Whirlwind Missions

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Zoom Class! Calls! Beato! 10.3.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:44 pm  


Remind you of anyone?




I did an interview with a friend of mine, Clara Benali, who has a podcast called, “Teach me something new.” I gave her my four secrets of life. I set up my little studio with lights and a background.

I worked on getting the zoom link to function on my new Mac, but it never would connect. I’ll have to figure out what’s going on with that.

I added the edition of Verbal Surgery I recorded yesterday onto my Mac.

Cloudy day with some sprinkles.

Had a good talk with my Mom.


Ordered groceries.

I hear this word from time to time. I knew it didn’t mean “deaf.” I saw the other definitions today.

I’ve been working on the transcription project for my friend Rick Beato. I’m also including pictures from his Instagram feed. I send him email with the pieces that I complete.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Podcast! Beato Transcript! Vaccination! 10.2.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:39 pm  

That’ll work!

Español! SO much to learn.

I liked this.

Mas palabras.

Cloudy. Looks like wet weather coming.

Twenty years ago today I got the IRS non profit papers in for Whirlwind Missions!


Cada dia.

Cleaned off the driveway and deck.Lots of acorns!

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called
“Maximum Reality.”

So tasty!

I’ve been steadily working through a series of videos of my friend Rick Beato. He’s my music teacher. I’m transcribing and editing his videos and putting them into print form.


Enjoyed Thai food.

Kathy and I went to get our flu shots today.

I did two chapters today in Rick’s book.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Grandgirls! Azalea! Bill! 10.1.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:36 pm  

Teehee. Been there said that.



I was glad to hear this from my buddy.


My girls!

Gassed up my car. Glad I had the discount today. Checked fluids. Added wiper fluid.

Everly enjoyed playing on the rocks while I work on the car.

Cool clouds.

I feed Everly fruit in the shape of faces. Today I had orange hair made from orange slices. She ate those first.

Just. Keep. Going. I had some really long conversations in Spanish today. I know I make a lot of mistakes, but getting better all the time.

Ordered groceries.

I heard an unusual bird sound today. I have an app that can track those calls and tell me what they are. Incredible really. It was a Northern Flicker.

I trimmed Everly’s finger and toenails.

Beautiful day.

Picked up Penelope from the bus stop. I did a series of pictures with her. She’s so creative and beautiful.

She is doing better all the time with her writing.

Helped the kids with their homework and had my buddy Bill Cordrey teach the mothers some English.

I liked this.

Bill worked with the moms.

I love the sunset colors.

Went by my office to check the mail and my ficus plant.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Pumpkin! Jon! Shoes! Azalea! 9.30.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:22 pm  

Never good.

Ordered more return labels.

I’m interested in watching this.

Slept pretty well.


I have one pair of back up shoes for Everly. I decided it was time to get her some new ones.

I injured some muscles in my right arm when I sawed that big log up. I’m still hurting from that. It’s better, but still. So I decided just to color the pumpkin rather than try and cut it all up, which was what caused my problem in the first place. It’ll last longer this way and Everly got to help me color it. She did a great job.


I had a fun lunch with my buddy, Jon Paul! Jesse and Everly also came to eat with us. When we finished, we set up another time to meet next month.

Warm day.

Love my girl!

She likes her new shoes!

After we picked Penelope up, as I knew would happen, I had to go get her a new pair as well. It’s only fair! Turned out to get the exact same kind. She tried on about four others but each had some type of problem.

Penelope did some beautiful art.

We worked on sight words together. She also wrote them down while we sounded them out.

Helped the kids at the mission.

Some of the little kids participate. They just practice drawing lines and trying to copy numbers.

The grandgirls have really enjoyed playing with one of the Bengali girls. Her name is Tasfia.

Harry on the way home.

I’ve been getting home after 8pm these days.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Copland! Newsletters! Azalea! 9.29.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:08 pm  


This was a great article about Aaron Copland on listening to music and the skills that involves.

How many raccoons do you see? Hint, there are SIX!


Love my girls!

Deposited checks! Amen.

I used a little dolly to move this old chair to the garbage. Fortunately, one of the kids down the street helped me toss into the dumper.


Everly loves playing with her dolls.

