy Land.” Excellence. Downloaded it onto my Mac.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Penelope! Podcast! Baylor! Beatles! 11.27.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:42 pm  

Penelope’s sixth birthday! Love you so much Angel!

Baylor held on to beat Texas Tech. It was really close.



Cada dia.

I took my carnivorous plants back outside. Trimmed some of the dead leaves.

I hung some Christmas lights.

Recorded a new podcast called, “Plastic Brain.”

Listened to Harry.

Ashley got a package.

Added some oil to Kathy’s truck and checked the windshield wiper fluid.

Jess brought me some pizza.

Released Verbal Surgery -899- “Finish Line.”

I’ve really enjoyed this!

Friday, November 26, 2021

Anthony! Podcast! Leaves! 11.26.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  

Love this!

Good one.



Clear and cold.


Great talk with my buddy Anthony. He was headed to teach a class in London.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Along For The Ride.”

I’m trying a new way to get leaves out of the bushes. Water hose!

Cleaned and refilled bird baths while I had the hose out.


Penelope got her birthday card in from my Mom.

Raked leaves off the road and put them in some low areas of my yard.

It was a lot and they were wet and heavy. They caused a slipping hazard on the road so I needed to get them off.

Beautiful day and lovely leaves.

The mulch I raked off the road is a precursor to soil.

My little magnolia tree is looking happy.

Last of the job is to clean and refold the tarp for storage.

That was a lot of work in an hour!

View from the top of the my driveway. It’s steep!

My back yard trees.

Anthony sent me a link to some Rupert Spira quotes. I like them too.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving! Cleaning! Penelope’s 6th Party! 11.25.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:23 pm  




We got my Mom’s gift to Penelope by Amazon yesterday.

I wrapped about thirty presents.

They picked the stuff out at the Dollar Tree or at Goodwill. They knew pretty much everything they got, but they still had fun unwrapping stuff.

Never too many of these.

Lots of stuff.

Swept the floor and vacuumed.

I cleaned out the vacuum cleaner’s parts then knocked a bunch of leaves out of the bushes in the front of my house with the water hose.

We had fun at the Kendall’s house!

I think Penelope really enjoyed her cake. Oreo blizzard ice cream cake.

The girls had fun opening presents.

I let their cousin Addi open stuff too.


Miles’ sister Roxy and her daughter Addi. I have the same name, Addison.

So much stuff.

Fun in the leaves!

Beautiful day!

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