Whirlwind Missions

Monday, December 6, 2021

Ashley and Everly! Nana! Yard Work! LT! 12.6.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:06 pm  


Checked on which plants I needed to water.

Good to see teams wanting to come.

Dealt with my health insurance company this morning to verify if all the information was correct and good to go. It was.


Un poco mas cada dia.

Foggy day. Rained pretty hard for a couple of hours.

Worked on getting the leaves out of the southern part of my yard today.

Started out with a lot!

Everly hung out with me.

I’m putting the leaves in a low spot in my yard.

Took J to work.


When I got back to the house, I blew the roof and the gutters.

Pretty high up on one end.

Ashley and Everly ate with Nana and I at LT. So good.

After I finished the roof, I worked on the deck.

Then back to the front yard.

So much to go!

Picked up meds.

Nana and I went to the Dollar Tree to pick up some supplies.

I used my Seek App to find out what kind of tree this is. It’s called Paper Birch.

Hard to believe Uno is 50 years old!

I may have some guys come and help me. I’ve taken it pretty easy and my body feels pretty good so far.

Glad to get those leaves out of there.

Groceries were a little bit late. Just got the message they were ready for pick up.

Paid bills.

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