Whirlwind Missions

Monday, January 3, 2022

Dryer! Batteries! Matrix! 1.3.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:49 pm  

Yesterday, J and I made plans to see the Matrix today at 2:45.

I had a fun talk with my Mom last night.

This was actually challenging. Duolingo has over 36 million users. There are twelve levels, Diamond being the top.

Mas Español cada dia.

It blew trees down last night.

Super cold, especially with the wind chill.

One Year Bible!

Ordered groceries.


My dryer went dead yesterday. I took a picture this morning of the kind of plug we do NOT need. They’ll put the three prong on it before bringing it over and hooking it up.

This is the one I picked out. It’s a Kenmore. I usually buy preowned machines. They are very popular and sell out quickly. This one was $269. With the delivery fees and hauling off the old one, it was another $75. That’s the range I was hoping for.

The smoke alarms have been chirping.

Had a chat with Ashley about Penelope’s schedule for the rest of the week. She’ll be doing remote learning at her house. That’s something very different for us. That means Everly and I will be stuck at the house. We have an hour for lunch and she’s finished at 2:00 PM. Starts at 8:00 AM.

Went to Lowes to get new batteries for the fire alarms. Sadly, the batteries didn’t fix the problem. J and I will have to take each one apart, turn the power off to the unit (with the breaker box) and then reinstall everything. At least an hour job.

It’s been quite wet. That equals mushrooms!

J and I really liked the new Matrix movie. Super good, but not for everyone.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Spanish! Ann! Drier! 1.2.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:13 pm  

This was filmed near where I live.

Wisdom from Seneca.

I had this whole piece memorized at one time.

Looks interesting.

Baylor won the Sugar Bowl and we’re also Big 12 Champs. Sic em!

Words are powerful!

I studied Spanish a lot today. There’s a big competition going on on Duolingo. It’s the final round. I think I’m number six.



Turning cold. I brought the pineapple and carnivores inside for the next week or so.

Downloaded the episode of Verbal Surgery that I recorded yesterday onto my Mac.



My sister Ann has been having a hard time keeping up with housework with her injuries. Went over to help. Cleaned and sanitized the floors where the dogs had been. Washed and put up dishes.

Pretty much everything in here had been dirty.

Tossed a lot of nasty things into the garbage. I’ll never have pets inside the house again.

Put lightbulbs in the hall, utility room and over the stove.

After I cleaned, I washed off all the tools.


Sadly, the drier died tonight. We didn’t get much use out of the one I brought over from Kendalls. I don’t even think it was three months.

I laid out all the clothes to dry with a fan.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year’s Day! Podcast! Spanish! 1.1.22

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:20 pm  


I arranged the icons on my iPhone more efficiently. I’m pretty happy with how it is now.

Big weather system blew through.

This is a training simulation for my iPhone giving practice sessions for drone skills. It’s made by DJI, the same creator of the Mini SE which I just recently purchased.

I stayed up (barely!) till midnight to see the ball drop.



My buddy Anthony has been learning how to sail. I gave him a map to Tybee Island from the UK.

I like this new app I have for Drone (Unmanned Arial Vehicle) UAV weather.


Cloudy with some sprinkles. Heaviest weather went south of us.


Wrapped up my string of Christmas lights.

Neighbor slid off his driveway and made a big mess in the yard. That got seed and hay right quick.

Been studying drone info.

Too gusty today.

Friday, December 31, 2021

Podcast! Research! Anthony! 12.31.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:46 pm  

The horse before the cart.

Fascinated by this.

Tru dat.



Here are the accessories I’m getting for my drone. Case, sd card, extra battery, leg extensions.


I got a new app for identifying and help figure out problems with plants.


It was really foggy this morning.

Great to talk with my buddy, Anthony!



I brought this pineapple plant to my house from Ashley’s.

I sent information to a church in Alabama who will be having their mission conference soon.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Watching the Show.” Downloaded it to my Mac.

Deposited checks.

The county has dug this section of sidewalk up at least three times. There’s a water pipe under it that keeps leaking.

They repaired this part again too.

Rained about 3.15″ yesterday.

I downloaded some new apps related to my drone. I’m a weather guy so I like this extra info.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Grandgirls! K! Goodwill! Mall! Plaza Fiesta! 12.30.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 5:05 pm  

I’ve been flying drones for nearly ten years! It’s a fun hobby. The new drone I just purchased, the DJI Mini SE, will take my flying experience to another level. As well as photography! Literally! (And aren’t you glad when someone uses the word, “literally” correctly?)

One of the best things about this little drone is that it is under 250 gms which means it doesn’t have to be licensed.

There still are a lot of rules to abide by.

It rained all day long. Really heavy at times. Super mild.



In the back of Global Mall there is a covered entrance, Ashley drops the girls and their seats off where they can keep dry.

K and I took the girls to Waffle House for breakfast.

Went to Goodwill.

Walked around in REI. I thought this was funny.

K liked the books. E the maps.

Then on to Perimeter Mall.

They thought the sinks were cool.

We never put money in these things.

It’s great for their imaginations.

We had a good walk.

Next stop, Plaza Fiesta! When we got there there were hardly any kids. It was really raining outside. We left because it started to fill up. The girls get hurt when there are bigger kids playing.