I took Jess to the doctor today. Everly and I sat in the car and did labels. She really did well!

I thought this was a cool looking label.

Went to Kroger across from the doctor’s office to pick up stamps.

After the doctor’s office, we went to Hot and Cold buffet. We were the first in line.

I was sorry to get this news. Wasn’t really surprised, however. They were anti-vax.

Gorgeous day, but it really warmed up.

Everly helped me stuff the envelopes with the newsletter. She’s my little partner for sure.

We met Penelope at the bus. I fixed her chicken, Mac and cheese and rice and Everly had beans and Spanish rice. They are good eaters.

Got all the newsletters folded and stuffed and took them to the Post Office to get into the mail stream.

Helped the kids at the mission. Man. It was a lot of work. It’s really hard to explain some subjects like long division and telling time, but incredibly satisfying when they finally start to get it.


Got a lot done. Tired.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Nana’s Gifts! Azalea! Podcast! 9.28.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 9:17 pm  

Scary little critter. Some friends of mine were having a conversation about tapeworms and this popped up on my feed. Bizarre.

Yeah, baby!


I’m looking forward to this. Jon is such a great friend of mine.

The clouds this morning were breathtaking!

My girls!


My shadow.

My Mom sent Everly some birthday gifts. She went crazy over them!

My calendar continues to fill up.

I sewed up her Snow White dress that she tore.

Also repaired a small hole in the pants she was wearing. Little holes turn into BIG holes fast!

Every day, mas y mas.

She had a little bungee, at least that’s what I call them. The little pieces of skin that get torn from around your finger nails can really hurt if they get torn off.

My little partner. How I love her.

Took the girls to the Buford Highway Farmers Market for a late lunch. Everly and I had already eaten big at LT with Kathy.

Penelope and I are the messiest eaters I know. This was a big bite!

Helped the kids at the mission.


Got more sheet protectors coming. I’m working on a book project with a friend of mine.

Uploaded a new episode of Verbal Surgery called “Big Sister.”

How are we merging with our devices? Fascinating stuff.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Nana! Transcription! 9.27.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:32 pm  



Takes me a long time to go through that much paper. A couple of years! I’m sure I’ve given some to Ashley.


Mas y mas.

I found a hat that I prefer that is more like my old ones. I hung my newest Panama hat with its brothers. The brim was just a little too big for my liking.

Gorgeous day.

I spent my morning in Lawrenceville trying to track down a friend of mine. I had the wrong address. We’ll get together another time. It’s hard for us because we’re both so busy.

Went to Stone Mountain to chat with my Mom. Always a blessing. I was helping her trying to figure out some Zoom issues. That can be really hard.


Looking forward to giving some presents to the girls tomorrow.

Produced my newsletter.


I’ve been working on a project for Rick Beato. He’s my music teacher. I’m helping him transcribe and edit some of his videos into print form. It’s a big project and a lot of fun. I enjoy helping people with stuff I’m good at. He’s certainly helped me.

My arm has been bothering me these days, ever since I cut up that big log. It’s getting better but still painful. I’ve also been tired. I’m not feeling 100%. I think I have a slight cold. I’m getting better and trying to get extra sleep.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Podcast! Rick’s Package! Transcription! 9.26.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 10:07 pm  

I spent a couple of hours working on editing and posting a video of my Dad preaching from back in 1993 last night. Got it onto YouTube!

I woke up this morning thinking about this scene from NYC with my British buddies.

Love this poem.



I got my new hoodie in yesterday! I got a lot of good use out of the red one.

Español. I agree with this.

Another gorgeous day.

Recorded this morning. “I am Gasoline.”


Good chat with my buddy, Anthony.


I spent about four hours this afternoon transcribing a video of my music teacher Rick Beato.

I’m helping him write his autobiography. He’s made a series of videos and I plan on transcribing and putting them all in PDF form so he can sell them on his channel. It’s a labor of love for a person I really admire. If all goes well, I’ll get to meet him soon. Seeing that I rarely give up, it’s just a matter of time really.

I’m going to drop off a small package of things for him at his office tomorrow. I hope to get to meet him then, but I case he’s not there I wrote a letter to explain the things that are in it. Here are some of the objects.

