Whirlwind Missions

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Grandgirls! Taco Veloz! Demolition! 12.14.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:19 pm  

I was a little bit down after our Board Meeting last night. It was a productive time, but I’m expected to do everything. I feel worn out. I was praying about it this morning around 3:00 AM. Got on Facebook and this was the first thing I read. It was like a direct message to me.

Looks like we’ve got this coming to the right place, finally!


Never too much Ashley!

Love me some Everly.

I don’t do this much any more.

I had a scare this morning. Woke up around 6:30 AM and my weather station said it was 32! Kind of freaked me out as I don’t like to leave my carnivorous plants outside under freezing temperatures. It had a little bit of frost on the lid but otherwise everything seemed just fine. Amen.

Everly lost her little crystal this morning. She was really crying. I told her we’d go by Goodwill and see what we could find. We hit the jackpot with nearly a hundred of them for .99. I had her separate the little stones from the pink crystals.

Then I counted out rows of tens. Her age. Penelope’s age. Some of her friend’s ages. Of course all the big stack is Pop Pop with 63. She counted all that we had, me helping her complete the number patterns. Turned out we had 95 pink ones.

I’m having some issues with ordering on my Walmart app.

I just restarted the app and got it to work. Amen.

Deposited checks. What a blessing!

I find it amazing how many views I have.

Penelope’s art from Spanish class. Zanahoria is carrot. Tomate, broccoli are self-explanatory. Pepino is pepper.

Everly and I were inside the house when we heard this big commotion. A gigantic excavator was demolishing the building across the street from the apartment complex. It used to be a carpet place.

Went to Taco Veloz. So good.

My sweet girl.

The demo continued for a few hours.

We got our sunglasses on.

Everly had a wiggly tooth. I told her to leave it alone. She’s only four.


I helped the kids with math questions and English stuff.

Penelope is such a fun artist.


Cool con trail. This photo doesn’t show exactly how it looked. In reality, there were two very thin parallel lines.


Another thing on my plate. I’ll be working on this soon.

How many raccoons do you see? There are four in the picture.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Podcast! Board Meeting! 12.13.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:50 pm  



Keep going!

Worked on what I needed to tell the Board this evening.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Seeffect.” How we see things has a massive effect on us!

Watered my plants.


I get this sort of stuff all the time.

We had our board meeting at FBC Doraville. It was completely blocked off! I talked with the fire department. Apparently, there was a gas leak. They said it was still safe to meet in our building. Amen .

Great to be with my friends again.

Sorry I didn’t get a shot of all of the board together.


Sunday, December 12, 2021

Nana to Airport! 12.12.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm  

I need to check this out!


Good one.




Gassed up my car and checked the levels. I regularly get gas at Murphys/Walmart. I get a .10 discount about every four fillups.

Took my Mom to the airport. Couldn’t have gone more smoothly. Thank you, Lord!

When is there NOT a lot of people at Hartsfield, the busiest airport on the planet?


Released Verbal Surgery -904- “Gold Plated.” Shiny!

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Christmas Party with Nana & Kendalls! 12.11.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:23 pm  





Powerful thunderstorms blew through the ATL today.


The Kendalls came over to celebrate Christmas with us while Nana was here. Amen.
Pizza and salad.

Got Nana confirmed and checked in for her flight tomorrow. We’ll head over there around noon. She leaves at 3:30pm but we need to get a wheel chair and get me a pass to take her.

Been great having her with us, but the time goes by so fast. I know Everly in particular will really miss her as will I. Thanks for everything, Nana!

Friday, December 10, 2021

Grandgirls! Nana! Pho 24! Azalea! 12.10.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:49 pm  

Good one!

Overcast and drizzly day.

This sounds interesting.




Great to see them together.

Un dia mas.


We went to Pho 24 for a late lunch.

Super foggy today.

I get a lot of this crap. Most of them I put a block caller on but they just keep swapping numbers.

This little boy is in Penelope’s class. I’m teaching him English.

Went by my office to check and put up the mail. Made sure my ficus plant was ok. It’s been five weeks without needing to water her. I have a hydrometer to make sure when I should water.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Grandgirls! Nana! Azalea! 12.9.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:38 pm  





Ordered Kathy some new cables.

After picking up Everly, we took Jesse for her blood work.

Then to Waffle House.

I saw this scribbled on the wall. Have no idea if it means anything.



Deposited checks.

Picked up Penelope from the bus. Got them pizza.

Helped the kids with their homework. Worked on multiplication tables.

Sun flower!

It was cold working outside.

Checked the mail at the office.


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! ISS! 12.8.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm  

This is Everly’s favorite show. She’ll be excited to see new episodes soon!

Tru dat.


Not surprising.



My girls!

Keep going.

Deposited checks.

Raked leaves outside my door.

Love having Nana here.

So sweet.

I thought this root looked cool. It’s from a Magnolia.

Helped kids with their homework. Mainly just multiplication tables.


Saw the ISS this evening for the 74th time. Nana and I stopped at Rockbridge BC to watch it pass over.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Everly & Nana w/J! Azalea w/P! Podcast! 12.7.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:10 pm  




How soon we forget.

What a hassle.



It was cold and windy.



Gassed up my car and checked the levels.

I got my year-end stats from Duolingo today. It adds up.

Just in case you’re wondering, that’s 197 hours. And that does not count listening to Harry Potter in Spanish, or watching Spanish Telenovelas like Bolivar. Probably over another 100 hours of just listening comprehension work.

Nana, J and Everly and I went to Hot and Cold buffet for lunch.

We decorated the tree.

Processed the checks for Whirlwind. I took the checks out of the envelopes, signed them and took a picture for our records.

After lunch, we went over to Azalea to wait for Penelope. Nana did a drama with the little unicorn for E.

I love Penelope’s art work.

It was mighty cold out there. Helped some kids with math tables and how to add fractions with different denominators.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Plastic Brain.” So good.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Ashley and Everly! Nana! Yard Work! LT! 12.6.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:06 pm  


Checked on which plants I needed to water.

Good to see teams wanting to come.

Dealt with my health insurance company this morning to verify if all the information was correct and good to go. It was.


Un poco mas cada dia.

Foggy day. Rained pretty hard for a couple of hours.

Worked on getting the leaves out of the southern part of my yard today.

Started out with a lot!

Everly hung out with me.

I’m putting the leaves in a low spot in my yard.

Took J to work.


When I got back to the house, I blew the roof and the gutters.

Pretty high up on one end.

Ashley and Everly ate with Nana and I at LT. So good.

After I finished the roof, I worked on the deck.

Then back to the front yard.

So much to go!

Picked up meds.

Nana and I went to the Dollar Tree to pick up some supplies.

I used my Seek App to find out what kind of tree this is. It’s called Paper Birch.

Hard to believe Uno is 50 years old!

I may have some guys come and help me. I’ve taken it pretty easy and my body feels pretty good so far.

Glad to get those leaves out of there.

Groceries were a little bit late. Just got the message they were ready for pick up.

Paid bills.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Yard Work! Leaves! 12.5.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:40 pm  

Baylor is a big deal these days.



Clouds moving in.

My big job today was raking leaves. Here’s how it looked at first.

Rake or blow onto the tarp. Then dump all the leaves in a low area of my yard.

I used a combination of raking and blowing. The huge piles were better with the rake.

Leaves out of the trees. Shake, shake, shake.

A lot of leaf matter.

Cleaned off of the road too.

Looks better.

That was a big job and there’s still a LOT more to go.

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