Whirlwind Missions

Friday, December 24, 2021

Grandgirls! Kendall Family Christmas! 12.24.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:34 pm  

I’m glad that my Mom came early to celebrate Christmas with us. This could have been really bad.




Mild today.

Went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery called “Climb A Cactus.”


GREAT to have our family together!

Fun time!

Such a blessing to have family close by and that the other grandparents live only a few minutes away.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

K! Grandgirls! Doggie Park! 12.23.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:57 pm  

It was my brother-in-law’s birthday! The girls and I left him a voicemail.

I want to see both of these movies.

It was cold this morning.



Got Ash and her family a new toaster.

Beautiful full sun moon this morning.

Deposited checks.

Doggie Park.


Came home for nap time. Shadow puppets.

Little sweethearts have to get up so early every morning. I always feel the day has been a success if I can get them to eat something healthy and take a nap.


I enjoy helping Penelope read. I usually give her a small chocolate when she’s done good work. I give them chocolate regardless, honestly.

I love Dr. Seuss.

I wrapped a bunch of Christmas presents.

I had some peanut butter left in this jar. I left it outside to see what the animals would do with it.

Picked up my groceries.

The loaders at Walmart smashed a bottle of pickle relish putting it into my car. He replaced it.


For years, I’ve dumped a bunch of food right in front of the red light. Now I’ve started making a wider pattern. I think that will force them to stay longer because there is a much wider area with food available.

The mammals can’t see this red light.

I got a new little raccoon for my tree. I think they’re cute.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Grandgirls! Goodwill! Chamblee Park! 12.22.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:42 pm  

It’s all perspective.


Mighty cold. And even colder tonight! I brought my carnivorous plants in for the next few nights.

I was pretty sure I knew what this meant, but always good to check.

Definitely didn’t know what this meant.

Love my girls!

Took the grandgirls across the street from Global Mall to Waffle House. They were glad to see me.

I let them play on the rocks for a bit. Too cold to stay out for more than just a couple of minutes.

Beautiful colors in the clouds this morning.

You can see the waning moon in the next couple of pictures.

Went to the Goodwill in Lawrenceville to get more toys for the kids that didn’t get to come to the party on Sunday.

Un dia mas!

Ordered groceries.

Spent time reading with Penelope. I really enjoy it.

Pealed off all the stickers and cut the tags off of the toys we bought for our follow up party.

They took about a two hour nap.

Hot and Cold for lunch.

She wanted to give me a chocolate kiss. I passed.

They helped me carry the trashcans back up the hill to our house. They really do like helping when they can.

We picked up Jessi from work and brought her home.

Then back to Chamblee and went to a park.


Took the girls home. Cold wind. Not a kid outside. That’s rare.

Traffic was jammed up on 78 coming home to Stone Mountain. There was a FIVE car collision blocking the middle lane. Super dangerous with not a cop in sight.

I finally called 911. Got through to the Gwinnett County Police and was put on hold for over five minutes and told them what I’d seen. I was promptly transferred to Dekalb County 911. Another five or six minute wait. Told them what I had seen. I was shocked that NO ONE had reported the situation to the cops. Surely those five cars stuck in the middle of a fast highway thought maybe the police were needed. Or perhaps the hundreds of other cars that had passed the situation. It really shows just how different I am than the majority of people.

Worked on repairing a dinosaur stuffy of Penelope’s.

I fixed one of Everly’s toys with three LR44 batteries. Minnie Mouse microphone.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! 12.21.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:52 pm  


I like this picture of my Mom with her dog Baby.

Glad to see the days will start getting longer!


Today Everly came into where Penelope and I were reading a book. She said, “There’s a fox! It looks like Fenny’s mother!” Penelope has a stuffed Fennec Fox that she calls Fenny. We thought Everly was making it up. She left and came back a second time and asked us to come, so we got up and looked. I saw what looked like a big orange cat then realized that it was indeed a Red Fox! What?! I was too shocked to take a picture and it shot through a hole in my neighbor’s fence. Here’s what it looked like.



Rainy off and on all day.

Love my girls!

I gassed up the Mercury and let the girls climb on the big rocks.

I’m glad we found Kathy’s pillow. It really helps her sciatica.

After we ate at Waffle House, we came home and rested for a couple of hours. It’s a really long day for these little sweethearts. And for me too.

Went by Ingles for fruit.

We enjoyed some watermelon.

We read a book together for at least thirty minutes. She reads and I give her a treat. Usually a Kit Kat these days. Tiny halloween size.
The thing is, I give them treats anyway. Might as well get some leverage out of it.

I needed distilled water, which for some reason seems hard to get these days. I found two 2.5 gallon containers of distilled water at Ingles. I spent some time splitting it up into five 1.0 gallon containers. Easier to work with.


Took the girls back to Azalea. It was kind of drizzling but I still talked to several of the mission kids and told them that I had some presents for them. They were glad about that.

Checked the mail at my office.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Podcast! Calls! 12.20.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:42 pm  


Kathy was missing her pillow. Glad Ashley found it!

Otra palabra.


I quote Psalm 139 every morning as I start driving.

My body feels pretty healed up. Amen. Did some light working out.

They have a competition in the leagues in Duolingo.

I got responses back from the NAMB and from the GBC.

Sent Dr. Siore an email asking for help with a bill that I didn’t think was fair.

Had a Facetime call with my Mom. Always good.

Also talked with my buddy, Anthony.


Chilly day.

Our little Christmas Tree.

Penelope helped make the shopping list. Teehee.

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery.

I got a nice note and gift from the pastor of One Heart Church. It’s nice to be appreciated.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Podcast! Azalea Christmas! 12.19.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:18 pm  


I won’t forget this.


Almost at the tipping point!