The computers went down at Walmart this evening. I couldn’t pick up my groceries. I’ll get them tomorrow I reckon.

Gassed up the car.

Sent Rick Beato an email with the files I wrote this evening: the letter and the transcription.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Podcast! Everly’s Birthday Party! 9.25.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 8:50 pm  

Truly weird!


This is weird.

But not as weird as this.


Just in case you weren’t sure.

I love Mycellium.



I usually give myself a haircut about every two weeks. Clean shaven! Ready for the party.

Made the grocery order. I’ll pick that up tomorrow.

Just keep going.

Absolutely gorgeous. I call it “Nakuru weather.” It’s like this pretty much every day of the year in Nakuru, Kenya.

Went to Stone Mountain to write my newsletter. I use the “talk to text” ability on my iPhone to do it. Then edit it and send it to myself via email to my computer. I import it to my Pages app to add graphics and print it for photocopying later at the church. This is about one quarter of what I wrote. I’ll post the whole article on my blog tomorrow.

Mas Harry.

I picked up the ice cream cake for Everly’s party and went to the Kendall grandparent’s house to see the kids.

Miles got the girls this cool slide. His sister Roxy and her daughter Addi also came. She shares the same name with me, Addison. The kids had a blast. I tried it too. Once.

She loved opening her presents! I had a big bag for Penelope. Sadly, the shoes I got for Ashley were too small. I wrapped a ton of presents. The other grandparents and family had really big ones for her, but she seemed to like the stuff I got her as well.


We all had a great time watching her delight.

She got way more stuff than she could carry!

I was glad Penelope had a good time.

HUGE pile of stuff.

I got everyone in Everly’s family a little pumpkin.

Love me some Penelope!

It was Miles’ birthday today! I got him an Amazon gift card.

After the presents, we went outside to eat ice cream cake with the girls. Nothing beats Dairy Queen Oreo Ice Cream cake IMHO.

Nana’s present will be a welcome addition to the party on Tuesday!

I uploaded the edition of Verbal Surgery I recorded to my MacBook Air.

I’m working on editing and uploading the video of my Dad’s mission sermon from 1993 to YouTube. I decided to edit everything except for Dad’s sermon. Does anyone really care to watch the choir? I think not. Even with just the sermon, at 34:06 it still takes a while to process!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Covid! Party Prep! 9.24.21

Tim A. Cummins @ 6:46 pm  



I’ll be in line.

These t-shirts were fun.

End the madness.

Just in case you wondered. I’m a big tofu guy. Soy beans ftw.

I’m due for a new hoody. I’ve used my old red one for over five years. These are the best. I hope the quality is as good as it was.


Cool cat with big brain.

So true.

Funny. And also true.

Just. Keep. Going.

OYB! This had a special meaning for me this morning because of the Covid scare our family was experiencing.

Just a little more each day.

It’s the little words that get you.

I let people know what was going one. Bill and Piper are on our board.

We got the results in this morning. My heart was pumping when I read the news.

NEGATIVE! The last time I took this test I wasn’t so lucky. I took two tests. BOTH came in negative.

Kathy’s results were tied to mine, but my results came in for both names. I had to go back to the testing clinic to get it sorted out.

Went to Goodwill to do some shopping for Everly’s birthday party tomorrow. I saw this guy there. It kilt me.

I got a new hat. I like it! It’s not a true Ecuadorian fedora, but it’s still groovy. I’ll start really looking for them at every Goodwill I go to now.

Ate some Mexican food to celebrate the lack of Covid, then to the Dollar Tree to look for supplies for the party. Everly wanted unicorn stuff.

I got Everly a variety of stuff. At her age, she’s into a LOT of stuff rather than just one big thing. I’ll leave the big stuff to others. I also got Penelope tons of stuff too. While at Goodwill I got Everly a little pink scooter I think she’ll like.

I spent probably an hour wrapping every single thing. That’s what they love to do, unwrap stuff. I also got balloons. I’ll pick up the ice cream cake tomorrow.

I rested most of the afternoon. I may not have covid, but I’m still not feeling my normal tiger tank self. Been sneezing a lot and tired. Slept an hour at least. I’ll probably go to bed early as well.

Released a new episode of Verbal Surgery called, “Now Time.” So good.

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