Everly wanted to see the dresses.

Mommy and daughter dresses.


I couldn’t believe this was out in the open left unguarded.

There was a HUGE line waiting to get free Covid tests. This is at Plaza Fiesta, but there have been similar lines near my house in Stone Mountain.

It really rained.

I finally figured out what these words meant.

Heard those words while I was listening to Book 5.

I picked up the newsletters from my office. Took them home and collated/stuffed the envelopes. Then took them to the PO to mail.

Some big limbs fell in my yard. They had lichens on them which I thought were lovely.

Went by Kroger to pick up meds for J.

Saw this little sticker.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Grandgirls! Goodwill! Labels! Podcast! 12.29.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:32 pm  



Most of the day.

Waffle House with the girlies.


We saw K right before she went to work.



There’s a big competition on Duolingo right now. I’m right at the top. Highest in the hardest.



I always enjoy having Penelope read to me.

Chalk was a big hit today.

Ice cream cone!

We finished the labels for the newsletters.

Post Office to get stamps.

Goodwill! Our favorite rainy day spot along with Dollar Tree.

They have fun playing with their new stuff.

I’m getting a camera drone. I’ve been flying drones since 2010 with the Parrot AR Drone 2.0. I’m getting the DJI Mini SE. It has a three axis gimbal for super smooth video and just flies great. I wanted a drone I could shoot video with.

I ordered all the gear last night. I’ve been watching tutorials on the drone and setting up my account.

Took the girls home. Played some Hide and Seek, Operation and Rattlesnake Jake.

Talked to kids at the mission. I decided to do the Christmas Party 2 on the first day back to school. That way I’ll see all the kids.

Picked up groceries.

Released Verbal Surgery -907- “The Dark and Delight 2.

I actually came up with the same title back in June. Whenever I repeat a title by mistake (out of over 900 episodes I’ve only done that a handful of times) I just add “2.”

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Grandgirls! K! Anniversary! Stone Mountain! Newsletters!

Tim A. Cummins @ 11:07 pm  

Forwarded this to Ashley. She told me it should be set up for auto update.


So mild!

Global Mall with my girls!

Kathy and I have been married 36 years ago today! Sounds like a lot. And we’re packed a lot of excitement in it!

She met us at Waffle House.


The girls are so artistic. Amen.


HUGE line waiting to get a Covid test or shot.

I took the girls to Stone Mountain. I noticed this tortoise in the road. We stopped and put him in a safe location.

We have “super tickets” so it’s easy for us to go and visit all the attractions at Stone Mountain.

They like the simple stuff like jumping from rock to rock about the best.

It’s such a cool place. I come here several times a week.

We always enjoy the train ride.

Putt Putt.

We had a good lunch.

So beautiful.

I thought this was funny. They love unicorns so much.

Harry! It’s exciting to find yourself understanding bigger and bigger chunks of the story.

I’ll pick up groceries tomorrow on the way home.

Went by my office to pick up the mail.

Wrote and produced my newsletter.

Put gas in the car and checked the levels.

Printed out the labels for the newsletter.

Downloaded the latest edition of Verbal Surgery onto my Mac.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Spanish! Podcast! 1.27.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:41 pm  

I thought these were good ideas.

That’s a lot with not much.



Dreary but not particularly wet. Maybe for the week to come.

Ordered groceries.

Cleaned the floors.

Put the vacuum cleaner back together.

Mas Harry.

Restful day.

Practiced with my drone.

Recorded a new episode of Verbal Surgery.

Played some Horizon Zero Dawn.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Calls! Podcast! Drone! 12.26.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:17 pm  

The James Webb Space telescope blasted off on Christmas Day. I enjoyed watching video of the launch and the explanations as to what the plan is.

Our last view of the telescope.

Had to look up this word.

Firefly was one of my favorite shows. I had no idea they showed the series out of order.

Looks about right.

I enjoyed this video about a woman who folds paper. Incredible.





Went to Stone Mountain to record an episode of Verbal Surgery.

Talked with my Mom.

Flew my drone.
Stone Mountain Drone Flight

Came home and vacuumed the house.

Paid bills.

Watered my plants.

Ordered a new belt holder for my iPhone. The old one wasn’t closing very well.

Also ordered some silicon sealant for my bathroom.

Cleaned the vacuum out. If it’s clean it works great. Full? Not so much.

Cleaned and filled the bird baths and feeders.

Can you see the plastic can nearly the middle of this picture by the fence? It had some peanut butter left in it. Some raccoon probably tried to carry it off. It was almost utterly cleaned out.

Released Verbal Surgery -906- “IDK.”

Feel the freedom of not knowing with “IDK.”

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas! Drone! 12.25.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 7:25 pm  


This is big. Hope it works!

Mas y mas.


I added two new editions of Verbal Surgery to my Mac. I’ll release a new episode tomorrow.

It was an incredibly mild day. Warming trend to come.

Great chat with my buddy Anthony. I always enjoy that.

I flew my drone today. Shot some video with it. Not the greatest quality but still a fun viewpoint. It was very windy.


When I heard the word “Ojalà” I thought it sounded like the Arabic word “Inshalla,” which literally means “If Allah wills.” I looked this up this morning.

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