Contacted the Georgia Mission Board and the North American Mission Board today to find out about adding mission opportunities.

Little over 1″ of rain yesterday.

I brought these parts inside today. They weren’t drying out.


Dried out and got colder for the party this afternoon.


Called my Mom, but didn’t connect. Soon I will!

I recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “IDK.” So good.

Contacted my good friend Randy Rainwater at Grace. We haven’t talked in years.

I was tasked to figure out QR codes and different ways to send money to our organization.

These were some of the ideas that my board had.

It was nice in the afternoon, but the wind made it feel like the lower 40s.

We had a fun time at our Christmas party! After setting up the tables and getting the supplies out, we decorated cookies.

I gave away over 150 gifts. I saved some for next week for the kids that weren’t there. Three of my biggest families were at other church events.

I was glad to see some dads involved.

It was great to have two of our board members there today, Pastor Bill Cordrey and Dr. Pat Barrington.

Went by my office to check the mail.

It was pretty cold by the time we left.

Released Verbal Surgery -906- “Seeffect.”

Downloaded the recording I made today onto my Mac.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Rain! Spanish! 12.18.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:37 pm  

My brain.








I made the right decision about the party. It drizzled a lot and had some pretty heavy rain.

Over 1″.

Keep going!

Cleaned the vacuum cleaner. Meta.

Rained hard while K and I were out for lunch.


Watched Witcher.

Played Borderlands 3.

Went to the Dollar Tree in Snellville to pick up the cups and the knives/forks.

Dropped off a walker to Ann.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Grandgirls! Drone! 12.17.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:43 pm  

Funny and smart.


Dig this. So true.

I got this drone for Christmas. Got one for Miles as well so he can shoot video of the tree cutting. It has 4K video!

I’m also studying the software.

I postponed the Christmas Outreach Event to Sunday because of this rain pattern.

Did some brain training. Ever since I’ve been working with the girls, I’ve dropped this and lifting weights.

I’ve really enjoyed “Spotting the Station.” I’ve seen it 73 times! I get text messages from NASA when I can see it.



My girls!

Loved Everly’s dress today.


Deposited checks.



She crashed in the car on the way to picking up her sister in Chamblee.

They pretty much have the whole lot cleared off across from Azalea. I heard that they will be building apartments over there.

After Penelope got home, we went to QT to get some slushies.

The sisters enjoy playing together.

Penelope was drawing a bird.

I bought some spare batteries for my drone. I will probably give Miles a couple.

Vacuumed the house.

I got this raccoon from Goodwill for $2.00.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Grandgirls! Christmas Prep! Azalea! 12.16.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:18 pm  


I don’t agree with this.

I’m trying to get some good clippers that I can teach Everly how to use. Penelope chews all of her nails off.


Very mild day.

Everly and I went to the Waffle House on Lawrenceville Hwy this morning.

She likes shiny stuff.

Here I was teaching her to “see with your hands.” She had to pick out the odd crystal out.

Girls! Fabulous!


Everly played on the rocks while I gassed up the car.

Worked on the prep for the Christmas Party. I had been planning on having it on Saturday, but decided to wait until Sunday when the weather will be much better. I’m getting almost all the gifts from the Dollar Tree and from Goodwill.

The stores weren’t open so we went for a walk. I asked her if she ever wanted to get a little shorter haircut. ALL the girls at Azalea have long hair.

I asked her what had happened here and why the letters were there. Eventually, she figured out the place had been closed for a long time and people were just slipping letters through the slot between the doors.

Once Dollar Tree was open I started loading up carts. Filled up two. Had around 185 items.

It took at least fifteen minutes to check out. It was a LOT of stuff.

Had a fun chat with Anthony.

We got a lot of “stuffies” at Goodwill.

I know what box I’d be in. But I wouldn’t want to be there either.

Deposited checks. Amen.

Un dia mas.

I studied while Everly took a nap.

We went to Cicis for our late lunch. I let them play the games. Of course they were way too hard for them.

They made quick work of that building. They were separating the insulation from the aluminum and steel today.

That building had been there a long time.

Helped the kids with their homework.

Transferred all the supplies to Ashley’s house.


Checked on the mail and my ficus at my office. I can’t believe that this plant hasn’t been watered in five weeks and is still moist. I always used to water it every week. This tree doesn’t like to be kept wet. And that was exactly what I had been doing. No wonder it dropped leaves before.

She has pretty much recovered from a sudden freeze she got last winter. I’m never putting her outside again.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Grandgirls! Hair! Book! Azalea! Podcast! 12.15.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:12 pm  

For some reason, I don’t feel like this Omicron variant will be a big deal.



Went from completely clear to completely overcast to completely clear again.

I enjoy Everly’s company so much.


Everly has gone days with her hair down which looks lovely but becomes a dense tangle. She was very patient with me to get it out.

She didn’t completely believe how messed up it was. I’d show her a picture and she’d go, “Oh.”

I put conditioner in it, got all the tangles out, and put it in braids. She said it looked perfect.

Ordered groceries.

Love my girls!


Deposited checks. What a blessing.

Everly and I went by an Antiques place today. It was pretty cool. It’s a cast. Not a real rhino skin. It’s huge.

The building got completely demolished today. We saw the last part of it come down. The girls were quite excited about it.

I had a wonderful time with Penelope this afternoon going over her sight words. She read all of Hop on Pop pretty much by herself. It was wonderful. I’m so proud of her hard work and brilliance.

Went outside to help the kids with their homework.

Started prepping my drone to get ready to fly. Charged up all the batteries and powered up the controller.



Picked up the groceries.

Checked the mail at the office.

Released Verbal Surgery -903- “Candy Land.”


Downloaded the new episode of Verbal Surgery onto my Mac.

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